แอโรเจล 2024-2034: เทคโนโลยี การตลาด และเครื่องเล่น

วัสดุนาโนรูพรุนขั้นสูงที่มีน้ำหนักเบา รวมถึงซิลิกาโมโนลิต อนุภาค ผ้าห่ม และอื่น ๆ พอลิเมอร์ คาร์บอน และประเภทอื่นๆ กระบวนการผลิตการอบแห้งแบบ supercritical การแช่แข็ง และแรงดันแวดล้อมรถยนต์ไฟฟ้าน้ำมันและก๊าซและการใช้งานอื่น ๆ

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This market report provides a comprehensive and authoritative view of the global aerogel market, giving detailed ten-year market forecasts segmented by application and both material type and form. IDTechEx has been studying the aerogel industry for many years with technical experts conducting an extensive number of primary interviews to bring the reader a granular and detailed assessment of this industry.
Aerogels have experienced steady market growth historically, reaching a market of just under US$450 million in 2022. Progress has been somewhat slower than some would expect, this has largely been due to competition with lower cost incumbent insulation materials. However, the emergence of aerogels as a fire protection material for electric vehicle (EV) batteries provides a new and rapidly growing opportunity for the aerogel market. IDTechEx predicts that this will be the dominant application for aerogels within the forecast period.
aerogels market, aerogel forecast, aerogels forecast, aerogel applications, aerogel players, aerogel trends, ev battery, fire protection material
IDTechEx predicts that EV batteries will be the dominant application for aerogels in the future. Source: IDTechEx
The report provides benchmarking of aerogels against other fire protection materials for EV battery packs. The thermal insulation, compression, and fire protection benefits that aerogels can provide, along with their low density, means they are starting to see much greater adoption in this application. Whilst much of this progress has been in China, other regions are getting involved, for example, GM selected Aspen Aerogels' products for its Ultium platform.
A detailed assessment of all the aerogel manufacturers is given in the report, including their capacity, revenue, products, production processes, planned expansions, and more. A comprehensive patent analysis is conducted, which looks at key assignees and applications.
This report also details and benchmarks the different types and forms of pure and composite aerogel products. The most prevalent of these is silica aerogels, with the key property being very low thermal conductivity (λ = 15-25 mW/m.K); the commercial applications to date centre almost exclusively around silica blankets and panels for their use in thermal insulation. However, given the abundance and cost of traditional insulators, manufacturers have been unable to justify the high price on the superior insulating properties alone. Instead, they have looked to the added value of the properties these multi-functional materials possess, be it fire retardancy, low density, hydrophobicity, strength or electrical/acoustic insulation.
Silica particles (granules and powders) are gaining an increasing amount of interest either integrated into blankets and sheets post-production or used as fillers in a range of liquid or solid products including coatings, daylighting panels, and building material. Cabot Corporation has remained as the key player in these high-performance particles for over two-decades and continues to have its material implemented into new markets. Alongside this is the rise of the lower cost powders, led by the likes of JIOS Aerogel, that are gaining some market traction.
IDTechEx has identified organic aerogels, notably polymer panels and films, as a rapidly emerging area of commercial activity. Although silica monoliths are the most photographed, their brittleness makes them have practically no commercial applications. Polymer variants have very different mechanical properties, taking the industry in many new directions. Many of the promising players are establishing notable production capacities and there is already significant interest from large end-users across a range of sectors for their use in antennas to interiors for transportation. Carbon aerogels have been known for a longer time but are again seeing lots of market activity and technology developments (such as graphene aerogels) showing the most promise for energy storage applications.
Finally, this report looks further into the future, describing the cutting-edge applications and manufacturing techniques. Pricing forecasts are provided for all different types and are predicted to undergo significant shifts as increased capacities and emerging manufacturing processes are anticipated. The report extensively compares and discusses batch and continuous manufacturing processes for both supercritical drying, freeze drying, and ambient pressure drying techniques. This is with consideration to both established methods, start-up companies, and relevant academic or industrial research. There remains a constant interest in new materials, utilising renewable or recycled feedstocks, and ambitious manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing.
