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Mercados de materiales autocurativos 2022-2042

Silicona, geopolímero, hidrogel, ionómero, poliuretano, epoxi, Diels-Alder, hormigón, cerámica, betún, asfalto, polímeros reforzados con fibra, biomateriales, SMASH, FRP, PMMA, anticorrosión, antiincrustante, antiarañazos, electrónico, eléctrico, óptico

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Self-healing materials can now create billion-dollar businesses
Self-healing materials are a new megatrend. The need is massive, from saving trillions of dollars lost yearly by collapsing buildings and bridges to bionic man and woman living better and longer. In saving the planet and preserving resources, long life from self-healing beats recycling any day.
For added-value materials companies this is the next big one. The research pipeline is strongly growing. Latest breakthroughs will take us from party tricks to serious adoption. That applies from concrete to implants, coatings, paint and artificial skin, even buildings on the moon that are not riddled with punctures.
There are rich pickings here for those with skills in such chemistries as geopolymers, silicones, epoxies, ionomers, polyurethanes, hydrogels and Diels-Alder polymers. Think nanotechnology and biomimetics and particularly large opportunities in healthcare, aerospace and construction.
We are at the start of the S curve of adoption for most of these rollouts so forecasting as far ahead as 2022-2042 is essential in evaluating the dollars, numbers and roadmaps. They are only available in this unique report, written in a clear and straightforward manner by PhD level, multilingual IDTechEx analysts deployed across the world. Jargon is explained both in the glossary and the text and there are virtually no equations. Instead, it is focussed on commercial lessons from research, success and failure, bringing research to market, emerging competition, benefitting society and creating billion-dollar activities.
The Executive Summary and Conclusions - 50 pages is sufficient in itself for those in a hurry because it has many new infograms, comparison charts and graphs for easy assimilation of the whole commercial picture 2022-2042. For example, the different degrees of self-healing are compared in desirability and the favourite chemistries are set against the main industry sectors for which they are appropriate. See the technology patent trend and the primary addressable markets forecasted. See 15 key conclusions concerning needs, 15 concerning technologies then 10 concerning applications.
The Introduction - 30 pages has the technology basics in easily assimilated form - appropriate chemical families, biomimetics, physical options and IDTechEx recommended route forward. See how it fits in with the trend to structural electronics - multifunctional materials.
Chapter 3 sets the scene by appraising:
Self-healing materials in commercial use - 11 pages such as self-healing paint protection film and self-healing PVC cutting mats and other parts, materials repairing bullet holes and space debris and concrete that repairs by reacting with the air.
In the next four chapters, the report looks at existing and future needs and applications divided into:
  • Self-healing construction materials: concrete, ceramic, bitumen, asphalt, fiber-reinforced polymers - 27 pages. Here are conventional chemistries but also use of bacteria, enzymes and funghi and why self-healing fiber-reinforced plastics are tough to develop but we shall succeed. Very different mechanisms are applied for ceramics and asphalt for example and it is all explained with many images.
  • Self-healing in healthcare: biomaterials and other applications - 26 pages. See why the big research money is being applied here and how key targets include dental and orthopaedic implants, electronic skin, biosensors, tissue engineering, drug delivery and cancer therapy and what progress is being made with each. Necessarily, hydrogels receive much attention due to their importance in this sector.
  • Self-healing anticorrosion and antifouling surfaces - 15 pages. See many geometries applied here and chemistries that include epoxies, celluloses, polyanilines, polypyrroles, polystyrenes, polyionomers and vinyl ester polymers. See self-healing polymer film and paint involving polyurethanes but also hydrogels and epoxies.
  • Self-healing materials for electronic, electric, optical devices, desalination, soft robotics - 39 pages has coverage on self-healing membranes for desalination, batteries, fuel cells and so on plus self-healing barrier layers for displays and photovoltaics. Because of its relative importance, self-healing in batteries is well covered - such as their emerging fluorine chemistries - more than transistors and other devices where a new materials demand is not necessarily resulting. Self-healing sensors deservedly get strong attention with many chemistries reported variously involving elastomers, graphene, carbon nanotubes, metamaterials as well as the siloxanes/ silicones again.
