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อินเทอร์เฟซประสาทแบบรุกรานและไม่รุกราน: การคาดการณ์และการใช้งาน 2018-2028


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Neural interfaces have long been a useful tool in research, but have recently garnered attention from both the government and independent investors alike. This report provides an overview of those interests and collaborations responsible for the production of innovative technologies that meld man with machine. The 2013 NIH BRAIN initiative, for example, has multiple industry partners who develop and provide neural interfacing technology including Inscopix, Blackrock Microsystems, Ripple Neuro, and NeuroNexus; all of which this report covers in detail. Additionally, prominent businessmen and venture capitalists like Bryan Johnson have gone so far as to establish their own companies (e.g. Kernel) in pursuit of brain machine interface development. Academic institutions however today still hold a lead when it comes to top patenting assignees, with schools like the University of California, MIT, and Case Western Reserve all contributing major technological advances to the field. This new report contains an entire chapter dedicated to elucidating these, and other important patent trends for neural interfaces (including timelines, geographic breakdowns, and technology areas).
Figure: Shows the top 20 assignees for "neural interface" patents.
The resulting applications for neural interface technology are broad, ranging from research to medical devices, and in non-invasive tech, even the consumer market. This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the current competitive landscape for these technologies. Invasive probes, for example, have been a neurophysiological staple for years, as scientists endeavor to decode the complex architecture of the brain. New techniques like optogenetics, used in tandem with conventional probes for neurophysiology, have the potential to disentangle the complex web of pathways responsible for a given behavior or disease. Additionally, probes are being made stronger, thinner, yet more flexible. These characteristics are tremendously advantageous in terms of biocompatibility for potential human applications where long-term stability is key. Advances in probe microfabrication over the years have proved indispensable in making new, translatable discoveries possible. Yet report details other hardware developments too, that have been crucial in propelling benchwork forward. Wireless transmission and induction power have played a role in tether-less headstages that allow experimental mice the ability to move freely, unencumbered by the wires connecting them back to traditional data acquisition systems. Wireless communication from implanted probes may play a major part in the development of certain medical devices for humans, a venture some believe may gain traction in the form of clinical trials within the next 5 years.
On the non-invasive side, EEG (electroencephalography) and fNIRs (functional near-infrared spectroscopy) technology has forged a path both in research and the consumer market. While EEG probes have been commonly used in the monitoring and diagnosis of patients over decades, fNIRS has grown into a sort of "mobile-MRI" technology capable of adding an extra dimension to neurological assessment. Both of these are essential in the clinic, where they are commonly used for a variety of indications including epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and sleep disorders. Emerging applications however, continue to arise, as these non-invasive technologies like the mindBEAGLE by Guger Technologies may help patients in a "locked-in" state communicate. In consumer goods, these non-invasive biosensors are integrated into easy-to-wear headsets useful for applications like education and training, health and wellness, and entertainment. Users can wirelessly track their levels of concentration, both during meditation and in school, and check their results on their own phone. In the entertainment sector, EEG-based technology has combined with other fields like artificial reality to create new engaging viewing experiences, while long-standing companies like Mattel team up with Neurosky to make the next generation of mind-controlled toys. The report is therefore a 'must-read' for those looking to dissect apart the billion-dollar market potential for non-invasive interfaces, finding niches in both the clinic and consumer sectors.
The future of neural interface technology, both invasive and non-invasive, is an exciting one. It holds tremendous promise for the future or research, healthcare, and everyday consumer electronics. A corresponding segmented market forecast for neural interfaces is included in the report; framing this industry that may amount to a minimum $2B for 2028 alone. A conservative estimate, there remain still several technologies today that may be even more prosperous beyond the next decade after various regulatory approvals have been accomplished, creating an environment where getting in on the ground floor now, is essential.
