11 Dec 2024
The Segmentation of PFAS That Changes PFAS Treatment & Destruction
With so many PFAS in use worldwide, it is unsurprising that PFAS contamination has become a global issue impacting human and environmental health. Extensive remediation efforts will need to be conducted to deal with such widespread PFAS contamination, which will cost a significant amount of money. IDTechEx estimates that global expenditure on PFAS treatment for municipal drinking water alone will reach US$2.3 billion in 2035.
18 Nov 2024
Exploring the Opportunity for Emerging PFAS Destruction Technologies
Concerns over incumbent strategies for PFAS waste management have created opportunities for novel PFAS destruction technologies to potentially disrupt the status quo. Universities and independent start-ups are developing numerous different destruction technologies.
14 Nov 2024
Moving Towards Materials For a Less Contaminated World in 2035
The growing awareness of the negative effects of chemicals and materials we've built our modern society on has led governments, companies, academics, and consumers alike to search for alternatives. This will no doubt be a monumental task. In many places, there are no suitable replacements. Still, significant activity is taking place worldwide, which IDTechEx has followed in our research, to push different sectors to identify chemicals and materials for a less contaminated, more circular world.
18 Oct 2024
Highlighting the Pressing Multi-Billion Dollar Need for PFAS Treatment
With so many PFAS and just as many applications for them, why are PFAS now coming under increased scrutiny? Scientific evidence is growing that, depending on different factors, continued exposure to specific PFAS may lead to negative health effects, such as increased risk of cancer, per the US EPA and the OECD.
06 Jun 2024
IDTechEx explore l'intersection de l'emballage durable et des PFAS
La création d'une économie circulaire est un objectif de durabilité essentiel pour de nombreuses parties prenantes de la chaîne d'approvisionnement : gouvernements, marques, fournisseurs et consommateurs. La réduction des déchets plastiques est un élément clé de cette démarche ; l'OCDE a estimé que plus de 350 millions de tonnes métriques de déchets plastiques ont été générées dans le monde en 2019. Pour s'attaquer à la production de déchets plastiques, il faut des solutions dans tous les secteurs, en particulier celui de l'emballage plastique, qui utilise environ un tiers de la production annuelle de plastique. Les emballages plastiques à usage unique, qu'il s'agisse de films étirables, de sacs souples pour croustilles ou de contenants pour plats à emporter, sont générés en très grandes quantités mais finissent rapidement dans les flux de déchets municipaux.
16 May 2024
Examining the Sustainable Plastics Landscape at NPE 2024
The global plastics industry converged in Orlando, Florida, in the first week of May for NPE 2024, the first edition of the largest plastics trade show in the Americas in six years. With over 50,000 attendees and 2,000 exhibitors, many sectors and types of companies were represented, from plastic resin manufacturers to injection molding equipment suppliers to plastics distributors and much more.
02 May 2024
Low-Loss Materials: The Enabler of Future Connected Vehicles?
Future connected vehicles will offer future drivers a safer, smoother, and more convenient driving experience. Not only will drivers get access to more navigation and entertainment options, but they will also gain access to safety technologies that will potentially reduce accidents, improve congestion, and reduce emissions globally by allowing vehicle safety systems to communicate with each other and with city traffic infrastructure.
24 Apr 2024
New Regulations Targeting Forever Chemicals
The signing of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in 2001 marked a historic moment, as it was the first global treaty aimed at eliminating or restricting chemicals harmful to human and environmental health. The addition of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) to the Convention in 2009 marked yet another milestone, as PFOS and its related substances became the first of the PFAS family to be regulated on an international level
25 Mar 2024
Which High-Tech Industries Need to Find Alternatives for PFAS?
"Forever chemicals", or PFAS, are coming under increasing regulatory pressure globally as concerns over the negative effects of PFAS on human health and the environment are mounting. In their brand new report, "Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) 2024: Emerging Applications, Alternatives, Regulations", IDTechEx dives deeply to explore the future trajectory of PFAS in five key emerging applications: thermal management for data centers, sustainable food packaging, electric vehicles, low-loss materials for 5G, and the hydrogen economy.
21 Mar 2024
IDTechEx analyse les opportunités et les obstacles liés à l'impression 3D pour les véhicules électriques
Le marché des véhicules électriques (VE) a connu une nouvelle année de croissance passionnante en 2023. Après une augmentation de 62 % des ventes de voitures électriques en 2022 par rapport à 2021, IDTechEx prévoit une augmentation de 16 % des ventes mondiales pour 2023. Cependant, la croissance a été quelque peu limitée au cours de l'année en raison de la performance des véhicules hybrides rechargeables (PHEV) en Europe, en particulier au cours du premier semestre 2023, en partie attribuée à des réductions de subventions en Allemagne. Néanmoins, beaucoup s'accordent à dire que les VE représentent l'avenir de l'industrie automobile, en particulier pour les voitures particulières.
