Creating Business from Printed Electronics
13 - 14 May 2020 Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany


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Each Masterclass session will provide you with:
  • Key players, progress, innovations, case studies and forecasts
  • Complete mapping of technologies and markets
  • Printed copies of the presentations
  • Impartial business intelligence delivered by IDTechEx expert analysts
Spaces are limited!

Attendee Feedback

"Good blend of technology, market landscape and customer application examples." - Henkel Corporation
"Good overview combined with sensible insights and a welcome dose of reality." - Wittra
"We appreciated the detailed technical information." - Nitto Europe
"The masterclass covered the most recent topics for organic materials, showing recent applications and theoretical aspects." - CYNORA GmbH
"The masterclass has many new technology introductions and I collected a lot of information - this is very useful!" - Xinyuan Electronics
"Very technical and a lot of hands-on knowledge shared. Really nice class." - Microdul

Masterclass schedule

Dr Luyun Jiang
Technology Analyst

1: Biosensors for Health Diagnostics

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  • Typical configurations for biosensors in the healthcare market
  • A critical view of the sector, technologies and industry trends
  • Emerging technologies for the next generation of medical biosensors
Biosensors are used prolifically across the global healthcare market for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases and health conditions such as diabetes, cancer and infectious diseases. Due to the increasing global population, as well as a growing trend of decentralisation and technological advancement, the total addressable market for medical biosensors is expected to grow markedly over the next ten years. This masterclass will detail these factors and draw conclusions on the impact they will likely have on the global medical biosensor market. Opportunities for capitalizing on current and upcoming trends will be outlined, including discussion of the likely areas of expansion in the addressable market for biosensors in healthcare.
The topics covered are:
  • Overview of biosensor technologies
  • Point of care biosensors
  • Case study: biosensors for diabetes management
  • Point of care molecular diagnostics (genetic testing)
  • Connectivity and business models for biosensors
  • Key trends and disruptions to the market
This masterclass will provide a critical analysis of incumbent and emerging biosensor technologies in the context of the whole market, and how the competitive landscape is expected to change over the next decade.
Dr Xiaoxi He
Research Director, Topic Lead

2: Flexible, Printed Batteries and Solid State Batteries

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Since the first introduction by Sony in 1990s, lithium-ion batteries have become one of the most familiar and common battery technologies in our life. The technologies involved are relatively mature and the facilities are in place. With the expansion of existing manufacturing plants by battery giants such as Samsung SDI, LG Chem and Panasonic, economy of scale has been achieved.
However, with so many advantages, the improvement of lithium-ion batteries is slow compared with other electronic components, both in terms of performance and cost reduction. The liquid electrolyte used in the traditional lithium-ion batteries may cause serious safety concerns.
In addition, with the development of wearable devices, printed electronics, internet of things (IoT), robotics and electric vehicles, batteries with more features, more powerful performances and lower costs are required. Those factors have motivated players to find bigger opportunities.
Therefore, the battery industry is explored based on a number of different dimensions. Interests have been aroused in:
  • Thin-film batteries (based on thickness)
  • Micro-batteries and large-area batteries (based on size)
  • Flexible batteries (based on mechanical properties)
  • Special-shape batteries (based on form factors)
  • Printed batteries (based on manufacturing methods)
  • Solid-state, lithium anode, silicon anode batteries (based on materials)
  • Energy storage system (ESS) and electric vehicle (EV) applications (based on applications)
All the areas listed above indicate new opportunities. Those areas may be influenced by each other and may have some overlap. For instance, batteries with better technologies may be used in ESS and EV applications, providing better safety and better performance. A thin-film battery is also flexible, and can be made by printing, or based on all solid-state components, or be very small. Market growth of these areas is affected by the costs. Except the last one (ESS and EV applications), the others are also limited significantly by technology maturity.
This masterclass will focus on several angles from those listed above: battery thickness, battery mechanical properties, battery manufacturing method and battery materials, especially on flexible, thin-film, printed and solid-state batteries. The following bullet points will be addressed in the masterclass:
  • Technologies for flexible, thin-film and printed batteries
  • Technologies for solid-state batteries
  • Their corresponding value propositions and challenges
  • Development and progress
  • Market status
  • Applications and case studies
  • Players working in the relevant areas
Dr Jonathan Harrop

3: Introduction to 3D Printing: Hardware, Software, Applications & Market Opportunity

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  • Key technologies and markets explained
  • End-user needs explored
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends mapped
Designed for those who are new to these disruptive technologies, to understand the big picture and to assess the challenges and opportunities, this masterclass will arm you with knowledge of the latest developments in 3D printing applications and technologies. The class will cover:
Market Landscape and Business Intelligence
  • Existing and emerging applications of 3D printing
  • Value and supply chains and market drivers
  • Current market size and future market opportunity, with 10 year forecasts
  • Unmet needs and opportunities
Technology Appraisal
Analysts will cover each of the following technology options; the advantages and disadvantages of each; case studies; applications; suppliers and manufacturers; costs; technical challenges and opportunities:
  • Thermoplastic Extrusion
  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
  • Stereolithography (SLA)
  • Digital Light Processing (DLP)
  • Ink-Jetting
  • Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
  • Blown Powder
  • Welding
This masterclass provides you with a full assessment of this complex and rapidly changing technology.
Raghu Das

4: Introduction to Printed Electronics: Assessment of Technologies and Applications