The second half of the report goes deeply into the research pipeline and what of this will result in sale of new self-healing materials. This is necessarily more technical, involving many very complex organic chemistries in particular, summarising what the latest research tells us. Polypeptides, polyurethanes, silicones, acrylics, Diels-Alder polymers, and fluoropolymers are just a part. Much of it is a deep dive into topics covered earlier. It is broken down into:
  • Self-healing bulk polymers and composites: research pipeline to commercial success - 19 pages
  • Shape memory assisted self-healing SMASH: research pipeline to commercial success - 8 pages
  • Morphing hosts and self-healing implications: research pipeline to commercial success - 16 pages
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1.1.Purpose of this report
1.2.Definitions, needs and context
1.3.Benefits of self-healing and what materials are related
1.4.Types of healing by material formulation and format
1.5.Spectrum of self-healing capabilities
1.6.Primary conclusions: needs
1.7.Primary conclusions: self-healing solutions
1.8.2022 state of progress: new self-healing material commercialisation by application
1.9.2032 state of progress: new self-healing material commercialisation by application
1.10.2042 state of progress: new self-healing material commercialisation by application
1.11."Self-healing material" patent assignees and trends
1.12.Examples of applications
1.12.2.Scratch healing: coatings to Lamborghini bodywork
1.13.1.Viscous creep and other flow mechanisms for healing
1.13.2.Three automatic self-healing architectures using embedded artefacts
1.13.3.Self-healing bacterial bio-concrete - automatic healing using pelleted bacteria
1.14.Biomimetics is a powerful route to self-healing materials
1.15.Primary conclusions: applications 2022-2042
1.16.Technology readiness 2022
1.16.1.Readiness of self-healing materials by application
1.16.2.Technology readiness of multifunctional polymer composites by application
1.17.Roadmaps 2022-2042
1.17.1.Self-healing commercialisation roadmap 2022-2042
1.17.2.Solid state battery commercialisation target launch dates by company
1.17.3.Metamaterial and 6G Reprogrammable Intelligent Surfaces roadmap 2022-2042
1.18.Addressable markets
1.18.1.Self-healing materials sold as such: concrete, medical, other $ million 2022-2042
1.18.2.Solid state battery addressable market size GWh, $ million 2021-2031
1.18.3.Paint protection film market $ million 2022-2042
1.18.4.Automotive paint protection film & self-healing paint global market million vehicles 2022-2042
1.18.5.Global cement market billion tonnes by five regions 2022-2042
1.18.6.Global market k tonnes for CFRP 2020-2042
1.18.7.Printed and flexible electronics market $ million 2020-2030
1.18.8.Barrier layer addressable market $ million
1.18.9.Electromagnetic metamaterial and metasurface market $ billion 2022-2042 by application segment
1.18.10.Electromagnetic metamaterial and metasurface market $bn 2022-2042 by application segment RIS number, area, price, market value 2030-2041
2.2.Self-healing basics
2.3.Chemical families popularly involved in self-healing polymeric systems development
2.5.Physical options for self-healing
2.6.The microcapsule option for textile, other coatings, laminates, bulk materials
2.6.1.Options and benefits
2.6.2.Important factors for developing microencapsule-based self-healing materials.
2.6.3.Microcapsule manufacturing options
2.6.4.Examples of anti-corrosion capsule materials
2.6.6.Recommended route forward
2.7.Vascular based self-healing
2.8.Intrinsic property of host material for self-healing
2.8.2.Intrinsic self-healing with ionomers
2.8.3.Ionomer intrinsic self-healing materials in more detail
2.8.4.Intrinsic self healing by supramolecular bonding
2.9.Diels-Alder for intrinsic self-healing composites, rubbers, coatings, adhesives, soft robotics
2.10.Self-healing epoxy-amine coatings
2.11.Self-healing research examples in general
2.12.Importance of nanomaterials
2.13.Relevance of structural electronics
3.2.Paint protection film
3.3.PVC pipes, tubing etc
3.4.Self healing from bullets and space debris, fuel cell membranes
3.5.Self-healing concrete
3.6.Self-healing PVC cutting mats, tubing etc
4.1.Concrete and other cementitious materials
4.1.2.Ultra high performance concrete
4.1.3.Overcoming deterioration of concrete
4.1.4.Self-healing bacterial bio-concrete
4.1.5.Self healing bacteria for concrete and more: Imperial College London
4.1.6.Fungi creating self-healing concrete
4.1.7.Appraisal of self-healing concrete options
4.2.Asphalt for roads and other ground surfaces
4.3.Self-healing fiber-reinforced polymer construction materials
4.3.2.The types of FRP we need to make self-healing
