From Functional Films to Flexible Electronics (Printed Electronics USA 2015)

Mr Claus Lichtenberg, CEO
Meyer Burger Group

Presentation Summary

Electronics of tomorrow will be even smaller, more flexible, more energy efficient and more integrated than today. New technologies are needed to achieve this, from the way we assemble our devices down to the way we assemble atoms in protective coatings. We will explain how our innovative PECVD, ALD and inkjet printing technologies are applied in flexible electronics.

Speaker Biography (Claus Lichtenberg)

Claus Lichtenberg, CEO
Started at Meyer Burger (Netherlands) B.V. in 2009 and CEO since 2011. Claus fulfilled several C-level managerial functions at stocklisted companies (Carl Zeiss, Suss Microtec, BESI and others) in different industries such as semiconductor, precision optics, process automation and vacuum coating.

Company Profile (Meyer Burger)

Meyer Burger logo
Meyer Burger Technology Ltd is a leading global technology group. With its innovative systems and production equipment, Meyer Burger creates sustainable added value for customers in photovoltaics (solar industry), in the semiconductor and optoelectronic industries as well as other selected industries which focus on semiconductor materials. The Technology & Product Centre Eindhoven is a world leading provider of innovative inkjet and thin film equipment for (structured) functional layers with a low cost of ownership for high tech electronic applications. With its technology, PiXDRO functional Inkjet and FLEx Thin Film Plasma and ALD systems, several industries are served: OLED, photovoltaics, batteries, semiconductor, (printed) electronics and photo chemical milling.
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