Reflections on 2024: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

To reach global net-zero ambitions, anthropogenic CO2 emissions must be reduced and removed from the atmosphere. CCUS (carbon capture, utilization, and storage) solutions can use mature ready-now technologies to decarbonize existing industrial polluters and CDR (carbon dioxide removal) technologies can remove legacy CO2. According to IDTechEx's decarbonization research, although high costs, high energy demands, and lack of carbon dioxide transportation and storage infrastructure have impeded the deployment of these technologies so far, emerging business models and scaling of technology will stimulate development. This webinar will explore key milestones across 2024 and 2025, illustrating essential drivers for the acceleration of CO2 capture capacity over the coming decade.
This webinar will reveal trends in the CCUS and CDR space, and its content includes:
  • Commercial, technological, and infrastructural factors set to grow CCUS deployment.
  • Trends in both compliance and voluntary carbon markets.
  • Discussion of upcoming CCUS projects expected to reach key milestones such as Northern Lights/Longship and Occidental's Stratos.
  • Analysis of emerging technologies in carbon dioxide removal (including direct air capture and direct ocean capture) and carbon dioxide utilization (i.e. CO2-derived e-fuels).
