ตลาดเซ็นเซอร์ควอนตัม 2025-2045: เทคโนโลยี, แนวโน้ม, ผู้เล่น, การคาดการณ์

การคาดการณ์และภูมิทัศน์เทคโนโลยี 20 ปีสำหรับนาฬิกาอะตอม เซ็นเซอร์สนามแม่เหล็กควอนตัม กราวิมิเตอร์ควอนตัม ไจโรสโคปควอนตัม เครื่องวัดความเร่งควอนตัม เซ็นเซอร์ควอนตัม RF เครื่องตรวจจับโฟตอนเดี่ยว การถ่ายภาพควอนตัม และส่วนประกอบ

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Quantum sensor market to grow to US$2.2B by 2045
Quantum sensors unlock a range of new applications through their dramatically increased sensitivity. IDTechEx's Quantum Sensor Market 2025-2045 report provides extensive analysis of the quantum sensor market, including over 40 company profiles with technology developers and end users to cover 20 quantum sensing technology areas including multiple types of atomic clocks and magnetic field sensors. Applications of quantum sensors in electric vehicles, GPS denied navigation, medical imaging, quantum computing and communications are comprehensively explored, with granular 20-year forecasts segmented by technology.
Quantum sensors use quantum phenomena to enable highly sensitive measurements of a range of physical properties. These include time (atomic clocks), electric and magnetic fields, current, gravity, linear and angular acceleration, light (single photon detectors), and more. Superior sensitivity relative to their classical counterparts means that quantum sensors are attracting interest for applications including within electric and autonomous vehicles, brain scanners, quantum computers, underground mapping equipment, satellites, microscopes, and even consumer electronics. Furthermore, growing hype and synergistic development with other quantum technologies such as computing and communications assists in driving interest and investment into the quantum sensor space.
Wide-ranging technologies and applications
Given the diversity of technologies and target applications, there is significant variation of technology readiness level (TRL) and addressable market size across the quantum sensor space. For example, millions of chip-scale tunneling magneto resistance (TMR) sensors have been sold into the automotive sector for remote current sensing, whilst biomagnetic imaging with optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) is still largely at the prototyping and clinical trial stage. Similarly, bench-top sized atomic clocks have been used for years for research and accurate time tracking, whilst chip-scale devices have yet to become mainstream. Through conversations with both research centers and technology developers, this report assesses the technical and commercial readiness level of each underlying quantum sensing technology and provides a roadmap for future development.
Each quantum sensing technology is analysed in turn, discussing the fundamental operating principles, miniaturization and manufacturing challenges, competitive landscape, and industry players. The report covers atomic clocks, quantum magnetic field sensors, quantum gyroscopes, quantum accelerometers, quantum gravimeters, quantum RF sensors, single photon detectors, quantum imaging, and components for quantum sensors. Each quantum sensor category is assessed using SWOT analyses and technical benchmarking tables. Key players are classified in terms of their capabilities and aims, and products (where available) are benchmarked against each other and their classical incumbents. Applications explored include timing and inertial navigation, remote current sensing, biomagnetic imaging, underground asset mapping, quantum computing readout, gas LiDAR, and RF testing.
Quantum sensor market technologies and applications roadmap. Source: Quantum Sensor Market 2025-2045
Key aspects of the quantum sensors market report
This report provides a high-level assessment of the overall quantum sensing landscape. Covering fundamental technologies, key sensor types, and applications, this report includes:
  • An introduction to quantum sensing and the underlying technologies.
  • Roadmaps by technology and application for quantum sensors.
  • Discussion of macro-trends driving the adoption of quantum sensors.
  • Examples of recent innovations from established and emerging players.
  • Industry analysis based on multiple interviews and conferences.
  • Multiple SWOT analyses across key technologies.
  • 20-year market forecasts across 7 key technology types, segmented into 20 distinct forecast lines. This includes annual revenue and annual sales volume forecasts.
  • Assessments of technical and commercial readiness.
  • Over 40 company profiles covering established and emerging players, the majority based on primary interviews.
