Which Plastics can be Recycled into 3D Printing Filament? (3D Printing Europe 2015)

Mr Jonas Martens, Captain and Chief Executive Officer
Better Future Factory


Europe 2015 Presentation - Better Future Factory*
Europe 2015 Audio Presentation - Better Future Factory*

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Company Profile (Better Future Factory)

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Better Future Factory (BFF) is a multi-disciplinary design, environmental and engineering company. BFF finds and develops creative yet realistic and sustainable solutions to the most pressing issues. Incorporating the underlying principles of the circular economy to close loops, cycle materials, increase value and develop businesses that contribute to a better future. We are passionate about the application of intelligent, creative and innovative design and engineering to make a global impact and start a revolution. We love working on challenging projects in collaboration with a broad network of experts, partners and enthusiasts and in close contact with stakeholders and users
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