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Table of Contents
1.1.Circuit construction for measuring biopotential
1.2.Neural Interface Processes
1.3.Viled and renewed neural interface patents
1.4.Top 20 assignees for neural interface patents
1.5.Geographic distribution of "neural interface" patents
1.6.Geographical distribution of "neural interface" patents
1.7.Trends in data acquisition
1.8.Data acquisition system trending examples
1.9.Trends in invasive neural interfaces
1.10.Invasive neural interface trending examples
1.11.Trends in non-invasive interfaces
1.12.Non-invasive neural interface trending examples
1.13.Overall forecast for neural interfaces
2.1.NIH BRAIN Initiative
2.2.How neurons normally function - axons and action potntials
2.3.How neurons normally function - the synaptic cleft
2.4.Meauring bioptntial
2.5.Circuit construction for measuring biopnential
2.6.An electrophysiology recording system
2.7.Electrodes: Introduction
2.8.Signals acquired in electrophysiology
2.9.EEG waveforms
2.10.ECoG waveforms
2.11.LFP waveforms
2.12.Neural Interface Processes
2.13.Pros and Cons of Non-invasive Interfaces
2.14.Pros and Cons of Invasive Interfaces
2.15.Pros and Cons of Select Implanted Probe Materials
2.16.Invasive and Non-invasive Neural Interfaces
2.17.Funtional Near-infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
2.18.fNIR Examples
2.19.Electrodes as consumables vs. consumer electronics
2.20.Trends in data acquisition
2.21.Trends in invasive neural interfaces
2.22.Trends in non-invasive interfaces
2.23.Companies & institutions included in this report
2.24.Major company acquisitions
3.1.Historical sales for DAQ systems
3.2.Historical sales for in vitro/vivo research probes
3.3.Historical sales for clinical research probes
3.4.Forecast DAQ and probes sales
3.5.Forecast DAQ systems and probes revenue
3.6.Potential interruption of traditional DAQs
3.7.Invasive probes market - Epilepsy
3.8.Invasive probes market - ICVPs
3.9.Invasive probes market - Speech conveyors
3.10.Invasive probes market - quadriplegics
3.11.Invasive probes markets forecast
3.12.EEG probe market - Epilepsy
3.13.EEG probe market - Traumatic Brain Injury
3.14.EEG probe market - Sleep disorders
3.15.EEG probe market - Speech conveyors
3.16.EEG probe market forecast
3.17.Disruption or coexistence with fNIRS?
3.18.EEG probe market forecast with fNIT
3.19.EEG headset market segmentation
3.20.Forecast EEG headsets
3.21.App subscriptions for EEG headsets
3.22.Overall forecast for neural interfaces
4.1.Broad patent landscape for "Neural interfaces"
4.1.1.Filed and renewed neural interface patents
4.1.2.Top 20 assignees for neural interface patents
4.1.3.Geographic distribution of "neural interface" patents
4.1.4.Top "neural interface" IPC codes
4.1.5.Top neural interface patent IPC codes by year
4.2.Patent landscapes for "Brain machine interfaces"
4.2.1.Filed and renewed "brain machine interface" patents
4.2.2.Top 20 assignees for "brain machine interface" patents
4.2.3.Geographical distribution of "brain machine interface" patents
4.2.4.Geographical distribution of "brain machine interface" patents
4.2.5.Top "brain machine interface" IPC codes
4.2.6.Top "brain machine interface" patent IPC codes by year
4.3.Patent landscape for "Brain computer interfaces"
