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Cosecha de energía de microvatios a gigavatios: oportunidades 2020-2040

Previsiones, hojas de ruta tecnológicas, electrocinética, electrodinámica, fotovoltaica, triboeléctrica, termoeléctrica, piezoeléctrica, implantes, autocarga

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Only the IDTechEx report, "Energy Harvesting Microwatt to Gigawatt: Opportunities 2020-2040" covers the latest energy harvesting scene from sub microwatts to gigawatts with 20 year forecasts and technology roadmaps. Increasingly, the same companies produce and develop the materials, from highly profitable small quantities to successful large business from volume. For example, multijunction compound semiconductor harvesting is coming from satellites and drones to powering cars. Understand huge gaps in the market such as self-powered full-function smart watches, better healthcare implants and harvesting for billions of Internet of Things nodes.
The primary focus of this report is on how ambient energy is converted and how that will create profitable new businesses so there are chapters on the different harvesting technologies, participants and opportunities ending with a chapter on combinations. The emphasis is on what is new and coming in future, materials and device sales. The report is of interest to the electronics and electrical engineering industries but also those involved in zero emissions, battery replacement and allied issues in many industries from healthcare to textiles, agriculture, aerospace and transport. All in the energy harvesting and power industries will find assistance here from materials suppliers to system operators.
Twenty years of study of energy harvesting by IDTechEx PhD level, multilingual analysts is at the heart of this overview "master" report, unique in its insights, new information, roadmaps and forecasts based on privileged databases, interviews and travel to events including those on the subject by IDTechEx and our background of consultancy in the subject.
Here is sub-microwatts to gigawatt level, low power being primarily for electronics and high power for electrical engineering but there are common factors in all of that such as the introduction of new electrodynamic (electrokinetic) and photovoltaic energy harvesting chemistry, physics and formats at almost all power levels. We add new competitors, some with exceptionally broad potential and are blunt about the dead ends, giving and impartial view. In all engineering, few other technologies span 15 magnitudes of performance. Understand the easy way by viewing these new infograms, pictures, comparisons and road maps.
The 230 page IDTechEx report, "Energy Harvesting Microwatt to Gigawatt: Opportunities 2020-2040" covers over 200 organisations and materials. Its Executive Summary and Conclusions Chapter is sufficient in itself for these with limited time. Here are the eleven leading technologies compared, leading suppliers named, emerging materials opportunities identified. Progress from hype to genuine success, technology roadmap and markets are presented. 21 primary conclusions and 26 trend graphs are presented by technology. The Introduction then has many new comparisons of latest technologies. See physics, chemistry, type of electricity produced, quest to simplify or eliminate energy storage by better energy creation, power density, conversion efficiency and other issues. Vibration harvesting is quantitatively assessed here as it involves many forms of harvesting. Then comes two big new opportunities - flexible versions and how to power zero-emission microgrids and then optimal emerging technologies for six sectors.
Chapter 3 is on photovoltaics, thoroughly covering all the new options and their market creation as well as their replacement of identified losers. Chapter 4 assesses promising newcomer triboelectric harvesting and its future. Chapter 5 explains how new thermoelectric technology is creating a big future whereas pyroelectric is not. Chapter 6 scopes electrodynamic (electrokinetic) harvesting for water, wind, watch, building controls and many other uses, linear and rotational, and its future. Chapter 7 appraises piezoelectric harvesting and Chapter 8 reveals how combinations of all these are now a big trend, even full integration.
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1.1.Purpose of this report
1.3.Primary conclusions: the most successful forms of energy harvesting
1.3.1.Electrodynamics and photovoltaics
1.3.2.The energy positive house
1.4.Energy harvesting technology: 12 basic options compared
1.5.Attitude and success by technology in 2020
1.6.Attitude and success by technology in 2030
1.7.Primary conclusions: market trends
1.8.Example: wind turbines
1.9.Example: Off-grid addressable power
1.10.Example: Trends for wristwear
1.11.Primary conclusions: radically new formats
1.12.Primary conclusions: winning acoustic and electromagnetic frequencies
1.13.EM Frequencies where energy harvesting has been demonstrated