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  • All key technologies and markets analyzed
  • End-user needs: case studies and market drivers
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends
Designed for those who seek to understand the big picture to assess the challenges and opportunities in relation to printed, flexible and organic electronics, this masterclass will arm you with the latest knowledge of the applications and technology developments involving printed electronics. The class will cover:
Market Appraisal
  • Actual uses of printed, flexible and organic electronics so far
  • Trends by territory
  • Value and supply chain and market drivers
  • Current market size and future market opportunity, with 10 year forecasts
Technology Appraisal
Analysts will cover how each of the following technology options work; the advantages and disadvantages of each; market size and forecasts; case studies; suppliers; costs; technical and market challenges and opportunities:
  • Displays (OLEDs, electrophoretic, electroluminescent, electrochromic)
  • OLED lighting
  • Thin film transistor circuits (organic, inorganic semiconductors, thin film silicon)
  • Sensors
  • Conductive inks
  • Batteries and actuators
  • Photovoltaics
  • A review of manufacturing technologies
This masterclass provides you with a full assessment of this complex and rapidly changing technology from analysts that have studied the topic since 2002.
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director
Dr Matthew Dyson
Principal Technology Analyst

5: Materials for Printed, Flexible & Organic Electronics

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  • Assessment of the complex material landscape that provide "active" functionality
  • Application requirements, latest material progress and unmet needs
  • Key suppliers and global trends
  • Covering quantum dots, conductive ink, graphene, organic semiconductors, transparent conductive films and more
The printed electronics industry is largely being driven forward by innovation in materials. In fact, the material end of the value is currently where most of the action and value is. Every large material and chemical company in the world is involved and the business landscape is full of SMEs and start-ups hoping to commercialize their latest innovative materials.
The advanced material space is inevitably highly diverse and complex. On the technical side, printable materials must fulfil a variety of roles ranging from conducting to insulating, rigid to stretchable, transparent to light-emitting, screen to inkjet printing, thermal to photo-curing, etc.
On the commercial side, printable materials must satisfy the challenging performance and price requirements exacted by devices, applications, and markets that fall under the greater umbrella term of 'printed electronics'. This is a diverse and broad group that includes displays and lighting, photovoltaics, transistors and memory, smart packaging, etc
The materials business remains the most exciting, dynamic, and innovative part of the printed electronics industry. In this class, we have selected some of the most important and/or promising materials of the printed electronics industry. For each material, we will describe the business context within which it competes, the latest technological progress, the primary application requirements, and the critical technical and business challenges facing the suppliers.
Materials Covered
  • Conductive inks (silver flake/powder/nano, copper, etc)
  • Graphene and carbon nanotubes
  • Transparent conductive film materials (ITO, PEDOT, silver nanowires, CNTs, Ag nanoparticles, etc)
  • Quantum dots
  • OTFT and MO-TFT materials
  • Printed sensor materials
  • Organic materials for OPVs and OLEDs
Market and Technology Assessment
For each material above, we will describe the technological as well as the commercial aspects. More specifically, the following will be assessed:
  • The overall market trends/forecasts and business dynamics
  • Latest state-of-the-art performance/cost levels and desired performance levels by application
  • Material deposition options
  • Critical technical challenges
  • Key suppliers
This session is based on IDTechEx research conducted on advanced functional materials since 1999, in addition to world class academic experts.
Luke Gear
Principal Technology Analyst
James Hayward
Research Director, Topic Lead
Dr Richard Collins
Research Director, North America Lead

6: Smart Materials for Structural Electronics

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  • Introduction, applications, and market drivers for structural and conformal electronics
  • Technical assessments of the enabling materials and components required
  • An in-depth dive into 3D electronics, including in-mold electronics
  • Case studies, trends, key suppliers and market outlook
Structural electronics (SE) is one of the most important technological developments of this century. The topic involves electronic and/or electrical components and circuits that act as load-bearing, protective, or integrated structures. This can take the form of completely replacing "dumb" structures or having the electronics conformally placed upon them.
A key focus will be the competitive route into introducing electronics into 3D structures. This includes In-mold electronics (IME), molded interconnect devices (MID), 3D printing of electronics (3DPE), and aerosol jet printing. Each have differing complexity, players, and ultimately applications, which will be explored within this class.
The class will expand into other areas where electronics can be included into structural or semi-structural applications, such as the use of smart skins in transportation, sensors for failure detection in the energy sector, opportunities for solar in windows, and full design rethinks as concepts like "massless energy" are explored.
This will cover topics such as:
  • 3D printed electronics
    • In-Mold Electronics (IME)
    • Molded interconnect devices (MID)
    • 3D printed electronics (3DPE)
    • Aerosol jet printing
  • Sensors for structural health monitoring (SHM)
  • Embedded energy harvesting, energy storage, and data transmission
  • Smart Surfaces
Global trends and the market outlook is provided based on new IDTechEx research on the topic matter.
Dr Richard Collins
Research Director, North America Lead

7: Introduction to Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes & Non-Graphene 2D Materials