4.3.1.Filed and renewed "brain computer interface" patents
4.3.2.Top 20 assignees for "brain computer interface" patents
4.3.3.Geographic distribution of "brain computer interface" patents
4.3.4.Top "brain computer interface" IPC codes
4.3.5.Top "brain computer interface" patent IPC codes by year
5.1.Neural Probes
5.1.1.A brief history of neural probes
5.1.2.Examples of neural electrodes
5.1.3.How neural probes are typically made
5.1.4.Considerations for electrode material selection
5.1.5.Considerations for insulating materials
5.1.6.Pros and Cons of select implanted probe materials
5.1.7.Research interest in neural probes
5.1.8.Patent interest in neural probes
5.1.9.NIH BRAIN Initiative®
5.2.In vitro/vivo research probes and microdrives
5.2.1.The University of Utah Center for Neural Interfaces
5.2.2.Blackrock Microsystems Partnerships and advances
5.2.3.Blackrock Microsystems Electrodes and electrode concepts
5.2.4.Tucker-Davis Technologies Probes
5.2.5.Neuro Nexus Company & Collaboration
5.2.6.Neuro NexusTechnologies
5.2.7.Neuro Nexus Standard probes and vector arrays
5.2.8.Neuro Nexus dDrive and pDrive (Beta)
5.2.9.Graymatter ResearchMicrodrives
5.2.10.Thomas Recording Technologies
5.2.11.Thomas Recording Microelectrodes
5.2.12.Thomas Recording Microdrives
5.2.13.Thomas Recording Chronic recording devices
5.2.14.CorTec Electrode technology
5.2.15.CorTec Hermetic encapsulation technology
5.2.16.Cambridge NeuroTech Probes
5.2.17.Cambridge NeuroTech Probe advantages
5.2.18.WISE Technology
5.2.19.FHC Inc. Technology
5.2.20.FHC Inc. Research microelectrodes
5.2.21.Atlas Neuro Probe technology
5.2.22.Integer Neuromodulation solutions
5.2.23.MicroProbes for Life Science Technologies
5.2.24.MicroProbes for Life Science Single, bipolar, and macro electrodes
5.2.25.MicroProbes for Life Science Concentric microelectrodes
5.2.26.MicroProbes for Life Science Arrays
5.2.27.MicroProbes for Life Science and the future of Tungsten microelectrode arrays
5.2.28.Qwane Biosciences Microelectrode arrays
5.2.29.Multichannel systems Microelectrode arrays
5.2.30.HEKA Electrophysiology electrodes Microelectrode arrays
5.2.32.Plexon Electrodes
5.2.33.Novela advanced microsystems Electrode arrays
5.2.34.Alpha Omega Electrodes
5.2.35.Alpha Omega Clinical electrode and microdrive
5.2.36.Invivo1 Electrodes
5.2.37.Bio-Signal Technologies Electrode arrays
5.2.38.A-M Systems Electrodes
5.2.39.ADInstruments Neurophysiology equipment
5.2.40.ADInstruments Wireless implants for research
5.2.41.University of Texas
5.2.42.Implantable fNIRS probe
5.3.Clinical research probes
5.3.1.Special considerations for clinical probes & related devices
5.3.2.FHC Clinical microelectrodes
5.3.3.AD-Tech Technologies
5.3.4.AD-Tech Subdural electrodes
5.3.5.AD-Tech Depth electrodes
5.3.6.AD-Tech Intraoperative monitoring electrodes
5.3.7.PMT Corporation Electrodes
5.3.8.Digitimer Subdermal electrodes
5.3.9.Needle Electrodes
5.4.Connectors for probes
5.4.1.Available connector types
5.4.2.Omnetics Connectors for neuroscience
5.4.3.Samtec Connectors
5.4.4.Tucker-Davis Technologies ZIF-Clip® Connectors
5.4.5.Atlas Neuro Connector and EIB technology
5.4.6.CorTec Interconnection technology
5.4.7.Trends in invasive neural interfaces
5.5.Surface electrodes
5.5.1.Properties of wearable electrodes
