What is the Manufacturing Potential of Selective Laser Melting? (3D Printing Europe 2015)

Mr Tom De Bruyne, General Manager & DMP Market Development Manager


Europe 2015 Presentation - LayerWise*
Europe 2015 Audio Presentation - LayerWise*

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Speaker Biography (Tom De Bruyne)

Tom De Bruyne studied Mechanical Engineering and started at Materialise as a software application specialist. He held expatriate positions in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Irvine, California. In 2008 Tom joined LayerWise as Sales Manager. He headed a worldwide sales team and extended direct metal printing (DMP) sales activity geographically across markets. Earlier this year Tom became General Manager of 3DS LayerWise. In this role and as DMP Market Development Manager, he safeguards the performance of the company and defines company strategy and market development. Tom encourages dialogue with partners and customers in order to develop the DMP application scope together.

Company Profile (LayerWise NV)

LayerWise NV logo
3DS LayerWise is a leading production center exclusively focusing on Direct Metal Printing (DMP) for aerospace, industrial, medical and dental applications. The DMP technology mastered by 3DS LayerWise targets both serial production and prototying. This digital technology produces the optimum shape of complex freeform parts in a single manufacturing step, in a variety of metals and metal alloys. Monolithic DMP parts exhibit improved performance, functionality and reliability, using less material and no scrap. Typical industrial applications cover weight-minimized and flow-optimized parts, precision mechanics, mold inserts, hotrunner nozzles and extrusion profile dies. Since 2014, 3DS LayerWise is part of 3D Systems.
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