Organic Electronics Made by a Single-Step Printing Process (RFID Smart Labels USA 2008)

Prof Aimin Song, Founding Director
Nano ePrint Ltd, United Kingdom


Nano ePrint presentation*

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Presentation Summary

  • Printable organic microwave rectifier for RFIDs
  • Planar organic diode/transistors
  • Printable circuits based on planar devices

Speaker Biography (Aimin Song)

Professor Song spent three years of fellowships at University of Glasgow and University of Munich awarded by the Royal Society and Alexander von Humboldt foundation after his PhD. He then worked at Lund University as a Swedish Natural Science Research Council Open Postdoc and then a guest lecturer. He moved to Manchester as a Lecturer in 2002, and became Professor of Nanoelectronics in 2006. His research is to explore novel nanodevice concepts, particularly ultra-high-speed, zero-threshold nano-diodes, for printed electronics as well as energy harvesting. He received a Royal Society Brian Mercer Feasibility Award and Distinguished Achievement Medal for "Researcher of the Year" of the University of Manchester.

Company Profile (Nano ePrint)

Nano ePrint logo
Nano ePrint was formed in 2006 following pioneering research at the University of Manchester in the UK. Nano ePrint's technology enables planar nanoelectronic circuits that can uniquely be fabricated in a single layer of semiconductor via single-step patterning. Nano ePrint's devices achieve very high speeds while dramatically reducing circuit size and simplifying manufacture. Nano ePrint has also developed a configurable circuit architecture to deliver the world's first printed programmable logic circuits, allowing one circuit to simultaneously address multiple applications. The Nano ePrint approach opens up prospects for low-cost, high-performance printed electronics across a wide range of market opportunities.
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