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Graphene is billed as the wonder material of our time. It has received tremendous media attention and is the recipient of large sums of research and commercialization funds. Today, an army of researchers around the global is advancing the technology, whilst numerous companies are now seeking to commercialize it.
In this class, we will look at the past, the present and the future of graphene commercialization, looking at the market complexity/fragmentation, pricing as well as investment/revenue/profitability trends, go-to-market strategies, grand technical and commercial challenges, and so on.
We will then examine the graphene technology itself, looking at the material characteristics of different graphenes, reviewing the different production processes, and assessing a big range of potential applications from electronic inks to battery materials, from various composite fillers to functional coatings. At all times, we will seek to highlight the latest prototypes and commercial launches, whilst making our application assessment as data-based and quantitative as possible.
Non-graphene 2D Materials are also now at the forefront of the next wave of research with many hoping that it will lead to the establishment of a diverse family of complementary 2D materials covering the full range of material characteristics. In this class, we will highlight some of the ways for making non-graphene 2D materials whilst reviewing the latest technical progress on a few select 2D materials.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were also once billed as the wonder material of our time. They have therefore been there and done that, and interestingly, CNTs are now quietly making a commercial comeback after doing their time in the wilderness of the disillusionment period.
In this class, we will provide a historical perspective on how CNT commercialization has progressed in the past decade, and will consider its future, demonstrating that it has finally entered into a major volume growth phase. Here too, we will provide a brief review of types of CNTs, of the different production processes, and of the key existing and emerging applications and market trends.
It is hoped that this class will give you a strong understanding of the technology as well as the market potential and current commercial progress of these most famous of nanomaterials.
James Hayward
Research Director, Topic Lead
Dr Charlotte Coles
Technology Analyst

8: Introduction to Wearables: Technologies, Players, Markets

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  • A critical view of the sector
  • The range of applications and market trends
  • Emerging technologies for the next wearable devices
Wearable technologies has become the new hot topic. Indeed, it is estimated that the total addressable market will grow to $100 billion in the next decade. But while many are targeting healthcare applications, few have actually succeeded. In this context, it is necessary to have a critical look at the market trends, and to assess what it means in terms of growth and profitability.
On the technology side, most of the existing products leverage the components that have been developed over the years for the mobile phone industry. However, there are exciting new technologies coming up, from flexible displays to biometric sensors. This session will introduce the new materials and technologies that will enable future wearable devices.
This session will cover:
  • The current range of wearable electronic products
  • Applications in healthcare and infotainment
  • Risks and challenges
  • The key enabling technologies for next-gen devices
  • Potential market size and opportunities
Dr Alex Holland
Principal Technology Analyst
Daniele Gatti
Technology Analyst

9: Li-ion & Post Li-ion: Materials, Technologies & Markets

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  • An introduction to battery basics and why LiBs are the best energy storage technology on the market today.
  • Attendees will learn about the difference between all the major anode and cathode materials (graphite, silicon, LTO, lithium metal, LCO, NMC, NCA, LFP).
  • A thorough overview of the LiB industry will give information on opportunities in the supply chain, as well as critical points in terms of the value chain.
  • Attendees will also gain an insight into IDTechEx's opinion on battery diversification, which will answer questions like: what LiB technologies will be used in forklifts and drones?
  • Attendees will learn about the working principle, the material components, and the main chemistries of redox flow batteries, with focus on vanadium and its market.
  • Attendees will see what differentiates LiBs from emerging battery technologies such as lithium-sulphur and sodium-ion.
Tumbling battery costs have gradually opened up portable electronics markets that simply did not exist a decade ago: the next logical step is large-scale vehicle electrification. IDTechEx has been following electric vehicles from their very inception and it is clear that we will witness a revolution in the transport sector sooner than previously thought.
On the materials development side, the trend is towards faster, safer and more energy-dense batteries. These three factors are at odds with each other, meaning that battery makers will only adopt certain electrode or electrolyte chemistries once all of the underlying problems have been solved. This is the case of sulphur cathode and solid-state electrolytes, but also silicon-dominant anode materials.
In terms of manufacturing, there is a strong uncertainty over the reliable supply of some raw materials, like lithium and cobalt; others like graphite are experiencing a shift from natural to synthetic sources. After years of dominance in battery manufacturing by Japan and Korea, China is now leading in terms of added production capacity, with some companies claiming to be able to manufacture up to 100 GWh/year within the next few years.
While the spotlight is often on automotive vehicles, there are many more interesting markets undergoing a transition, including niche sectors like industrial vehicles, mining vehicles, drones, and marine vessels. Each market has different performance specifications, and LiBs will adapt to each case scenario.
Li-ion batteries are currently dominating the stationary energy storage market as well but Redox Flow Batteries (RFBs) are gradually increasing their market-share. Flow battery adoption is currently limited by their high initial capital cost, leading the main players in the sector to adopt different business models. Lithium-air batteries and drop-in technologies like sodium-ion and are also being investigated, but they are still at an early stage.
Dr Jonathan Harrop

10: Materials for 3D Printing: Polymers, Metals, Composites and Ceramics

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  • Key 3D printing materials and new material opportunities
  • Applications and end-user needs
  • Ten year forecasts to 2030 by material type
This masterclass will arm you with the latest knowledge of 3D printing materials - what exists, what is coming and what is needed. Learn what the key players are offering, areas of research and development activity, trends and market sizing. Specifically, the masterclass will cover:
Material Appraisal: Current and Emerging
Analysts will appraise each of the following types of materials for 3D printing:
  • Photopolymers
  • Thermoplastic filament
  • Thermoplastic powder
  • Metal powder
  • Ceramic powders
  • Sand + binder
  • Welding wire
  • Plaster
  • Graphene
  • Emerging materials
They will cover the advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing with each, key suppliers, costs, performance specifications and limitations, and the impact of new emerging options.
Material Market Appraisal
  • How existing and emerging applications are dependent on materials properties
  • Need for new materials and opportunities for materials development
  • Current market size for materials by value and volume
  • Future material market opportunity with ten-year forecasts
This masterclass provides you with a full assessment of this complex and rapidly changing subject.
Raghu Das

