12 Jan 2022
Modelos únicos adoptados por las empresas de reciclaje de baterías de iones de litio
IDTechEx ha identificado una variedad de modelos de negocio adoptados por los recicladores. Algunos pretenden optimizar las vías de transporte y recogida, a través de soluciones Spoke y Hub o móviles, mientras que otros buscan licenciar sus tecnologías o vender productos de reciclaje.
29 Nov 2021
Why Are OEMs Investing in Li-ion Battery Recycling?
In the past, the lack of end-of-life batteries meant that the Li-ion (lithium-ion) recycling market had little opportunity to prosper but the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is changing this.
22 Sep 2021
World Energy Storage Day: Fixing Flaws in Li-ion Batteries
Energy storage is a key enabler for the ongoing electrification of carbon-intensive sectors, namely the automotive and energy industries. Developments in energy storage are driven by the increased uptake of EVs and the balancing of renewable electricity grids to provide power during low solar and wind periods.