Approach for Integrating Three-Dimensional Conductive Paths in Additively Manufactured Parts. (3D Printing Europe 2015)

Mr Johannes Glasschröder, Assistant


Europe 2015 Presentation - TUM*
Europe 2015 Audio Presentation - TUM*

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Presentation Summary

In this presentation, the authors demonstrate an approach to fabricate three-dimensional conductive paths during the powder-bed based binder jetting process. The test system was therefore extended by two mechanisms: a multi-material tool and an exhausting tool. Both mechanisms as well as their technical capabilities are presented.

Speaker Biography (Johannes Glasschröder)

Johannes Glasschröder studied mechanical engineering at the Technische Universität München and graduated in 2010. His focus lay on automotive engineering and production technologies. After his studies, he started his research in the field of additive manufacturing, where he worked on the project "3D Additive Manufacturing of Electrical and Electronic Applications", funded by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology (BMWi).

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