04 Mar 2024
Road to 6G: The Emerging Low-Loss Materials Enabling Future Telecoms
As the world awaits the full take-off of the next generation of telecommunication technologies, 5G, important stakeholders are preparing for the future of future telecommunications - 6G. This may seem premature, given that deployment of 5G infrastructure and base stations are not nearly at their peak yet.
07 Feb 2024
The Long-Term Trends Shaping Additive Manufacturing
Ten years ago, the 3D printing landscape was in the midst of its first big boom. With the 2009 expiration of a key Stratasys patent that covered thermoplastic filament extrusion technology, desktop filament printers were taking off, buoyed by new disrupters like Makerbot.
05 Feb 2024
Selon IDTechEx, le marché des matériaux à faible perte pour la 5G, soutenu par la 5G à ondes millimétriques, dépassera les 2,1 milliards de dollars US d'ici 2034
Appareils intelligents, conduite autonome, surveillance à distance des patients - d'innombrables nouvelles applications sont rendues possibles par les progrès de la technologie des télécommunications, et plus particulièrement par le passage à la 5G.
17 Jan 2024
3D Printing: A Dynamic Industry Approaching a Crossroads
The 3D printing industry is by no means new, given the invention of the first 3D printing technologies in the 1980s; yet, in an industry with a long history of twists and turns, 2024 is looking to be the most consequential yet for additive manufacturing. This can be traced back to the shockwaves set off by COVID-19. While the pandemic initially lowered sales for many 3D printer manufacturers, it also created opportunities for additive manufacturing to showcase its unique strengths, as numerous companies looked to reshoring and strengthening their supply chain to avoid persistent disruptions amidst global shipping shortages.
14 Nov 2023
Technology Trends Driving Sustainable Polymers for a Circular Economy
Creating a circular economy is an essential sustainability target for governments, brands, materials suppliers, and the public. Key to pushing these sustainability efforts, which range from sustainability roadmaps developed by chemical and material companies to sustainable material usage targets adopted by brands, is the danger that growing global plastic consumption poses to the environment.
07 Nov 2023
Emerging Molecules Produced Through Industrial Biomanufacturing
In the color spectrum of biotechnology, white biotechnology stands out as the industrial production and processing of chemicals, materials, and energy via cell factories like bacteria and yeast. In the bioeconomy, in which society uses renewable biological resources to create biobased products, white biotechnology acts as a critical technology driver. It not only reduces society's dependence on fossil fuels but also consumes less energy, generates minimal waste, and produces more environmentally friendly products.
13 Oct 2023
White Biotechnology: Key Technology Trends Reshaping Its Growth
If biotechnology was a color spectrum, where different colors correspond to different application areas (i.e. medicine, agriculture, etc.), then what is white biotechnology? White biotechnology is the industrial production and processing of chemicals, materials, and energy using micro-organisms like bacteria and yeast.
13 Sep 2023
How White Biotechnology Is Innovating to Advance the Global Bioeconomy
The advancement of biotechnology is critical to expanding both the bioeconomy, where society uses renewable biological resources to create biobased products and the circular economy. Of the numerous colors of the biotechnology spectrum, in which different colors refer to different applications for biotechnology, white biotechnology stands out as a key technology enabler for the bioeconomy by advancing the industrial production of biobased products through biological systems.
26 Jul 2023
How Policy Efforts Help Drive Sustainable Polymer Development
A historic moment was marked in 2023 in Paris, France, as United Nations delegates from 180 countries convened to discuss a treaty to end global plastic pollution. In early June 2023, it was announced that these delegates had taken the first step towards a legally binding treaty to regulate plastics that could come into effect by 2025.
01 Jun 2023
Is This A Turning Point For Consolidation In Additive Manufacturing?
In the past decade or so, the additive manufacturing industry has been characterized by an ever-increasing number of hardware players trying to capture their own share of the market. While there were signs of consolidation in the early 2010s, given major moves by industry leaders like Stratasys and 3D Systems, AM has instead seen a consistent stream of newcomers with their own innovative takes on AM, such that IDTechEx now segments their 3D printing hardware forecast by seventeen different categories to account for such diversity.
17 May 2023
How the 3D Printing Industry Emphasized Production at Rapid + TCT
RAPID + TCT is one of North America's biggest trade shows and conferences for the additive manufacturing (AM) industry. This year, IDTechEx attended and spoke at the show; they interviewed prominent players and observed industry trends.
02 May 2023
Advanced Recycling: The Answer to Sustainable Packaging?
The need for a circular economy has never been so urgent. Plastic consumption is expected to double globally by 2050, creating environmental and human health risks. Not only is plastic waste overflowing in landfills, but a significant portion is mismanaged and leaks into the environment: the OECD estimates that nearly 80 million tonnes of plastic waste was mismanaged globally in 2019.
