In the near future, electronic devices will be printed rather than assembled. Devices with passive components will be created as a single object, rather than assembled from hundreds of mechanical and electrical parts. Although 3D printing has become synonymous with the creation of throw-away plastic 'trinkets', many of the building blocks for advanced 3D printed electronics are already in place. This talk discusses recent work by Voxel8 to create a novel 3D electronics platform — specifically, the 3D printing hardware, software, and functional materials that will make "printed electronic devices" a reality. Topics covered include new design software dedicated to 3D electronics, materials, hardware and the printing process behind direct-write 3D electronics printing.
Evolving 3D printed objects from more than metal brackets and plastic toys requires the synergy of engineering disciplines and materials science. With a background in computer engineering, mechanical engineering, robotics, manufacturing and PhD work in materials science Michael leads cutting edge research and development in 3D printed electronics at Voxel8. He develops patent-pending machines, processes and materials to 3D print entire electromechanical devices, from simple embedded antennas to entire cell phones using integrated pick-and-place technologies.
Voxel8, a private company based in Somerville, MA, has created the world's first multi-material 3D printer for fabricating embedded electronics and other novel devices. The company's disruptive platform enables designers and engineers to integrate form and function in 3D printed objects. Launched in Fall 2014, Voxel8 leverages over a decade of patented research on printing functional materials from Harvard Professor Jennifer Lewis. In January 2015, Voxel8 began taking pre-orders on its first product, the Voxel8 Developer's Kit, which was highlighted as "one of the 9 best ideas from CES 2015" by Fast Company.