Co-Creating and 3D Printing Next Generation of Vehicles (Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing)

Mr Damien Declercq, Executive Vice President EMEA
Local Motors Inc
United States

Presentation Summary

Local Motors leverage a collaborative development process and small scale production units to bring vehicle innovations to market at unprecedented speed.

Speaker Biography (Damien Declercq)

Damien has a background in mechanical and production engineering, and a master in management. He has worked in the battery industry, the automotive after market in Europe, and in various sales and marketing positions. Before joining Local Motors, Damien was working on a project to put enthusiastic eco-friendly cars on the European roads through the use of co-creation and partnership with OEMs. Damien joined Local Motors in 2011 to lead the Business Development of the company, developing the outsourced innovation business line as well as strategic partnerships. Today, Damien leads the setup and growth of the network of Microfactories and vehicles portfolio for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region.

Company Profile (Local Motors Inc)

Local Motors Inc logo
Local Motors - A World Of Vehicle Innovations
We combine co-creation and micro-manufacturing to bring hardware innovations to market at unprecedented speed.
Local Motors' global co-creation community is made up of enthusiasts, hobbyist innovators and professionals. We are designers, engineers, and makers.
We operate a growing global network of microfactories. Each destination is a place where innovators create amazing products and consumers come to marvel and shop.
Local Motors offers its unique product development system to select partners who want to innovate at a similar speed.
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