5.5.2.Dry electrodes: Challenges and solutions
5.5.3.Approaches for improving electrode performance
5.5.4.Consumer EEG products and prototypes
5.5.5.How EEGs work
5.5.6.EGI Electrodes
5.5.7.Advanced Brain Monitoring EEG headsets for medical use
5.5.8.Advanced Brain Monitoring EEG headsets for research use
5.5.9.Advanced Brain Monitoring software
5.5.10.Brain Products & EASYCAP, Brain Vision Solutions
5.5.11.Compumedics Electrodes
5.5.12.Genuine Grass EEG electrodes
5.5.13.ADInstruments EEG surface electrodes
5.5.14.IDUN HealthTech Dry electrodes for health monitoring
5.5.15.A-M Systems Surface electrodes
5.5.16.NeuroSky EEG Biosensors and headset
5.5.17.Digitimer Surface electrodes
5.5.18.MindMedia EEG electrodes
5.5.19.Medtronic Electrodes for brain monitoring
5.5.20.IMEC and the Holst Centre
5.5.21.BIOPAC EEG & fNIR systems
5.5.22.Focus BCI Kits
5.5.23.Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
5.5.24.Rogue Resolutions & Brainsight NIRS fNIRS systems
5.5.25.NIRX fNIRS optrodes
5.5.26.NIRX Cap layouts
5.5.27.Gowerlabs fNIRS headgear
5.5.28.Artinis fNIRS and multimodal caps
5.5.29.Trends in non-invasive interfaces
6.1.In vivo research and clinical DAQ systems and software
6.1.1.Tucker-Davis Technologies Preamplifiers
6.1.2.Tucker-Davis Technologies Processors
6.1.3.Tucker-Davis Technologies Software
6.1.4.Intan Amplifier chips
6.1.5.Cambridge NeuroTech Technologies
6.1.6.Blackrock Microsystems Headstages
6.1.7.Blackrock Microsystems Data acquisition systems
6.1.8.Triangle Biosystems Wireless DAQ systems
6.1.9.Triangle Biosystems Recording and analysis software
6.1.10.White Matter Headstages
6.1.11.Ripple Front ends (headstages/amplifiers)
6.1.12.HEKA Connectors, headstages, and amplifiers
6.1.13.Plexon Headstages
6.1.14.Plexon Preamplifier and additional accessories
6.1.15.Plexon Data acquisition systems & software
6.1.16.Thomas Recording Preamplifiers and amplifiers
6.1.17.Thomas Recording Data acquisition system and software
6.1.19.Clinical EEG/EMG amplifiers
6.1.20.Digitimer Neurolog system
6.1.21.Bio-Signal Technologies Headstages
6.1.22.Bio-Signal Technologies Wireless amplifier
6.1.23.Bio-Signal Technologies Data acquisition systems & software
6.1.24.Brain Vision SolutionsAmplifiers
6.1.25.Brain Products Software
6.1.26.Brain Products & Smarting
6.1.27.Compumedics Digitizers
6.1.28.Compumedics Amplifiers
6.1.29.Compumedics Recording systems and software
6.1.30.A-M Systems Intracellular amplifiers
6.1.31.A-M Systems Extracellular amplifiers
6.1.32.A-M Systems Connectors and headstages
6.1.33.CED Amplifier
6.1.34.CED Data acquisition system and software
6.1.35.ADInstruments Bio Amps
6.1.36.ADInstruments Data acquisition hardware and software
6.1.37.Natus distributed Grass and Xltek amplifiers
6.1.38.Natus Software
6.1.39.White Matter Data acquisition system
6.1.40.Ripple Processors
6.1.41.Ripple Laboratory research capabilities
6.1.42.Ripple Clinical capabilities
6.1.43.NeuraLynx Research technology
6.1.44.NeuraLynx Clinical technology
6.1.45.Alpha Omega Research data acquisition
6.1.46.Alpha Omega Clinical data acquisition
6.1.47.EGI Recording devices and software
6.1.48.DataWave Technologies Recording and analysis software
6.1.49.HEKA Data acquisition hardware & software