11: Printing Technologies for Electronic Applications: 2D and 3D Printed Electronics

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  • Assessment of each printing technology type
  • Current and emerging applications by printing type with case studies
  • Post-print processing
This masterclass assesses the range of printing and non-printing manufacturing options for printed, organic and flexible electronics. Attendees will learn about the technology capabilities, market applicability, key players, trends and opportunities. The class will cover:
Current Structure, Market Size, and Forecasts
  • The value chain and opportunities in equipment supply
  • Market detail: how much is and will be printed
Printing Technology and Application Assessment
The following printing types will be covered:
  • Screen printing
  • Inkjet printing
  • Aerosol printing
  • Flexo printing (and offset)
  • Gravure printing (and offset)
  • Nano imprinting and transfer printing
  • Coating systems (slot die)
  • 3D printed electronics and competing technologies
For each type, the session will cover:
  • Printing capability (speed, resolution, uniformity, cost etc.) and material suitability
  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats assessment
  • Suitability to different applications - existing and future
  • Detailed case studies and learnings from printing commercial printed electronics products
  • Key players
Post-print processing
  • Assessment of curing/sintering options
This session is partly based on IDTechEx research of over 100 relevant suppliers.
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director
Dr Xiaoxi He
Research Director, Topic Lead

12: Quantum Dot and MicroLED Displays: Emerging Display Technologies

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This masterclass discusses emerging displays including microLED displays and QD-based displays.
Quantum Dots (QDs) are a growing commercial and development frontier in the display industry. Nearly all major displays manufacturers have successfully deployed them as remote color converters in LCDs to widen the color gamut. The QD technology however is changing both at the level of materials, deposition techniques, and integration methods.
In this class, we first introduce the basics of quantum dot materials, outlining their key characteristics and performance metrics. We here consider Cd as well as Cd-free alternatives such as InP, organic or inorganic perovskite QDs, and others. We show the state-of-the art performance levels as well as the improvement trends of these material compositions. Furthermore, we highlight key material shortcomings and highlight and discuss emerging technology developments needs and directions. We cover market trends and relate all performance metrics/levels and technical development needs to application requirements.
We then consider how QDs deliver value in displays and how they are integrated in displays. Here, we consider the technology roadmap, examining edge optic (obsolete), enhancement film (growing), direct-on-glass-integration, color-filter-on-LCD or OLEDs (emerging), direct on-chip (emerging), as well as emissive solution-processed QLED. In all cases, we describe the technology, discuss the current commercial and state-of-the art status, outline the technical and commercial challenge that still need to be addressed, and offer insights about future developments.
MicroLED Displays:
From mature LCD displays to OLED displays, large OEMs have started to show tremendous interests in a self-emissive display technology: microLED displays. Enabled by the combination of LEDs, backplanes and mass transfer techniques, microLED displays are considered to be the next-generation display technology with their value propositions such as long lifetime, low power consumption, high luminance, high contrast, wide color gamut, transparency, sensor integration capability, etc. The supply chain is immature and many technical details are still be discussed. In this part we will give the attendees an introduction of micro-display, focusing the following aspects:
  • Technology approaches including epitaxy, mass transfer, driving, full colour solutions, etc.
  • Supply chain
  • Market status and players
Dr Charlotte Coles
Technology Analyst

13: Augmented, Virtual, & Mixed Reality: Technologies, Markets & Trends

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  • A deeper dive into an exciting technological market
  • Discussion of the different types of devices and their applications
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends
XR products captured the consumers imagination during the early 2010's with the release of various devices, for example Google Glass in 2013. In the decade since, there have been a wide range of applications for such devices, from gaming, uses in education, to enterprise such as remote assistance and hands-free working. Technology advances have driven smaller, faster, and more powerful devices for users. The next decade promises many new and exciting products, allowing a more immersive experience for users.
One of the more well-known, consumer uses of VR headsets, is in gaming applications. Companies such as Oculus, HTC, and Sony, have created a range of products which consumers can use for a total immersive gaming experience. However, there are also other applications for XR products. For example, in workplace and enterprise environments, with applications such as remote assistance and workplace training. In particular, AR and MR products are being used in manufacturing and industry to increase worker efficiency and help guide new workers through complicated workflows with augmented guidance.
Augmented, virtual and mixed reality are in a market which has received high levels of funding in the previous decade and will continue to grow in the future. It is also a technology which will impact many different aspects of day-to-day life in both non-consumer and consumer environments. This masterclass aims to provide a deeper dive into this exciting, growing, market.
This masterclass introduces the three types of XR (cross reality): Augmented (AR), Virtual (VR) and Mixed (MR) realities. Attendees will learn about the key technologies the devices use, the range of different devices currently available, applications of XR and current trends and opportunities.
The research discussed in this class is based from IDTechEx's database of 100 products and details of over 80 companies. Some of the key topics covered are:
  • An introduction to the terminology and device types covered by the XR market umbrella.
  • A breakdown of the applications of VR, AR and MR devices.
  • A summary of the key players in each device area.
  • Case studies of headsets through device iterations.
  • Technological trends of headsets - e.g weight, display type (OLED/LCoS etc), optics, resolution - and what factors influence each of these trends.
  • 10 year forecasts for each device area.
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director
Dr Inge van der Meulen
Product Development Manager
Henkel Electronic Materials