19 Apr 2023
IDTechEx Examine L'utilisation des PFAS En Tant Que Matériaux À Faible Perte Pour Les Applications 5G
La législation limitant l'utilisation des "produits chimiques à vie", ou des substances per- et polyfluoroalkyles (PFAS), fait l'objet d'un débat sur les principaux marchés tels que l'Union européenne et les États-Unis. Mais comme certains membres de la famille des PFAS, à savoir les fluoropolymères comme le polytétrafluoroéthylène (PTFE), sont envisagés pour les applications de la prochaine génération de la 5G, comment cela affectera-t-il le marché des matériaux à faible perte pour la 5G ?
05 Apr 2023
Which Sustainable Packaging Solutions Are Advancing Circularity?
Creating a circular economy is an essential sustainability target for governments, brands, suppliers, and the public. A key driver is the risks that plastic consumption, which is expected to double globally by 2050, poses to the environment.
23 Mar 2023
The "Hidden" Opportunity in Low-loss Materials for 5G
When thinking of the applications of low-loss materials in 5G devices, the first that comes to mind for most is 5G smartphones. After all, low-loss materials are integral in enabling advanced 5G antennas-in-packages (AiP) for smartphones, and high-profile smartphone manufacturers like Apple have gone back and forth about which low-loss material they chose for their 5G antennas in their flagship phones like the iPhone.
17 Feb 2023
Low-Loss Materials for 6G: Current Status and Future Direction
The next generation of telecoms technologies, 5G, is not fully deployed yet; in fact, the exciting high-frequency bands of mmWave 5G are not set to take off for another several years, according to IDTechEx forecasts.
09 Feb 2023
Nine Startups Innovating Polymer Additive Manufacturing
Essential to understanding the evolution of the polymer 3D printing industry is exploring the change from low-cost printing technologies and materials to the slow growth and adoption of innovative polymer printing technologies and materials, from viscous thermosets to carbon fiber composites to foams.
21 Dec 2022
Segmenting the Polymer 3D Printing Materials Market
"Diverse and Developing" - the only way to describe the current breadth of the polymer materials portfolio for additive manufacturing. From materials that vary in form factor (i.e., powders, resins, filaments) to material properties (i.e., flexible, reinforced, tough, etc.) to application (i.e., medical, industrial, dental, etc.), it can be difficult to define suitable enough categories that adequately cover this diverse market.
16 Dec 2022
Low-loss Materials' US$1.8 Billion Market Powered by mmWave 5G
Each year, the global deployment of 5G-enabled devices and infrastructure expands, with 98 nations having commercialized 5G or conducting 5G trials in 2022, up from 79 nations in 2021.
20 Oct 2022
IDTechEx Discuss Additive Manufacturing: So Much More Than the Printer
With so much focus being put on 3D printers, it can be easy to lose sight of the many other important sectors that make 3D printing, especially industrial additive manufacturing, possible. It takes an entire ecosystem, including materials, software, post-processing, quality assurance, services, specialized training, and more, for 3D printing to be utilized in high-value industries and applications
17 Oct 2022
Polymer 3D Printing Market Moves Beyond Prototyping to Hit US$21.1B
IDTechEx finds that demand for polymer materials by mass far exceeds that of metal materials for 3D printing. IDTechEx finds that polymer 3D printing is moving beyond prototyping to high-value adoption by end-users, which will propel its growth to US$21.1 billion in 2033.
25 Aug 2022
Additive Manufacturing Set to Surpass US$41 Billion by 2033
Despite the obstacles posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and persistent supply chain disruptions, the additive manufacturing market continues to find new applications and end-users. IDTechEx forecasts that 3D printing's continued innovation and meaningful adoption will lead the hardware and consumables market to surpass US$41 billion by 2033.
02 Aug 2022
The Dichotomy Influencing the 3D Printing Materials Market
Open vs closed materials systems: In this article, IDTechEx Technology Analyst Sona Dadhania discusses how the dichotomy between "open" materials systems and "closed" materials systems (also known as platforms or architectures) affects the growth and utilization of materials for additive manufacturing.
20 Jun 2022
3D Printing Materials: A $29.5 Billion Opportunity Ripe for Innovation
The growth potential for AM materials differs from printing equipment, as operational legacy printers continue to consume materials. Therefore, this segment of the 3D printing value chain represents a tremendous opportunity.
02 Jun 2022
Metal 3D Printing Technology Landscape - The Trends and the Whitespace
Perfectly imperfect - that is the technology landscape in metal 3D printing boiled down. Through an extensive benchmarking study, IDTechEx has asked the question: where are metal additive manufacturing technologies going, and where are the whitespaces for advancement in the metal AM landscape?
03 May 2022
Metal Additive Manufacturing: Don't Tell Me, Show Me
Since 3D Systems commercialized stereolithography 30 years ago, 3D printer manufacturers who invented their own proprietary technology predominantly followed the same business strategy: selling their printers to customers. Until recently, it was the norm for established and rising 3D printing players, both in metal and polymer additive manufacturing, to follow the same path.