The Advantages of Using an ASIC in Energy Harvesting (Internet of Things & WSN Europe 2014)

Dr Phil Poole, Director Semiconductors
Microdul AG


Berlin 2014 Presentation - Microdul*
Berlin 2014 Audio Presentation - Microdul*

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Presentation Summary

• Brief introduction to energy harvester requirements
• ASICs and when to use them
• ASIC energy harvesting projects

Speaker Biography (Phil Poole)

Phil Poole has a PhD in Electronics from the University of Liverpool, UK. Phil worked for Philips Semiconductors in various positions from 1985 to 2001 both in Zürich, Switzerland and Kaohsiung, Taiwan as Test Engineering Manager. Phil started as a designer (first digital then analogue), followed his interest in test to become a test engineer (scan and IDDq testing), went on to lead a test group, become Test Engineering Manager and later Quality Manager in the management team in Zürich. Since 2002 Phil works for Microdul managing the Semiconductors Business Line. Microdul Semiconductors is specialised in providing low-power mixed signal solutions.

Company Profile (Microdul AG)

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Microdul AG is a specialist for high quality microelectronics. Thanks to Microdul's three business lines Modules, Thick-film and Semiconductors there is a wide spectrum of choice with respect to electronic miniaturisation. Our core competence is the production of cutting edge individual solutions in close cooperation with the customer.
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