3D Printing Of Electrical Applications (3D Printing Europe 2019)

Dr Eleonora Ferraris, Associate Professor-Additive Manufacturing
KU Leuven
Prof Wim Deferme, Associate Professor
Universiteit Hasselt


Europe 2019 (pdf) Presentation - IDTechEx*
Europe 2019 (audio) Presentation - IDTechEx*

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Presentation Summary

The presentation is intended to provide state of the art information on the application of jet based technology in the field of electronic printing, with focus on 3D/free form applications. Technological core will be on Aerosol Jet printing and Ink Jet printing, with the use of various inks (as for silver based and PEDOT:PSS) applied to various substrates, including free form (additive manufactured) substrates and flexible and stretchable foils, successively transferred to curved objects via 3D-forming techniques. Practical examples from research and industrially driven projects will be reported to highlight capabilities and limitations.

Speaker Biography (Eleonora Ferraris)

Eleonora Ferraris is currently an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium. She is responsible for research and teaching activities in the field of advanced manufacturing and she is head of the Advanced Manufacturing research Laboratory (AML), at Campus De Nayer. She has broad expertise in manufacturing technologies, material testing ad system design. More recently, her research activities focuses on nozzle based additive manufacturing, including extrusion and jet based printing for mechatronics and regenerative medicine. Ferraris received her PhD Degree in Material Engineering from University Tor Vergata of Rome in 2006, and her Master Degree in Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2002. She is (co-) authors of about 100 manuscripts, and during her career she has been granted with a Marie Curie and a MIUR research scholarship, a Diploma Arturo Baroncelli, and a Technology Innovation Award from Italian associations.

Speaker Biography (Wim Deferme)

Wim Deferme obtained an engineering degree in Applied Physics at the technical University of Eindhoven in The Netherlands in 2003. He obtained a PhD in Materials Physics at Hasselt University in 2009 on the surface termination of synthetic diamond. In 2009, as a postdoc, he started research in the field of Printable Electronics and since February 2014 he is Professor at Hasselt University heading a group of 5 PhD students, 2 full-time researcher and several bachelor and master students in the field of "Functional Materials Engineering" focused on printing and coating technology. Wim Deferme has authored/co-authored 50 Science Citation Index listed publications in scientific journals with an international referee system and has more than 80 presentations and proceedings on international conferences. He has an extensive national and international scientific network.

Company Profile (KU Leuven)

KU Leuven logo
KU Leuven is the Belgium's largest university and one of the oldest and most renowned universities in Europe. It was founded in 1425 in Leuven, Belgium, in the heart of Western Europe, and it is a leading center of learning and research for nearly six centuries. It is ranked among the best 50 universities in the world, and since 2016 it is nominated as the most innovative University in Europe. The Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing (AML), campus De Nayer, is part of the production group of the department of Mechanical Engineering at the KU Leuven. The whole group counts 8 professors, and various researchers. The AML group, under the guidance of Ferraris, was recently established with the purpose to provide applied and basic research for the industry in the field of integrated manufacturing and regenerative medicine.
View KU Leuven Timeline 

Company Profile (Universiteit Hasselt)

The Institute for Materials Research (IMO) is a research centre of Hasselt University with a vast knowledge in the field of materials science. It is the largest research institute of the university with a staff of more than 130 people. IMO has an integrated and intensive collaboration with IMOMEC (Institute for Materials Research in MicroElectronics), the department of IMEC (Interuniversity Micro Electronics Centre, Louvain) at the university campus in Diepenbeek. While most of the more fundamental research is carried out at IMO, the largest part of applied research and projects in collaboration with industry are concentrated within IMOMEC. The joint activities of IMO-IMOMEC concentrate on wide band gap materials, organic synthesis, organic materials for electronic applications, precursors for nanomaterials, biosensors, nanophysics and electrical, physical and chemical characterisation.