Graphene-based Electrodes for Application in Supercapacitors - Insights into ElectroGraph Project (Graphene LIVE! Europe 2013)

Ms Urszula Kosidlo,
Fraunhofer IPA


Fraunhofer IPA - presentation*
Fraunhofer IPA - audio presentation*

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Speaker Biography (Urszula Kosidlo)

Urszula Kosidlo, M.Sc. studied Process Engineering and Energy Technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven, Germany, and received her Master of Sciences degree in 2006 in cooperation with Fraunhofer Technology Development Group TEG in Stuttgart, Germany.
At Fraunhofer Institute since 2005, currently employed as:
  • Project Manager
  • Deputy Group Leader Synthesis Techniques at Department of Functional Materials
  • Thematic Field Leader Graphene
  • Core Team Member in Business Unit Power Industry
  • Application Specialist Actuator and Energy Storage Systems
Specialised in the field of carbon nanomaterials, their processing and applications, especially in automotive and sport equipment sector. Currently, main research interests are in the field of graphene, its production, properties engineering and applications. Involved in both scientific and industrial projects either as project manager or project engineer. Coordinator of the EU FP7 project ElectroGraph (Graphene-Based Electrodes for Application is Supercapacitors).

Company Profile (Fraunhofer IPA)

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For more than ten years now, the researchers from the Fraunhofer IPA department »Functional Materials« have been developing new materials and products qualities based on carbon nanotubes and other allotropes such as graphene. Inspired by topics such as energy and resources efficiency, we work in our department at synthesis, modeling, dispersion and application of nanostructured carbon. Due to the high technology standards and integration methods, we are able to find customized solutions very quickly and offer our customers a unique range of services.
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