Photovoltaics Europe 2009
Photovoltaics Europe 2009
Conference Pamphlet

Gala Award Dinner

The Printed Electronics Europe Gala Awards Dinner will be held at the Ballhaus Watzke in central Dresden on the evening of Tuesday April 7th.  
This beautiful, restored brewery and ballroom is a famous landmark in Dresden - it is where the first unfiltered Dresdner town beer was brewed. The historic ballroom offers breathtaking views of the city and a wonderful environment to enjoy traditional Saxony food.
The Dinner begins at 7.30pm and we will be providing transport for the 10 minute journey. The coaches will depart from the congress center at 7.15pm.

Price   The price includes all refreshments at the gala dinner as well as travel to the Ballhaus Watzke. Click here to register

Dress code   Business casual

Dietary requirements   Please email if you have any special dietary requirements

The Awards Dinner is your time to talk to the people who matter to you. It is also where we present the prestigious IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe awards. If your company would like to make an awards submission please click here.

Wacholdergeräuchertes Forellenfilet auf Kartoffelrösti
mit Salatbukett und Preiselbeersahne

Smoked trout with fried grated potatoes,
salad and cranberry-cream

Watzkes Bierbrot-Suppe
Watzke beer-bread soup

Geschmorter Putenkeulenbraten an Champignonrahmsauce,
serviert mit Gemüsebündchen und Kartoffelgratin

Juicy braised Turkey with mushroom sauce, vegetable and potato gratin

Mousseè von brauner und weißer Schokolade
an Fruchtsaucenspiegel

brown and white mousse of chocolate with fruit sauce

inkl. Kaffe und Tee
with coffee and tea


There will be a networking drinks reception in the conference exhibition hall from 6.00pm - 7.00pm. All attendees are invited to this drinks reception. Sponsored by Invest in Germany.

Photovoltaics "Beyond Conventional Silicon" Europe - Focusing on flexible, printed, organic & inorganic technologies. Innovative solutions that open up immense new markets.

Speakers 2009


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