A Practical 1uA Sensor Sampling Solution for Deeply Embedded Systems (Energy Harvesting and Storage USA 2013)

Mr Mark Buccini, Director
Texas Instruments
United States
Nov 20, 2013.


Texas Instruments (Mr Mark Buccini) - Presentation*
Texas Instruments (Mr Mark Buccini) - Audio Presentation*

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Presentation Summary

• Practical 1uA sensor sampling embedded solution that is implemented with off-the-shelf components and readily available low-cost sensors.
• Examples a complete signal-chain from harvested power source, through the embedded processor and to user output, finally realizing a working ultra-low power sensor sampling solution.
• Managing an overall system power budget will be fundamental undertone of the presentation.
• The importance of energy aware firmware, device architecture, duty cycling, sensor measurement, supply voltage and clock gating will be reviewed. Advanced but realistic techniques including the usage of autonomous peripherals, dynamic voltage scaling and full power gating is presented in detailed. A live and interactive demonstration will be made using all of the techniques

Speaker Biography (Mark Buccini)

Mark E. Buccini is responsible for advanced mixed-signal product platform strategy and execution as a staff member at Texas Instruments supporting the company's Kilby Research Labs. He has 30 years of experience that spans a range of application areas including ultra-low power deeply embedded systems, energy harvesting, human machine interface, energy metering, smart grid, wireless sensor networks, intelligent motor drives and voice recognition.
In addition to strategic responsibilities for TI, Mark regularly blogs and has authored over 100 papers that have been published around world including in the Wall Street Journal, Dallas Business Journal, IEEE, EDN, APEC, ESC, Sensors Expo and even Nuts and Volts among many others. The technical workshops he has authored have been delivered live to over 20,000 engineers worldwide.
Mark lives in Allen, Texas, is married with two children and has a Bachelor's of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.

Company Profile (Texas Instruments)

Texas Instruments logo
From low power to no power, TI is the driving force behind today's nanopower energy harvesting applications. Enabling 20+ year battery life opens the door to new applications that were not feasible with traditional battery powered systems. TI takes nanopower design to the next level with innovative power management, timers, sensors, low-power wireless connectivity, and microcontrollers. From powering sensors used in building automation to portable healthtech devices that improve quality of life, TI and leading energy harvesting companies are creating a complete ecosystem allowing designers to not only envision but also create a battery-less world. For more information, visit:
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