6.1.50.A.M.P.I. Stimulators for neuroscience research
6.1.51.Mind Media Data acquisition systems
6.1.52.Mind Media Software
6.1.53.JAGA Systems Wireless recording devices
6.1.54.JAGA Systems Software
6.1.55.Medtronic Systems for brain monitoring
6.1.56.Neuroexplorer Data analysis software for neurophysiology
6.1.57.LeafLabs and data acquisition systems for neuroscience
6.2.In vitro research DAQ systems and software
6.2.1.Multi Channel Systems Headstages
6.2.2.Multi Channel Systems Data acquisition systems & software Data acquisition system and software
6.3.fNIRS DAQ systems and software
6.3.1.Rogue Resolutions fNIRS imaging software
6.3.2.NIRX fNIRS data acquisition
6.3.3.Gowerlabs NTS Imaging systems
6.3.4.Artinis data acquisition
6.3.5.Trends in data acquisition
7.2.Synchron Technology
7.3.Inscopix Miniature microscope
7.4.NeuroLux Optogenetics system
7.5.Hanyang University and ECoG BMIs
7.6.BrainGate Technology
7.7.Andersen Lab at Caltech
7.8.Schwartz Motorlab at the University of Pittsburgh
7.9.CorTec Technology
7.10.University of Pittsburgh with DARPA
7.11.EPFL and BMI's for Rehabilitation
7.12.Mayo Clinic EES trial
7.13.Medtronic's Spinal Cord Stimulation technology
7.14.Sensars Technology
7.15.Sensars Pilot trial
7.16.Cambridge Bio-Augmentation Systems technology
7.17.Synergia Medical and Next Generation implants
7.18.The Brain Center Rudolf Magnus and their Utrecht Neuroprosthesis Technology
7.19.NeuroPace and seizure treatment
7.20.Kernel and memory implants
7.21.BCI's as Intracortical visual prosthetics
7.22.Second Sight Technologies
7.23.Monash Vision Group Technology
7.24.Monash Vision Group Gennaris Bionic Vision System
7.25.Illinois Institute of Technology Intracortical Visual Prosthesis (ICVP)
8.1.Samsung and BCI's for early stroke detection
8.2.ElMindA and BCIs for disease diagnosis and treatment
8.3.Avertus Inc. High-accuracy epilepsy monitoring
8.4.Global Neuro-Diagnostics Video EEG monitoring
8.5.Neurotech EEG Monitoring
8.6.Advanced Brain Monitoring EEG monitoring
8.7.Neurovigil and BCIs for sleep monitoring and diagnosis
8.8.The University of Utah & Blackrock Microsystems
8.9.Neurolutions and BCIs as therapies
8.10.BrainRobotics and EMG-based prosthetic limbs
8.11.Halo Neuroscience and BCIs for training
8.12.NIRX BCI's for LIS
8.13.mindBEAGLE and BCI's for LIS
8.14.Conscious Labs and EEG headphones
8.15.NeuroSky and EEG earbuds
8.16.NeuroSky and "mind-controlled" toys
8.17.Mindmaze BCIs
8.18.Neurable and BCI's for AR/VR manipulation
8.19.4DForce and BCIs for gaming
8.20.SmartCap and fatigue monitoring
8.21.Freer Logic LLC and distraction monitoring
8.22.Northrop Grumman and mind-reading binoculars
8.23.Neuromatters and BCIs for intelligence gathering
8.24.Neuromatters and BCIs for content testing
8.25.Advanced Brain Monitoring and BCIs for market and usability research
8.26.BrainCoand versatile BCIs for home and school
8.27.Emotiv and affordable EEG sets
8.28.Emotiv and affordable EEG sets
8.29.Muse by Interaxon
8.30.NeuroPro headsets and software
8.31.OpenBCI & Open source BCIs
8.32.Trends in non-invasive interfaces
9.2.ALA Scientific Instruments
9.3.KF Technology and MedCat Supplies
9.4.Natus EEG electrodes
9.5.Kee Change Technology
9.6.Consolidate Neuro Supply and Bioengenesis

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