Thermal Management Data for Supercapacitors and Batteries, to Avoid Thermal Runaway (Supercapacitors Europe 2013)

Mr Jasbir Singh, Founder and Managing Director
United Kingdom
Apr 18, 2013.


HEL Ltd - presentation*
HEL Ltd - audio presentation*

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Presentation Summary

  • Data illustrating the fact that heat is produced, including videos of thermal runaway explosions
  • How can key safety limits be defined - maxing current, voltage, temperature
  • The data needed to design thermal management systems and hence prevent thermal explosions
  • Heat generation data for different battery types, under isothermal conditions
  • Use of heat data for understanding and then optimising performance of batteries and supercapacitors

Speaker Biography (Jasbir Singh)

Founder and Managing Director of Hazard Evaluation Laboratory, a company specialising in thermal hazards and calorimetry, traditionally for the chemical industry but now increasingly involved in battery safety, especially EV and related applications.
A chemical engineering graduate of Imperial College (London), where he undertook a PhD into combustion and explosions, and then spent many years in process design for the chemical and petrochemical industries. He is currently developing test methods and instruments for use in design and testing of batteries and especially design of thermal management systems.

Company Profile (HEL Ltd UK)

HEL Ltd UK logo
HEL ( ) provides hazard testing and consulting tools relating to Li-ion and other high performance batteries and storage devices. This includes adiabatic (ARC-type) calorimeters for thermal runaway testing which provides a direct measure of maximum temperature, maximum current and voltage limits relating to thermal explosion risk.
HEL has also developed an isothermal calorimetry technique, which allows heat generation rate under controlled conditions which provides both data for thermal management and helps to understand battery performance.
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