4.3.3.Advanced FRP now and soon
4.3.4.The challenge
4.4.Fibers that strengthen and emit healant in engineering structures
4.5.Scratch healing from coatings to Lamborghini bodywork
4.6.Self-healing ceramics
5.2.Major focus of self-healing materials research in healthcare
5.3.Application examples: cell coculture, interface tissues etc.
5.4.Self-healing sensors - Self-healing, highly sensitive healthcare sensors enabled by metal-ligand coordination
5.5.Biocompatible polymeric self-healing hydrogels
5.6.Mechanisms and promising research routes
5.7.Super strong hydrogel for soft robotics, bioelectronics, cartilage replacement
5.8.Wound-healing self-healing hydrogels
5.9.Replacing human tissue and organs
5.9.1.Tissue engineering objectives and progress
5.9.2.Self-healing amphiphilic diblock copolypeptide hydrogel
5.9.3.Hydrogel cross-linked by acylhydrazone bond and thioldisulfide exchange
5.9.4.Self-healing polyampholytes hydrogel
5.10.Self-healing adhesives for tissue engineering
5.10.2.Example of adhesive research for tissue engineering
5.11.Biocompatibility, anti-bacterial, anti-fouling aspects
5.12.Electronic skin
5.13.Bone healing and replacement
5.13.1.Self-healing implants including bone regeneration
5.13.2.Self-healing 3D printed bone replacement
5.14.Drug-delivery and cancer therapy self-healing hydrogel research
5.15.Injectable self-assembling and self-release hydrogels
5.16.Example of drug loaded nanoparticle delivery from self-healing hydrogel
5.17.Self-healing repairing cuts in medical parts
6.1.Anti-corrosion coatings
6.2.Diphenyl phthalate and VOC issues
6.3.Chromium discredited
6.4.Silica gel
6.5.Self-healing polymer anti-corrosion research
6.6.Self-healing epoxy coating
6.7.Retention of corrosion inhibitors
6.8.Healing of hydrophobicity and tribological properties
6.9.Anti-fouling film and paint
6.10.Sea Slug Inspired Smart Marine Antifouling Coating with Reversible Chemical Bonds
6.11.Silicone-Based Fouling-Release Coatings for Marine Antifouling
7.2.Self-healing materials in electronic and electrical components, desalination, electrolysers
7.3.Membranes for desalination, water recycling, electronics, batteries, fuel cells, solar architecture
7.3.1.Materials advances now and soon
7.3.2.Self-healing fuel cell membranes
7.4.Wide area electronics and electrics need self-healing
7.5.Barrier layers for displays and photovoltaics
7.6.Intrinsic self-healing polymers for advanced lithium-based batteries
7.6.2.Lithium-based batteries: capabilities and need for self-healing
7.6.3.Many self-healing materials routes being considered
7.6.4.Researched self-healing polymers for silicon anodes
7.6.5.Intrinsic self-healing PDMS elastomer
7.6.6.Other options compared
7.7.Self-healing electrolytes
7.7.2.Solid state electrolytes
7.7.3.Examples of self-healing polymers as electrolytes
7.8.Self-healing transistors
7.8.3.Polymeric transistors and sensors
7.9.Self-healing sensors
7.10.Conductive patterns and inks
7.11.Vast areas of metamaterials will need self-healing: basics and applications
7.12.Self-healing inks and conductive patterning research
7.13.Self-healing optical and photonic materials
7.14.Self-healing actuators and robots
7.15.Self healing polymer capacitors
8.1.Damage encountered by bulk polymers
8.3.Routes to self-healing composite parts
8.4.Comparison of microcapsule approach, microvascular network and hybrid system
8.5.Mechanisms for covalent-based intrinsic self-healing materials
8.6.Simulation of self-healing mechanics of crosslinked polymers
8.7.Self-healing through rapid polymerisation
8.8.Intrinsic self-healing of bulk polymers
8.9.Self-healing through reversible crosslinkers
8.10.Self-healing under water
8.11.Self-healing elastomers
8.11.1.Mechanisms and progress
8.11.2.Research on fourth generation
9.1.Shape memory alloys and polymers
9.2.Shape memory assisted self-healing SMASH with polymers
9.3.Research examples and trends
9.4.Polyolefins are promising
9.5.Polyurethanes are promising
9.6.Promising polymer self-healing: Close then heal and fiber SMASH
9.6.2.Fiber dispersion
9.6.3.Potential applications
9.6.4.Appraisal of commercialisation 2022-2042
10.1.Relevance of morphing materials
10.2.Applications and challenges
10.3.Modes of active morphing
10.4.Piezoelectric Actuator Materials
10.5.Piezoelectric actuators for morphing composites
10.6.Ultraviolet stimulation
10.7.Bend-Twist coupling
10.8.Electroactive polymer composites
10.9.Corrugated Morphing Skins
10.10.Passive Morphing
10.11.Morphing wings timeline
10.12.Shape memory alloys as host materials
10.13.Flexsys - adaptive compliant wing
10.14.Active morphing airfoil
10.15.Active winglets
10.16.Morphing skins
Self healing can save trillions of dollars wasted in premature repair and replacement of structures

Report Statistics

Slides 276
Forecasts to 2042
ISBN: 9781913899837

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