The conducting thread! (Wearable USA 2017)

Mr Boules Morcos, Technical Manager
MacDermid Performance Solutions
United States


USA 2017 Presentation - MacDermid Performance Solutions*
USA 2017 Audio Presentation - MacDermid Performance Solutions*
USA 2017 Video Presentation - MacDermid Performance Solutions*

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Company Profile (MacDermid Performance Solutions)

MacDermid Performance Solutions logo
MacDermid Performance Solutions group of businesses supply innovative, functional products to a rapidly changing electronics marketplace.
MacDermid Autotype a global supplier that formulates, manufactures and markets high quality precision coated films and blended liquids for use in the Electronics, Automotive and Printing industries.
Alpha Assembly Solutions a leading supplier of innovative Electronic Materials. Serves the Flexible, Formable and Printed Electronics market through a comprehensive offering of Silver Inks, Carbon Inks, Dielectrics, Electronic Adhesives and Solder Pastes.
We research, develop and deliver specialty substrates and high performance environmental friendly materials that enable the manufacture of complex electronic circuits and assemblies.
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