14: Conductive Inks/Pastes: Technologies & Emerging Applications

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  • All key technologies and markets assessed
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends
Conductive Inks and Pastes
The conductive ink and paste business is one of the largest in the printed electronics space. Indeed, conductive inks have commercially roared ahead whilst many more complex and higher profile forms of printed electronics devices/systems have struggled.
Conductive ink and paste technology is also wonderfully adaptive, enabling it to continually rejuvenate itself to stay relevant and enabling it to find markets in all manners of applications from textiles to military equipment.
This is also a market where everything has changed since 2014. The market leadership in traditional volume markets has changed hands with previously low-cost low-quality suppliers rising to the top. The paste manufacturers are now all in search of new emerging markets in the hope that future growth in some will compensate for the decline or the loss of market share in the traditional sectors. Consequently, most paste makers have hugely diversified their product offerings addressing a diverse array of nascent markets each with a different set of technology and market challenges/opportunities. These are exciting times in the conductive ink business.
In our masterclass we will cover the main existing and emerging conductive ink and paste technologies such as firing-type pastes, PTFs, nanoparticle inks, particle free inks and silver substitutes such as various copper ink technologies.
We will then cover a broad range of conductive ink applications, giving our attendees a comprehensive understanding of core/existing and emerging markets. In particular, we will focus on applications which are most relevant to the themes of our conferences. These include:
  • Photovoltaics
  • Touch screen edge electrodes
  • Transparent conducting films (hybrid and direct printing)
  • Stretchable inks in e-textile and related applications
  • In Mold Electronics
  • Conformal package-level EMI shielding
  • 3D metallization (e.g., 3D antennas)
  • PCB prototyping and production
  • Printed sensors
  • Sintered die attach paste
  • Other (automotive, printed TFTs, OLED lighting, etc)
James Hayward
Research Director, Topic Lead

15: E-Textiles & Smart Clothing

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  • Assessment and progress of electronic and electrical materials on textiles
  • Details of the full value chain, from materials and components to manufacturing and products
  • Application and product overview for e-textiles, including both apparel and non-apparel products
  • Key players and market forecasts (discussed as case studies throughout)
This masterclass will provide a comprehensive overview of this topic, discussing the entire value chain and product landscape. The class is structured following the value chain, starting with material choices. Typical material choices by substrate type will be shared, including discussion of the challenges around washability, wear resistance, contact resistances, and so on. This links closely with manufacturing processes, of which many different options are available (from printed electronics, to textile processes such as knitting, embroidery and weaving, to traditional electronics manufacturing processes).
In addition to these technology details, this masterclass will cover application needs for electronic textile products. The majority of case studies in this sector are related to apparel; fitting closely with the "wearable technology" space, we will discuss the different application sectors which are being explored and will look at how these products are currently measuring up against various competitive options. We will also look at a variety of non-apparel e-textile products, of which there is an increasing number today. Again, we will look at the potential application areas and opportunities in this area.
This class is built on over 5 years of continuous research from IDTechEx, including site visits and interviews with many of the leading players. Many of these companies will be mentioned throughout the class as specific case studies. The full list of case studies and sections covered by IDTechEx can be seen in the IDTechEx report on E-textiles, which forms the basis of much of the content in this class.
Luke Gear
Principal Technology Analyst
Dr David Wyatt
Senior Technology Analyst
Dr Na Jiao
Technology Analyst

16: Electric Vehicles: Market Overview & Trends Across Land, Sea & Air

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Key takeaways:
  • Peak car: what, why, when
  • Regional market developments and technology trends for electric cars
  • A comprehensive analysis of electric vehicle markets beyond cars (Vans, Trucks, Buses, Boats & Ships, Aircraft)
  • End-of-life: maximising value with second-life battery applications
Teething problems are emerging as policymakers around the world transition from carrot to stick to grow electric vehicle markets. Despite several years of accelerated growth, China, the world's top auto market, saw a decline in its new energy vehicle sales in 2019. At the same time, overall passenger car sales seem to have reached a tipping point, peaking in 2017.
While short term growth of the overall car market is expected, it will be short lived as major economies become increasingly urbanised and populations choose not to own cars privately amid the rise of low-cost autonomous ride-hailing (particularly in younger demographics).
As a result, companies throughout the value chain must look to profitable opportunities away from the imminent car shakeout. Starting with IDTechEx's 20-year outlook on electric cars and 'peak car' scenarios, this masterclass sets the stage for the following two days of conference by providing a detailed overview of multiple categories on land, sea, and air with a view to transferable technologies, outlook for electrification, and the changing market landscape.
Raghu Das
Dr Matthew Dyson
Principal Technology Analyst
Dr Simon Johnson
Chief Technologist-Printable Electronics
Centre for Process Innovation (CPI)