Key aspects
Benchmarking of aerogel products:
  • Thermal conductivity
  • Density
  • Applications and maturity
Analysis of aerogel applications:
Electric vehicle batteries, oil and gas, industrial, building and construction, windows, apparel, cosmetics, transportation, energy storage, aerospace, and several others
10 year market forecasts in US$:
  • Aerogel type: silica, carbon and polymer aerogels
  • Aerogel applications: EV Battery, industrial (including refineries), LNG, building and construction, energy infrastructure, apparel, footwear, and sport, cosmetics, electronics, windows, and other
  • Aerogels as fire protection in EV battery packs: inter-cell and pack-level
  • Polymer and carbon aerogels by application: eVTOL/eCTOL and other
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2020 - 2022
CAGR15.8% CAGR from 2022 to 2034
Forecast Period2023 - 2034
Forecast UnitsUS$
Regions CoveredWorldwide, China
Segments CoveredEV Battery Industrial (incl refineries), LNG, Building and Construction, Energy Infrastructure*, Apparel, Footwear and Sport, Cosmetics, Electronics, Window, Other.
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Further information
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1.1.EV Battery Packs are the Application Aerogels Needed
1.2.Thermal Runaway and Fires in EVs
1.3.Growing EV Market
1.4.Regional EV Battery Safety Standards Overview
1.5.Main Categories of Fire Protection Materials
1.6.Fire Protection Materials Comparison
1.7.Density vs Thermal Conductivity - Thermally Insulating Fire Protection for EVs
1.8.Material Intensity in EV Batteries (kg/kWh)
1.9.Aerogels Forecast for EV Battery Fire Protection 2020-2034 (US$)
1.10.Forecast by Aerogel Application 2020-2034 (US$)
1.11.Aerogel Thermal Conductivity Benchmarking Study 2023
1.12.Forecast by Aerogel Form and Type 2020-2034 (US$)
1.13.Silica Aerogel Properties
1.14.Different Forms of Aerogels
1.15.Capacity of Aerogel Manufacturers and Expansions
1.16.Aerogels Manufacturer Revenues 2020, 2022
1.17.Aerogel Manufacturing Process by Player in 2023
1.18.China Dominates Aerogel Manufacturing but Less So for Revenue (2022)
1.19.Carbon and Polymer Aerogel Forecast 2020-2034 (US$)
2.1.What is an aerogel?
2.2.How are aerogels made?
2.3.A brief history of aerogels
2.4.Supercritical drying process: overview
2.5.Supercritical drying process: closed loop
2.6.Supercritical drying process: autoclave loading
2.7.Supercritical drying advancements
2.8.Ambient pressure drying process - Cabot Corporation
2.9.Aerogel Manufacturing Process by Player in 2023
2.10.Silica Aerogel Properties
2.11.Different Forms of Aerogels
2.12.Silica aerogel properties by pure form
2.13.Aerogel Thermal Conductivity Benchmarking Study 2023
2.14.Aerogel Thermal Conductivity and Density Benchmarking Study 2023
2.15.Quantitative benchmarking study - Measurement Accuracy
2.16.Advanced silica aerogel properties
2.17.Silica aerogel precursors
2.18.Aerogel tree by type
3.1.Comprehensive company list, capacity and 2023 status
3.2.Comprehensive company list, capacity and status
3.3.Aerogel Company Founding Date Comparison
3.4.Development of supercritical aerogel manufacturing processes
3.5.Hype curve of aerogel by application
3.6.Patent infringement news and outlook
3.7.Aerogel patent analysis: main players
3.8.Aerogel google trends
3.9.Aerogel patent analysis: application spikes
3.10.Market Forecast Information and Overview
3.11.Market Forecast By Industry Sector
3.12.Forecast by Aerogel Form and Type 2020-2034 (US$)