1.14.Primary conclusions: gaps in overall EH the market
1.15.Market forecasts, technology roadmaps: high power energy harvesting
1.15.1.Trends 2001-2019
1.15.2.World electricity generation 2000-2050
1.15.3.Global PV technology share $bn % 2040
1.16.Low power energy harvesting forecasts by technology: under 10kW
1.16.1.Summary and roadmap 2020-2040
1.16.2.Forecast for pico products with integral harvesting
1.16.3.Solar energy-independent cars 2019-2030
1.16.4.Roadmap: harvesting for electronic devices 2020-2040
1.17.Photovoltaic energy harvesting for electronics: units, unit price, market value 2020-2040
1.18.Thermoelectric energy harvesting for electronics: units, unit price, market value 2020-2040
1.19.Piezoelectric energy harvesting for electronics: market units, unit price, market value 2020-2040
1.20.Triboelectric transducer and self-powered sensors 2020-2040 $ million
1.21.Electrodynamic energy harvesting for electronics: units, unit price, market value 2020-2040
2.1.Features of energy harvesting for electronic devices
2.2.The energy harvesting toolkit: what we harvest
2.3.Some promising future applications by preferred technology
2.4.New energy harvesting simplifies system design
2.5.Power offered: technology choices for harvesting
2.6.Vibration harvesting
2.7.Trend to flexible and stretchable energy harvesting: big opportunity
2.7.1.Primary technologies of flexible photovoltaics
2.7.2.Technology readiness: stretchable and conformal electronics
2.8.Zero-emission microgrid harvesting: big opportunity
2.9.Most promising future applications by preferred technology
3.1.SOFT report on photovoltaics
3.2.Overview: amazing virtuosity
3.2.1.Extreme vehicles and indoors
3.2.2.Photovoltaic cooking without batteries
3.3.Some of the important parameters
3.4.Here comes single crystal silicon for the biggest markets
3.5.Single crystal scSi vs polycrystal pSi vs amorphous
3.6.Big picture: wafer vs thin film photovoltaics 2020-2040
3.7.PV mechanisms: status, benefits, challenges, market potential compared
3.7.1.Five mechanisms compared
3.7.2.The four basic mechanisms explained
3.7.3.Amorphous silicon, DSSC and CdTe are dying
3.7.4.Best research-cell efficiencies assessed 1975-2020
3.7.5.Important PV options beyond silicon compared
3.8.Production readiness of Si alternatives
3.9.Thirteen new photovoltaic formats
3.10.Photovoltaics progresses to become paint and user material
3.11.Multifunctional solar glass
3.12.Solar car technologies compared: Sono, Lightyear, Toyota
3.13.Solar piazzas, driveways, roads: Platio Hungary
3.14.MEMS PV
3.15.Copper indium gallium diselenide: the detail
3.15.1.Operating principle
3.15.2.Solar Frontier, Manz, Flisom, EMPA, KIER, Renovagen, Sunflare
3.16.Perovskite: the detail
3.17.Quantum dot
3.18.Organic photovoltaics OPV Heliatek, Opvius, Armor
3.19.Dual technology photovoltaics
3.20.Wild cards 2D materials, nantennas materials
3.20.2.Rectenna nantenna-diode
4.3.Four ways to make a TENG
4.4.Targeted applications
4.5.Performance available matched to potential applications
4.5.1.Transparent, stretchable: an example
4.6.Triboelectric dielectric series and materials opportunities
5.1.SOFT report on thermoelectrics
5.3.Thermoelectric harvester improvement 2020-2040
5.4.TEG layouts and materials
5.5.TEG material choices and improvement roadmap
5.6.Thin film thermoelectric generators
5.7.TEG materials, processing and designs compared
5.8.Alphabet Energy, BioLite, EnOcean, Gentherm, GPT, Jiko Power, KCF, Matrix, Marlow,
5.9.Automotive and IoT
5.10.PowerPot™ Biolite ™ and Spark ™ charging personal electronics
5.11.Other industrial, military
5.12.Collaborations, mergers and exits
5.13.Impactful new research
5.13.1.Thermoelectric power generation at room temperature
5.13.2.First stretchable thermoelectrics
5.13.3.TEG power boost by mechanical shuttling
5.14.Pyroelectric underwhelms
6.1.SOFT report on electrodynamics (electrokinetics)
6.3.EnOcean GmbH and EnOcean Alliance
6.4.Seiko Kinetic electrodynamically harvesting watch
6.6.Linear movement: Perpetuum, Seabased, Deciwatt,
6.7.Human movement harvesting
6.8.Crank charged consumer electronics
6.9.Travellers use wind, water
6.10.Principles of air and water turbines are the same: geometry
6.11.Electrodynamic wins at water and wind power: trend to distributed power
6.12.6D movement harvesting
7.1.SOFT report on thermoelectrics
7.3.Piezo harvester application by mode
7.4.Piezoelectric materials
7.5.Medical: Conformal piezoelectric harvesting for implants
7.6.Automotive and aerospace
7.7.Wireless sensors, IOT
7.8.Printed and flexible piezoelectric harvesters
7.8.1.Gallium phosphate
7.8.2.Collagen piezoelectric for disposables, implants, wearables
7.8.4.Examples of MEMS harvesting Algra, Arveni, Microdul, Midé
8.1.Wave + wind
8.1.2.Marine Power Systems
8.2.Wind + photovoltaics
8.3.Triboelectric TENG with other harvesting: experimental
8.4.Thermoelectric + solar: Matrix PowerWatch 2
Los recolectores de energía y sus materiales son ahora oportunidades multimillonarias

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