17: Flexible & Hybrid Electronics: Materials & Manufacturing Processes

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  • Assessment of substrates, interconnection technologies and materials enabling flexible and hybrid electronics
  • Thinned silicon components and component attach options
  • Applications and case studies
Flexible, Hybrid Electronics encompasses the combination of conventional electronic components and/or flexible/printed components onto flexible substrates. Often multiple components need to be integrated with different profiles, form factors and sizes. The use of flexible substrates also means that lower temperature attachment processes are preferred, but that can result in challenges around conductivity and reliability. All of these issues and the emerging solutions - from both a manufacturing and materials viewpoint - are covered in this masterclass.
The session opens with examples of flexible hybrid devices and their applications. It then provides a deep dive on the appropriate technology areas, covering:
Flexible Substrates
Substrates bring robustness and can enable flexibility, but at the same time place substantial constraints on the manufacturing process (e.g., thermal budget, dimensional stability) in a way that they can largely determine device performance. Many plastic solutions are now being offered such as PET and PEN but also paper-based substrates are increasingly gaining attention. This session considers the main substrates for flexible hybrid electronics, with appraisal of their relative performance, cost, capabilities, limitations and current and intended applications.
Flexible ICs
Analysis of thinned, flexible silicon ICs and progress with other types of flexible ICs, including metal oxide semiconductor based devices is given. Manufacturing options are covered with examples of applications.
Component Attach Manufacturing Solutions
In this session the main types of component attach solutions are covered, including pick and place, flip chip, direct wafer-to-substrate assembly and other types. The applications for each are given, along with challenges and future progress. The key providers are listed.
Component Attach Materials / Conductive Adhesives
This section appraises the key options used for component attach, from conductive adhesives to other emerging types including low temperature solder.
Dr Xiaoxi He
Research Director, Topic Lead
Dr Luyun Jiang
Technology Analyst

18: Sensor Innovations: Gas, Imaging, Optical, Biometric, Biomedical

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This class will look at the emerging technological trends enabled by next generation sensors in four areas. The class will focus on the key application areas that will undergo large-scale change over the next decade with sensors as the key enabling technology. Whilst end results and applications are varied, the sensing technologies used in each of these sectors have inherent similarities. This class brings these topics together around their component-level building blocks, describing the broad application opportunities available to players in these fields.
The topics covered are:
  • Environmental gas sensors
  • Imaging sensors
  • Optical sensors
  • Biometric sensors
  • Biosensors
This masterclass will provide an overview of key technologies used today in the above-mentioned areas, with particular focus on detection principles, commercial development status, market analysis and future trends. The speaker will detail the technologies, challenges, and opportunities in relevant applications. The following points will be addressed:
  • Technology and industry trends for next-generation sensor types
  • Contextual examples outlining application challenges and opportunities
  • Supplier and industry trends
Dr Luyun Jiang
Technology Analyst

19: 5G: Technologies, Applications, Material Opportunities

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  • Complex landscape explained and analyzed
  • Technology capabilities and innovations
  • Market opportunities
  • Ten-year forecasts
The arrival of global 5th Generation Wireless Systems (5G) is imminent. 5G will not only accelerate the growth and expansion of the telecom industry but it will also redefine and accelerate industries such as automotive, entertainment, computing, and manufacturing. How to benefit directly from the massive market opportunity of 5G, set a task for all business leaders and those responsible for business innovation.
This masterclass will provide a holistic view of 5G from various perspectives, including:
  • Key features
  • Technology innovations
  • Key trends in 5G
  • Standardization
  • Global roll-out
  • NB-IoT
In this forum we will identify the market opportunities in 5G by assessing the case study, key players, successes, failures and market size for each of the following:
  • Materials for hardware
  • Infrastructure
  • User equipment
  • 5G services and vertical applications
Ten-year forecasts across a range of market segments will be provided with key trends and unmet needs covered throughout the session.
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director
Dr Na Jiao
Technology Analyst

20: Autonomous Vehicles, 3D Lidars & 4D Imaging Radars: Markets, Trends & Technology Analysis

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Key takeaways:
  • Complex landscape and market trends analysed
  • Key sensor technologies: cameras, lidars and radars
  • Market players
  • 20-year market forecast
The arrival of autonomous driving will revolutionise the way people travel. Autonomous cars could liberate people from the driving tasks and potentially enhance road safety and efficiency. Autonomous driving (AD) will also improve travel convenience for those who are unable to drive. Currently the autonomous driving system cost is still very high but with the growing maturity of key technologies such as lidars, radars, cameras, artificial intelligence (AI) software and specialized computers, it is expected the cost of autonomous cars will drop significantly in the coming decade.
Mobility services enabled by autonomous driving technology, which allows fleet operators to eliminate the biggest operation cost - the human driver - will offer a cheaper alternative to purchasing and owning a private car. In the next two decades, we expect mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) will grow rapidly to meet the increasing travel demand and in the meanwhile gradually replace private driving. In this class, we will address the peak-car scenario in the context of autonomous MaaS adoption and how it is going to impact on the automotive industry. Key market players in autonomous driving will be analysed with their latest developments introduced.
Perception technology is critical for ADAS and high-level autonomy. The required sensor suite can be diverse, including camera vision, night vision, lidar, and radar. In this class, we cover the following:
Camera: we briefly touch upon various emerging camera technologies that are expected to support ADAS and high-level autonomy functions. These include high-res global shutter camera technologies, and NIR and SWIR sensors using silicon or silicon-hybrid technologies
Lidars: we cover lidar technologies in depth. Here, we consider all the technology choices that must be made in making a lidar and explore their consequences. We cover various laser source and photodetector technologies. We discuss, in length, the various existing and emerging beam steering technologies that exist today. These include rotating mechanical, MEMS, optical phase array, flash, liquid crystal, and many others. We discuss the operation principle, the merits, the design and production challenges, the readiness level, and the current and potential performance level of each beam steering technology. We also discuss market trends, looking at investment trends segmented by technology options. Finally, we provide our technology roadmap, offering our view and insight into how the technology landscape will evolve in the next decade.
Radars: radar technology is already used in automotive to enable various ADAS function. In this talk, we consider multiple technology trends and their consequences. In particular, we examine the shift towards higher frequencies, the shift towards small-node CMOS or SOI technology, high on-chip function integration, trends in packaging technologies, substrate material requirements, and the rise of large antenna arrays. We consider how these emerging trends will improve the angular, range, and velocity performance of radars and densify their point clouds, enabling the training of deep learning algorithms. These trends will lead to 4D imaging radar which can be considered an alternative to lidars.
Raghu Das