3.13.Revenue of aerogel manufacturers
3.14.Capacity of aerogel manufacturers
3.15.Upcoming notable capacity expansions, 2023 onwards
3.16.Chinese manufacturers - 2023 region, status, and outlook
3.17.China Dominates Aerogel Manufacturing but Less So for Revenue (2022)
3.18.e-commerce sites for aerogels
3.19.Market leaders overview: Aspen Aerogels
3.20.Market leaders overview: Aspen Aerogels (2)
3.21.Market leaders overview: Cabot Corporation
3.22.Cabot's Line for EV Battery Applications
3.23.Recent Progress and Applications in China
3.24.New Entrants in China
3.25.New Insulation Applications in China
3.26.Other New Applications in China
3.27.Carbon Aerogel Applications in China
3.28.Aerogels - New Entrants and Applications in China
4.1.Silica composite aerogels - matrix reinforced. Aspen Aerogel products
4.2.Silica composite aerogels - matrix reinforced. Aspen Aerogel manufacturing
4.3.Silica composite aerogels - cost analysis
4.4.Silica composite aerogels - composites formed from powders and granules
4.5.Silica composite aerogels - Armacell and JIOS Aerogel Partnership
4.6.Silica composite aerogels - Armacell 2023 developments
4.7.Silica composite aerogels formed from powder and granules - players and progress
4.8.Research into opacifying composite silica aerogel
4.9.Silica composite aerogels - Huntsman and Cabot Corporation case study
4.10.Powder aerogel SWOT analysis
4.11.Granule aerogel SWOT analysis
4.12."Aerogel-like" products
4.13."Aerogel-like" products - SUMTEQ
4.14.Silica aerogel in end-user liquid products
4.15.Silica Aerogel powder manufacturing processes
4.16.Cost optimised ambient pressure drying process - university research
4.17.Powders and granules prepared under ambient pressure - university research
4.18.Organic crosslinkers
4.19.Organic crosslinkers (2)
4.20.Monolith prepared under ambient pressure
4.21.Rapid supercritical extraction
4.22.3D printing of aerogels
4.23.3D printing of aerogels (2)
4.24.Alternative monolithic aerogel manufacturing processes - university research
4.25.Cost progression for powder and granule silica aerogels
4.26.Market share for silica granule and powder manufacturers
4.27.Silica aerogel from sustainable feedstocks
4.28.Silica aerogel from sustainable feedstocks (2)
5.1.Polymer aerogels - introduction
5.2.Polymer aerogels - Aerogel Technologies
5.3.Polymer aerogels - Blueshift Materials
5.4.Polymer aerogels - aerogel-it
5.5.Polymer aerogels - IBIH
5.6.Research into polymer aerogels
5.7.Research into polymer aerogels - NASA
5.8.Polymer aerogels used alongside graphene
5.9.Carbon aerogel - manufacturing and properties
5.10.Key carbon aerogel manufacturers
5.11.Research into carbon aerogels
5.12.Graphene and graphite aerogel
5.13.Graphene and graphite aerogel (2) - Aerogel Core Ltd
5.14.Graphene and graphite aerogel (3)
5.15.3D Printing of organic aerogels - carbon and graphene
5.16.Aerogels used alongside graphene
5.17.Sustainable aerogel - natural sources
5.18.Sustainable aerogel - natural sources (2)
5.19.Sustainable aerogel - waste material
5.20.Carbon and Polymer Aerogel Application Forecast 2020-2034 (US$)
5.21.Carbon and Polymer Aerogel Forecast 2020-2034 (US$)
6.1.Governmental drivers and domestic standards
6.2.Fire safety
6.3.Regional EV Battery Safety Standards Overview
6.4.Reducing vehicle emissions
6.5.Financial support and funding: Horizon 2014-2020
6.6.Financial support and funding: post Horizon and Globally
7.1.What Are Fire Protection Materials in EV Batteries?
