RFID And Wireless Sensors: Markets, Trends And Change (Internet of Things Applications Europe 2019)

United Kingdom


Europe 2019 (pdf) Presentation - IDTechEx*
Europe 2019 (audio) Presentation - IDTechEx*

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Presentation Summary

  • State of the RAIN RFID industry - size and applications
  • Sate of the HF/NFC RFID industry - size and applications
  • RFID changing retailing
  • Machine vision
  • RFID sensors
  • Active RFID

Speaker Biography (Raghu Das)

Raghu Das MA (Cantab) is CEO of IDTechEx. He has a Natural Sciences degree from the University of Cambridge, where he studied physics. He has been closely involved with this subject for over nine years, carrying out consultancy in Europe, USA, Asia and the Middle East. He has lectured on these topics at over 300 events around the world and is author of several IDTechEx publications. r.das@idtechex.com

Company Profile (IDTechEx)

IDTechEx provides independent market research, business intelligence and events on emerging technologies to companies across the value chain. Our clients use our insights to help make strategic business decisions and grow their organizations.
IDTechEx business and technology experts provide international perspective in a diverse range of emerging technologies including 3D printing, electric vehicles, energy harvesting, energy storage, life sciences, printed electronics, IoT and many other topics.
IDTechEx is headquartered in Cambridge, UK with additional offices in USA, Germany and Japan and associates in South Korea.
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