21: Sensors: Flexible, Printed and Stretchable

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  • Flexible, printed and stretchable sensor technologies
  • Capacitive, force, biosensing, pressure, temperature, photodetectors, humidity and other sensors types covered
  • Key players, market sizes and latest trends
This masterclass will give an overview of sensors made with printed electronics processes. Participants will learn about the technology, target markets and value proposition of these devices. Areas where printing adds value will be outlined for each type of sensor (pressure, temperature, optical, touch, electrochemical, etc.). Advantages of flexible and stretchable sensors, as well as large-area sensors will also be covered and the leading companies in each segment will be presented.
During the session, IDTechEx will show the latest trends and identify the commercial opportunities. It will include:
1. The market size today and forecast
2. Detailed assessment of emerging printed sensor technologies including: capacitive, force, pressure, temperature, optical, gas and other sensor types. For each sensor type the following will be provided:
  • Assessment of technology capabilities
  • Key materials used
  • Manufacturing process
  • Key players
  • Applications
  • Market size and outlook
Dr Richard Collins
Research Director, North America Lead
Dr James Edmondson
Principal Technology Analyst

22: Thermal Management for EVs: Batteries, Motors, Power Electronics

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  • Technology assessment, key players
  • Materials and manufacturing
  • Current methods and emerging technologies
  • Current market and forecast
With the growing market for electric vehicles, the topic of thermal management becomes increasingly important. Greater demand is being put on electric vehicles in terms of performance and faster charging, with this comes an increase in the requirement to thermally manage the vehicle effectively. This includes not just performance and longevity requirements but also safety.
This masterclass will cover thermal management technologies currently used throughout the battery pack, the power electronics and the motors in electric vehicles as well as emerging technologies in these fields. In addition to the technologies themselves, the market for each of these fields today will also be covered, along with forecasts for the future.
The masterclass topics are:
  • Thermal Management of Li-ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles
  • Emerging Technologies in Li-ion Battery Cooling
  • Thermal Interface Materials
  • Thermal Runaway Importance, Detection and Prevention
  • Fire Safety and EMI Shielding
  • Thermal Management of Electric Motors
  • Thermal Management of Electric Vehicle Power Electronics
Dr Peter Harrop
Luke Gear
Principal Technology Analyst
Dr Na Jiao
Technology Analyst

23: Electric Traction Motors, Voltage Trends & Charging Infrastructure: Technologies, Constraints & Markets

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Key takeaways:
  • Introduction to electric traction motor technologies, advantages and constraints
  • Applications of electric traction motors across Land, Sea & Air
  • High-voltage mobility segments: where and why
  • Charging infrastructure: technologies and markets
Electric Motors
Range sells electric cars yet designing a vehicle with the largest possible kWh does not necessarily provide the greatest range. Improvements to powertrain components, such as motor efficiency, are just as pivotal as battery energy density gains for enabling OEMs to create attractive and competitive offerings. This is amplified by the fact that the largest cost component of electric vehicles increasingly shifts towards power electronics and electric motors, as battery prices tumble.
This masterclass provides an introduction and overview of current electric traction motor technology choices from leading OEMs, broken down by application across vehicle categories beyond cars. It will explore the constraints, the possibilities, key trends and provide a ten-year market outlook.
Voltage Trends
As electric vehicles penetrate more mobility segments, it becomes advantageous to move to higher voltages allowing smaller and lower cost electric motors, components, wiring and greater efficiency. The greatest swing is for pure electric vehicles, with many now at 600V - 800V, but full hybrids are also trending in the same direction to 200V - 400V.
At the other end of the spectrum, a new category emerges: the 48V full hybrid. The ultimate low hanging fruit, the 48V full hybrid system allows pure electric modes with the smallest and cheapest possible battery.
In this session, IDTechEx provides a deep dive into the latest voltage trends by application.
Charging Infrastructure
Electric vehicle producers have responded to consumers' range anxiety by increasing the available range per charge in their vehicles to more than 200 miles. However, ultimately the deployment of electric vehicles will depend on the ubiquity of chargers.
This session presents an overview of the markets and technologies for electric vehicle charging including conductive, inductive, and capacitive charging; charger topologies by different levels (Level 1 to Level 3); and the main adopted charging standards. The session will also review enabling technologies such as semiconductor technology, fast charging, battery swapping and robotic charging, which will have a role in new mobility paradigms.
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director

24: Flexible, Foldable, Printable Displays: Backplane, Touch, Encapsulation, Substrates, Polarizer & Hard Cover