7.2.Thermal Runaway and Fires in EVs
7.3.Battery Fires and Related Recalls (automotive)
7.4.Growing EV Market
7.5.Main Categories of Fire Protection Materials
7.6.Fire Protection Materials Comparison
7.7.Density vs Thermal Conductivity - Thermally Insulating Fire Protection for EVs
7.8.Material Intensity in EV Batteries (kg/kWh)
7.9.Concerns for Aerogels in EV Batteries and How They're Addressed
7.10.Current Applications of Aerogels in EV Batteries
7.11.Current Applications of Aerogels in EV Batteries (2)
7.12.Current Applications of Aerogels in EV Batteries (3)
7.13.Notable Entrants to the EV Market - JIOS
7.14.Notable Entrants to the EV Market - Alkegen and Toray
7.15.Notable Entrants to the EV Market - Cabot Corporation
7.16.Aerogels Forecast for EV Battery Fire Protection 2020-2034 (US$)
8.1.Overview of Other Aerogel Applications
8.2.Oil and Gas - refineries
8.3.Oil and Gas - pipelines
8.4.Oil and Gas - pipelines (2)
8.5.Industrial insulation
8.6.Building and construction - overview
8.7.Building and construction - panels and blankets
8.8.Building and construction - coatings and paints
8.9.Building and construction - plaster, concrete and bricks
8.10.Building and construction - plaster, concrete and bricks (2)
8.11.Window insulation - Cabot Corporation
8.12.Window insulation - AeroShield
8.13.Window insulation - emerging research
8.14.Window insulation - emerging research (2)
8.15.District energy applications
8.16.Thermoelectric generators - General Motors
8.17.Apparel and footwear
8.18.Apparel and footwear (2)
8.19.Packaging - Cold chain
8.20.Beauty and cosmetics
8.21.Transportation - silica
8.22.Transportation - polymer aerogel
8.23.Sports equipment
8.24.Energy Storage Overview
8.25.Energy storage - silicon anodes
8.26.Energy storage - Li-S batteries
8.27.Energy storage - carbon aerogels as electrodes
8.28.Energy storage - Graphene aerogels
8.29.Energy storage - 3D printed aerogels
8.30.Energy storage - Hydrogen
8.31.Energy storage - supercapacitors
8.32.Energy storage - supercapacitors (2)
8.33.NASA - Aerogels for Space and Beyond
8.34.Fire retardant applications
8.35.Solar energy collection
8.36.Environmental impact solutions - air and liquid filtration
8.37.Environmental impact solutions - air and liquid filtration. (2)
8.38.Environmental impact solutions - oil-spill remediation and desalination
8.39.Medical applications
8.40.Bone tissue engineering
8.41.Food and drink
8.42.EMI shielding
8.44.Electronics - thermal insulation
8.45.Electronics - thermal insulation (2)
8.46.5G mobile phones - antenna modules
8.47.Antenna substrates - polymer aerogels
8.48.Low loss materials for 5G - polymer aerogels
8.49.Low loss materials for 5G - polymer aerogels (2)
8.50.Knudsen pumps
8.51.Defense applications
8.52.Passive Cooling Applications
8.53.Passive Cooling SWOT Analysis
8.54.Fundamental research purposes
9.1.Forecast Methodology
9.2.Aerogel Revenue Forecast by Material Type 2020-2034
9.3.Silica Aerogel Forecast by Application 2020-2034
9.4.Aerogels Forecast for EV Battery Fire Protection 2020-2034 (US$)
9.5.Aerogels Manufacturer Revenues 2020, 2022
9.6.Polymer and Carbon Aerogel Revenue Forecast 2020-2034 (US$)
9.7.Company Profiles

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ตลาด Aerogel จะเกิน 2.6 พันล้านเหรียญสหรัฐภายในปี 2034

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