13 Dec 2024
E-Fuels: Navigating the Path from Pilot to Commercial Scale Production
The e-fuels sector stands at a critical juncture in its evolution from laboratory innovation and demonstration projects to industrial-scale production. While significant progress has been made in technology development and market interest, evidenced by substantial corporate investments and supportive policy frameworks, considerable challenges remain.

15 Nov 2024
Sustainable Aviation Fuel - Key Market Drivers and Production Tech
SAF has emerged as a crucial decarbonization tool offering up to 80% emissions reduction while being drop-in compatible with existing aircraft engines and infrastructure. This article discusses the key SAF production technologies and market drivers.

12 Nov 2024
The Hydrogen Value Chain, Emerging Power and Aviation Applications
Hydrogen and its derivatives (e.g. ammonia, methanol) will be crucial in decarbonizing diverse sectors and serving as energy carriers for global renewable energy transport. As a result, the market is seeing increased commercial interest from technology providers, engineering services, and project developers eager to capitalize on this expanding opportunity.

15 Oct 2024
The Evolution of the Biofuel and E-Fuel Production Landscape
This article will delve into some of the key market drivers and technological developments shaping the future of advanced biofuels and e-fuels.

17 May 2024
Key Business Models for Electrolyzer Firms in Green Hydrogen Projects
Green hydrogen production utilizes four main electrolyzer technologies: alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), proton exchange membrane (PEM), anion exchange membrane (AEM), and solid oxide electrolyzers (SOEC). Each technology has its own operational principles, performance characteristics, and commercial maturity.

12 Apr 2024
Electrolyzer Market: Consistent Uptick in Number of Green H2 Players
As green hydrogen increasingly garners recognition as a pivotal tool for decarbonizing various industries, the electrolyzer market is also observing a steady and consistent rise in the number of companies venturing into the development of electrolyzer stacks and production facilities.

08 Mar 2024
Future Directions for the Green Hydrogen & Electrolyzer Market Growth
The clean hydrogen market is poised for significant growth, driven by the increasing focus from companies and governments on developing green hydrogen infrastructure to decarbonize hard-to-abate industries. The electrolyzer is a key component of the green hydrogen plant, responsible for the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable energy.

28 Feb 2024
Key Priorities for Water Electrolyzer Material & Component Innovation
The production of green hydrogen continues to be the focus of many governmental and corporate decarbonization strategies. The electrolyzer is a key technology that enables green hydrogen production by splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable electricity. Many focus on the need for large-scale green hydrogen plants as well as electrolyzer manufacturing facilities.

15 Jan 2024
PEM Electrolyzer Materials - Niche Market with Large Opportunities
Green hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a clean industrial feedstock and the future's energy carrier. Central to green hydrogen production is the water electrolyzer. Historically, the alkaline water electrolyzer (AWE) has dominated the market due to its maturity and development

11 Jan 2024
Energizing the Future: Hydrogen's Decade Ahead
Decarbonization efforts have gained momentum globally in recent years. Renewable energy, electrification, and battery storage are primary solutions. However, some sectors remain difficult to decarbonize using such methods, including heavy industry, heating, and certain transport sectors, such as aviation and shipping.

28 Nov 2023
Material Innovation to Drive the Water Electrolyzer Market
In an era marked by a global shift towards sustainable energy solutions, the hydrogen industry is at the forefront of this transformative wave. Green hydrogen, produced through water electrolysis-powered renewable energy, stands out as a key solution for decarbonizing sectors where direct electrification remains a challenge.

04 Oct 2023
From Fuel Cells to Feedstocks: A Guide to Hydrogen Applications
As the energy and industrial landscapes experience transformative shifts, the hydrogen economy stands at the threshold of sustainable growth. The envisioned hydrogen value chain will integrate production, storage, and distribution systems, supporting a wide array of applications that span industrial processes to various transportation sectors.

15 Aug 2023
Combler Le Fossé : Stockage Et Distribution Dans La Chaîne De Valeur De L'hydrogène
Ces dernières années, l'intérêt et l'activité dans le secteur de l'hydrogène se sont accélérés, sous l'impulsion des gouvernements qui reconnaissent le rôle de l'hydrogène dans la transition énergétique et des entreprises du monde entier qui capitalisent sur les opportunités de marché émergentes en fournissant des services, des produits, des technologies et des projets.

12 Jul 2023
Global Low-Carbon Hydrogen Market to Reach US$130 Billion by 2033
The hydrogen economy envisions a future energy infrastructure where low-carbon hydrogen is utilized to decarbonize critical industrial sectors and long-haul transportation while satisfying the increasing demand for low-carbon energy.

02 Jun 2023
Methane Pyrolysis: Unlocking the Potential of Turquoise Hydrogen
In the rapidly evolving landscape of hydrogen, the global push for low-carbon hydrogen production is accelerating the exploration of sustainable, scalable, and economically viable technologies.

12 Apr 2023
Autothermal Reforming: A Promising Technology for Blue Hydrogen
Blue hydrogen production is gaining traction, with announcements of large-scale projects, funding, and government support worldwide. According to IDTechEx's analysis, the blue hydrogen market will be worth US$34 billion by 2033. But which technology will drive most of this capacity and market growth?

21 Feb 2023
Global Blue Hydrogen Market to Reach US$34 Billion by 2033
Blue hydrogen refers to the production of hydrogen from fossil fuels, mostly through natural gas reforming or coal gasification, in which most CO2 emissions are captured and stored or used in products via carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies.