Innovation Test Bed For Development And Production Of Nanomaterials For Lightweight Embedded Electronics (Printed Electronics Europe 2019)

Dr Zachary James Davis, Team Manager-Nano Production & Micro Analysis
Danish Technological Institute


Europe 2019 (pdf) Presentation - IDTechEx*
Europe 2019 (audio) Presentation - IDTechEx*

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Presentation Summary

In January 2019, the Danish Technological Institute, together with 16 research organizations and companies in Europe, started the development of an open access innovation test bed (OITB), focused on the development services and pilot lines to support industry with development and production of nanomaterials, nano enable formulations and digital based printing processes, LEE-BED for short.
The ambition for LEE-BED is to eliminate barriers to market and offer solutions to European industry through a full service, leading them from concept to pilot production of prototypes, as seen in the LEE-BED concept in figure. LEE-BED will have of a single entry point (SEP) attracting European enterprises through three key phases, consisting of (1) a techno/economic assessment, including technical assessment, life cycle analysis, patent mapping and safety/regulatory review, (2) a pilot project using existing and upgraded nanomaterial, nano enabled formulation and 2D/3D component printing pilot lines and (3) knowledge transfer, including intellectual property rights (IPR) and patent assessments, standards/safety screening and access capital investment opportunities.

Company Profile (Danish Technological Institute)

The Danish Technological Institute is a self-owned and not-for-profit institution.
We develop, apply and disseminate research- and technologically-based knowledge for the Danish and International business sectors. We participate in development projects, which are of use to society; in close collaboration with leading research and educational institutions both in Denmark and abroad.
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