h Printed Electronics Europe 2015 | Konferenz
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Printed Electronics Europe 2015

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Knüpfen Sie geschäftliche Kontakte auf der internationalen Veranstaltung, die sich mit der Vermarktung von gedruckter, organischer und flexibler Elektronik beschäfftigt.

Unsere Mission

  • Fokus auf die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse der Endnutzer: Fallstudien, Anforderungen, Möglichkeiten

  • Analyse der aktuellen Technologie- und Produktentwicklungen: Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Kosten

  • Analyse und Bewertung der Marktlage: Rentabilität, Marktentwicklung

  • Kommen Sie mit vielen Experten aus allen Bereichen der Wertschöpfungskette in Kontakt


Vorträge durch eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen wie


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Highlights der Aussteller: Printed Electronics Europe 2014 | Berlin, 1-2 April

Im diesem Jahr werden etwa 2000 Teilnehmer unsere Veranstaltung besuchen, um den Überblick in diesem schnell wachsenden Markt zu behalten und einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Unser Ziel ist es stets nah am Markt und den Endnutzern zu sein.

Insbesondere organische, anorganische, dünnschichtige und flexible Nanotechnologien sind schon lange ein Kernthema unserer Arbeit. Aus diesem Grund präsentieren sich einige der weltweit größten Unternehmen aus dem Gebiet der gedruckten Elektronik auf unseren Veranstaltungen.

Event highlights

End user forum

World first announcements

Co-located Events


Learn what users need through a diverse range of case studies and question a panel of end users on their needs and experiences.


Hear from leading global organisations with new announcements.


Attendees can access all the conference track and co-located tradeshow.





The co-located tradeshow runs alongside the conference tracks and takes place on 28 & 29 April It will showcase over 150 exhibiting companies from around the world, many demonstrating printed electronics in action.


The world's largest collection of printed, organic and flexible electronics all displayed on the tradeshow floor. See what has already been produced and what is possible.


Manufacturing Street on the tradeshow floor brings together organisations who will make devices in front of you, showcasing the different options and techniques.





Printed Electronics Europe 2015 will take advantage of being located in Berlin - a centre of excellence for organic and printed electronics by hosting tours to some of the leading companies working on the technology in this region.


Have your questions answered by industry experts in interactive consultancy-style sessions which will bring you up to date with the topics.


Conference Sessions

End user sessions will cover the following market verticals:

Consumer Packaged Goods     Healthcare     Consumer Electronics
Consumer Electronics Architecture and the build environment Textiles

Covering competitive technology appraisal, the hot topics and the taboo:

Future of Transparent Conductors     Flexible and Stretchable Electronics     System Integration
OLED versus LED Lighting Logic and Memory Bistable Display Technology
The Energy Storage Gold Rush Printed Conductors Printed Electronics Manufacturing
OLED Displays Paper Electronics 3D Printing
Energy Harvesting Global Market Analysis Actuators
Photovoltaics Touch Sensors and Screens Sensor Technology
Wearable Technologies   Internet of Things    

More than a conference and tradeshow

In addition, IDTechEx analysts, who have been tracking these technologies for more than twelve years, would be delighted to have 1 to 1 meetings with you to help you understand the topic and your opportunities. Be part of Europe's leading event on the topic to understand the applications and emerging technologies, and meet customers, partners and suppliers to do business.

What is Printed Electronics

Printed Electronics is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world. It is of vital interest to industries as diverse as consumer goods, healthcare, aerospace, electronics, media and transit. It is allowing electronics to be used in places it has never been before and it is improving existing electronics and electrics. This event, attended by more buyers than any other, is your information and networking hub on the topic. The international tradeshow, with more than 150 exhibitors, covers all the technologies throughout the entire supply chain across all major component types.

Feedback from past attendees:

I think this show is one of the best tools to bridge the gap between industry capabilities and end users' needs, to have technology and solutions find a common path
Coveme (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)

Very interesting, a great opportunity to exchange in the same day with R&D, startup, production and user companies!
DECATHLON SA (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)

As always, great organisation, interesting talks and a wide variety. The combination with Energy Harvesting and Storage was very useful. It gave insight in a different area.
Henkel (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)

This event provides access to the key decision makers we want to inform about our business.
Haydale Ltd (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)

It was a very good conference and tradeshow. There are lots of great information and outstanding speakers. Everyone, who interested in printing electronics and applications, should attend to the annual event of IDTechEx.
Hacettepe University Mechanical Engineering Department (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)

Good Event for gaining an overview of trends in printed electronics, IOT, energy harvesting and power management. Well organised.
Microdul AG (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)

Informative on both some new technology and market directions.
Ingersoll Machine Tools/EPFL (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)

It is a very informative event which tells the technology developers the trends of industry and market, so that people like me are more aware of where to put our R&D efforts.
Suzhou Institute of Nanotech (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)

We were delighted to join Printed Electronics Europe 2014. As a start-up company, we have been participating to IDTechEx exhibitions as speaker and exhibitions since creation of company. These events gave us unique opportunities to give worldwide visibility for our disruptive technology and meet integrators and leading OEM companies. We very much like focus of IDTechEx on applications and markets. This is the way for Printed Electronics industry to move from R&D to volume business and convince investors and OEM companies to adopt these new and exciting technologies.
ISORG (attended Printed Electronics Europe 2014)