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Flexible and foldable displays have finally arrived on the market. As a result, we are witnessing the creation of a new product category. So far we have seen the very first products and many more product iterations can be expected in the years to come. Indeed, we are now right at the beginning of the commercialization journey.
At IDTechEx we have been analysing the technology and market trends leading to this point for the past ten years. In this talk, we will help you understand this emerging technology landscape, assessing technology challenges and solutions across all layers of flexible and foldable displays.
To this end, we have developed a comprehensive class that will cover all the technologies that are supporting, and will support, the transition of displays from rigid to plastic to flexible and foldable. The outline of the class is as follows:
  • Evolution of flexible and foldable display prototypes and products over the past ten years
  • Market projections for rigid, plastic and flexible OLED displays
  • Substrate technology choices, current approaches, and possible future technology options
  • Backplane technologies options: a-Si, LTPS, amorphous oxides, organics, and so on. We will examine technology performance progress and limits, offer detailed benchmarking, and where appropriate look at solution processing trends and challenges
  • Encapsulation and barrier technologies including film-type and TFE. Here, we will examine the challenge; outline various technology approaches including multi-layer dyads and thin film glass; analyse multiple production processes including PVD, CVD, spatial ALD, inkjet printing; and consider actual adoption in displays.
  • Touch: We will describe, examine, and benchmark various technology solutions for enabling flexible and/or foldable touch. These include silver nanowires, various metal mesh techniques, PEDOT, graphene, and CNTs. We will also consider film-based vs. in-cell (on-TFE) solutions.
  • Polarizer: We will consider the requirement to create thin and flexible polarizer, and review various emerging technology options.
  • Cover glass: We will consider the need and review the current status before examining emerging technology options that enable flexibility.
  • Other: we will consider all essential layers including flexible optically clear adhesives
By the end of this part of the class you will have developed an in-depth yet comprehensive understanding of the existing and emerging technology options that are likely to form part of the OLED-based flexible/foldable display ecosystem.
Subsequently, the class will give a brief overview of other displays technologies that are enabling, or might enable, flexible/foldable displays including LCDs and reflective displays.
Finally, we will give an overview of the progress of printed OLED displays, updating our audiences about the status of material performance, processing capability, and commercialization.
Raghu Das
Dr Luyun Jiang
Technology Analyst

25: RFID & Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN): Connecting the Edge - Technologies, Players, Markets

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  • Detailed global RFID market assessment with current and forecast sales, value chain analysis and application analysis
  • Assessment of RFID technologies and technical requirements, including NFC, RAIN, Chipless RFID and Active RFID
  • Assessment of key growth RFID applications
  • Forecasts and global trends
This session provides the complete picture of the RFID industry, including NFC to UHF (RAIN) RFID. The RFID market and use and potential use of printed electronics for smart packaging is explored in great depth in this session. The masterclass will cover:
Detailed global RFID market assessment
  • Historic and forecast sales of tags by application and by tag frequency
  • Global RFID market by application
  • Successes and failures
  • Drivers and market adoption trends
RFID tag manufacturing
  • Price tear down
  • Antenna manufacturing options - including printing assessment
  • Chip attach options
  • Key suppliers
Printed/Chipless RFID and other printed technologies for smart packaging
  • Types of printed RFID technologies and full appraisal
  • Leading developers
  • Market traction
  • Challenges and opportunities
  • Integration of multiple printed electronics functionalities
Smart Packaging
  • Case study assessments - what was done, why, cost and level of successes
  • What is driving smart packaging
  • What is coming - pre-commercial technology and solution work from vendors and brands
  • Outlook and forecasts
This session is based on research conducted by IDTechEx on RFID since 1999. It will provide an exceptionally comprehensive assessment of the RFID sector.
James Hayward
Research Director, Topic Lead

26: Skin Patches and Wearable Sensors

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Electronic skin patches have risen in popularity alongside the meteoric rise in interest around wearable devices peaking in 2014. However, the interest in the area has it's own grounding, with several skin patch product areas experiencing significant growth and becoming markets worth billions of dollars each year.
This masterclass will cover the types of electronic skin patch which are in the market today, the technology behind them, and the future prospects for these devices within each of the markets they address. As a diverse product sector unified only by how they are worn, the picture involves a diverse landscape of different devices, markets and players.
For example, the two largest markets for electronic skin patches today are in cardiac monitoring and in diabetes management. This masterclass will discuss details of the skin patch products sold today, but also the wider device ecosystem within which they compete. This trend applies across each market sector for electronic skin patches; it is never the case that skin patches are the only possible product to address a certain market need, so in each case, understanding of the underlying market dynamic is required when discussing the prospects of the skin patch product.
Beyond diabetes management and cardiovascular options, this session will explore options for electronic skin patch products in a variety of other markets. This includes examples of their use in medical patient monitoring (both inpatient and outpatient), motion sensing, temperature sensing (e.g. fever monitoring, fertility tracking, etc.), drug and cosmetic delivery patches, smart bandages for wound care and more.
This masterclass will also deliver background information on the technology behind the products today. In order to make skin patches, the devices must have some degree of interface between usually rigid electronics and the flexible, stretchable human skin. As such, many companies with component and material options for stretchable and conformal electronics are exploring this product area. The masterclass will discuss some of these options and their progress.
On the technology side, most of the existing products leverage the components that have been developed over the years for the mobile phone industry. However, there are exciting new technologies coming up, from flexible displays to biometric sensors. This session will introduce the new materials and technologies that will enable future wearable devices.