Real World Smart Packaging For Pharmaceuticals (Printed Electronics Europe 2019)

Mr Michael Petersen, Chief Operating Officer
Information Mediary Corporation


Europe 2019 (pdf) Presentation - IDTechEx*
Europe 2019 (audio) Presentation - IDTechEx*
Europe 2019 (video) Presentation - IDTechEx*

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Presentation Summary

Michael will walk you through his 18 years of experience combining printed and regular electronics into making scalable, robust and user friendly medication packages. A look into the future will explore challenges and opportunities and explain the relevance of real world adherence data for clinical AI and consumer focused healthcare models.
Michael will give a live demonstration of smart packaging using iPhone.

Speaker Biography (Michael Petersen)

Michael has enjoyed an extensive entrepreneurial business career in the high-technology sector for over 20 years. Michael co-founded Information Mediary Corporation in 2001 with Dr. Allan Wilson, and has led its successful R&D initiative toward a number of world-class, award-winning RFID-related products, such as Log-ic Temp Loggers, Med-ic Intelligent Pharma Blisters, eCAP Smart Pharmacy Vials, and XINK RFID Antenna Inks. Michael operates on a philosophy of partnership and cooperation, and makes available IMC products through distribution, agency, and fulfillment channels worldwide. Michael is widely recognized as a leading authority on intelligent packaging and RFID sensor devices.

Company Profile (Information Mediary Corporation)

Information Mediary Corporation logo
Since 2001, IMC has commercially developed and sold millions of smart packaging devices. These are now also connected to the cloud via RFID, NFC and iOS NDEF and available for both human and veterinary use.
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