RFID Smart labels USA 2008

Hot RFID Sectors, Full Technology Analysis, Market Insight

RFID Investment Summit

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


20 CEO presentations, RFID investment report, networking.


The second annual RFID Investment Summit, held on February 19, is the largest gathering of Venture Capitalists and other investors with RFID companies seeking funding. Over 75 delegates attended this optional one day event in 2007. This is your chance to network with investors and company CEOs. This summit stands out because it is uniquely hosted by an analyst-investor collaboration between IDTechEx and Quan Ventures – companies with extensive experience in RFID investments.


  High-quality RFID investment opportunities and perspectives

This summit brings together leading pure-play RFID companies that are gaining traction and substantial revenues today, as well as hidden gems with enormous potential. Attendees will also have access to industry leaders, valuable quantitative and qualitative research, and one-on-one meetings with RFID CEOs. Program highlights include: 

  20 CEO presentations from leading RFID companies

The companies are broken down into the following panels: 
  1. Active RFID and Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) Solutions
  2. Contactless payments and Near Field Communications
  3. Passive / Semi-Passive RFID Systems
  4. RFID Software and Networking
  5. Printed Electronics and Sensors


  Personal meetings and group break-out sessions

These will follow the company presentations so that investors can have more direct, personal contact with the companies of their choice.


  An expert panel of strategic investors,
leading end-users, and industry luminaries


  Leading-edge, un-biased research

Including difficult-to-find RFID company and industry financial data, market adoption data, competition matrix, discussion of RFID opportunities and issues… all encapsulated in an RFID Investment report for attendees.


  Interactivity and Networking

Leading RFID venture capitalists, CEOs, industry experts in Q&A panel discussions, personal meetings, as well as a networking lunch. You will not only be at the conference, you will be part of the conference.


  Who is attending?

This conference should be especially appealing to venture capitalists and other investors, RFID companies that may need future funding, investment bankers, industry analysts and other RFID solution providers looking to better understand the competitive landscape.


In 2007 investor companies that attended included 3i, Polaris Ventures, 3M, Added Value Capital Partners, Alloy Ventures, Ascent Venture Partners, Blueprint, Commonwealth Capital Ventures, Duchossois Technology Partners. Flagship Ventures, GCP Gamma Capital Partners, General Electric, GTCR Golder Rauner, Hercules Technology Growth Capital, Highland Capital Partners, Leader Ventures, ONSET Ventures, Quan Ventures, SAP Ventures, Trident Capital, Valhalla Partners and many others.



RFID Investment Summit is organized by a unique analyst-investor collaboration between IDTechEx and Quan Ventures – companies with extensive experience in RFID investments. IDTechEx, an independent RFID analyst, has provided due diligence and benchmarking for venture capital firms investing in RFID companies for over six years, in addition to profiling companies to help them raise funds. Quan Ventures was an early investor in RFID companies with subsequent RFID exits, and is well-known for presentations at RFID events.


Attendees can learn even more by also registering for the two-day IDTechEx RFID Europe conference that begins the following morning. This large-scale industry event brings together international RFID vendors and customers in one venue, providing education and networking opportunities.


Register now or for more information contact Sarah Lee at s.lee@idtechex.com or call + 1 617 959 9427 (US) or + 44 (0)1223 813703.


  The RFID opportunity

In 2017, IDTechEx forecast the value of the total market for RFID including systems and services to reach $26.88Bn from $4.96Bn in 2007. This includes many new markets that are being created, such as the market for Real Time Location Systems using active RFID. Being an enabling technology and not just a product, the opportunity for RFID is incredibly diverse.


  RFID Investments and M&A

The appetite for funding for RFID technology is growing rapidly but is still well below what the market demands. With about 1000 companies doing something significant in the RFID value chain and mergers being less than the rate of formation of new RFID companies, there is scope for much more M&A activity and for the weak to disappear. Attend this event to learn more.


Sponsor the RFID Investment Summit

Sponsoring the event will align your services with the foremost gathering of industry executives. Contact Ricky Purnell at  r.purnell@idtechex.com to learn more.


Confirmed speakers are shown below - please refer back to this page for updates and new speaker additions or click here to stay updated.

Opening Remarks

Edward Schneider, MD
Quan Ventures
Experts and Investors Panel

Dr Peter Harrop, Chairman,
Reik Read
RW Baird
Active RFID & Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS)

Craig Doud, VP of Business Development for Tracking Solutions
G2 Microsystems
Adrian Jennings, CTO
Time Domain
Antti Korhonen, CEO
Robert Kowalik, Director of Sales, Americas

Breakout Session/Break
Passive / Battery Assisted Backscatter (BAP) RFID Systems

Elie Simon, CEO
Richard Bravman, CEO
Tom Grant, Chairman and CEO

Breakout Session and Lunch
Contactless Payments & Near Field Communication (NFC)

Jacek Kowalski, CEO

Printed Electronics / Emerging Technologies

Vik Pavate, Vice President, Business Development
Adam Button, CEO
Tim Cummins, CEO
Clinton Hartmann, President

Breakout Session
RFID Software and Networking

Tom Schuster, CEO
Reva Systems
Raj Saksensa, CEO
Michael George, CEO
Oat Systems
Eric Peters, CEO
True Demand
Tom Ziola, CEO

Breakout Session & Closing Comments
Register Now >>


The seventh RFID Smart Labels USA event by IDTechEx - covering Printed RFID to Real Time Locating Systems. Register online now and save 10%.