Report MetricsDetails
CAGRQuantum sensor market forecast to reach US$2.2 billion by 2045 with CAGR 11.4%
Forecast Period2025 - 2045
Forecast UnitsVolume (Units), Annual Revenue
Segments CoveredAlkali/optical atomic clocks (bench-top/rack/chip-scale) Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices, Optically Pumped Magnetometers, NV Magnetometers, Tunneling Magneto-Resistance Sensors Transportable/Portable/Chip-Scale Quantum Gravimeters Atomic Gyroscopes, NV Gyroscopes, Cold Atom Accelerometers Portable/rack-mounted/miniaturized RF sensors Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors, Single Photon Avalanche Diodes, photon detectors for quantum computing
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1.1.The quantum sensor market 'at a glance'
1.2.Quantum sensors: Analyst viewpoint
1.3.What are quantum sensors?
1.4.Overview of quantum sensing technologies and applications
1.5.The value proposition of quantum sensors varies by hardware approach, application and competition
1.6.Comparing the scale of long-term markets (in volume) for key quantum sensing technologies
1.7.Why is navigation the most likely mass-market application for quantum sensors?
1.8.Investment in quantum sensing is growing
1.9.Quantum sensor industry market map
1.10.The quantum sensors market will transition from 'emerging' to 'growing'
1.11.Scaling up manufacture of miniaturized physics packages is a key challenge for chip-scale quantum sensors
1.12.Quantum sensor market - Key forecasting results (1)
1.13.Quantum sensor market - Key forecasting results (2)
1.14.Quantum sensor market - Key forecasting results (3)
1.15.Identifying medium term opportunities in the quantum sensor market: Market size vs CAGR (2025-2035)
1.16.Identifying long term opportunities in the quantum sensor market: Market size vs CAGR (2035-2045)
1.17.Atomic clocks: Sector roadmap
1.18.Quantum Magnetometers: Sector Roadmap
1.19.Quantum gravimeters: Sector roadmap
1.20.Inertial Quantum Sensors: Sector roadmap
1.21.Quantum RF sensors: Sector roadmap
1.22.Single photon detectors: Sector roadmap
2.1.What are quantum sensors?
2.2.Classical vs Quantum
2.3.Quantum phenomena enable highly-sensitive quantum sensing
2.4.Key technology platforms for quantum sensing
2.5.Overview of quantum sensing technologies and applications
2.6.The value proposition of quantum sensors varies by hardware approach, application and competition
2.7.The quantum sensors market will transition from 'emerging' to 'growing'
2.8.Investment in quantum sensing is growing
2.9.Scaling up manufacture of miniaturized physics packages is a key challenge for chip-scale quantum sensors
2.10.The use of 'quantum sensor' in marketing
3.1.Atomic Clocks: Chapter Overview
3.2.Atomic Clocks: Technology Overview
3.2.1.Introduction: High frequency oscillators for high accuracy clocks
3.2.2.Challenges with quartz clocks
3.2.3.Hyperfine energy levels and the cesium time standard
3.2.4.Atomic clocks self-calibrate for clock drift
3.2.5.Identifying disruptive atomic-clock technologies (1)
3.2.6.Identifying disruptive atomic-clock technologies (2)
3.2.7.Optical atomic clocks
3.2.8.Frequency combs for optical clocks and optical quantum systems
3.2.9.New modalities enhance fractional uncertainty of atomic clocks
3.2.10.Chip Scale Atomic Clocks for portable precision time-keeping
3.2.11.Assured positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) is a key application for chip-scale atomic clocks
3.2.12.Rack-sized clocks offer high performance in a more compact and portable form-factor
3.2.13.A challenge remains to miniaturize atomic clocks without compromising on accuracy, stability and cost
3.3.Atomic Clocks: Key Players
3.3.1.Comparing key players in atomic clock hardware development
3.3.2.Key players: Lab-based microwave atomic clocks
3.3.3.Chip-scale atomic clock player case study: Microsemi and Teledyne
3.4.Atomic Clocks: Sector Summary
3.4.1.Atomic clocks: End users and addressable markets
3.4.2.Atomic clocks: Sector roadmap
3.4.3.Atomic Clocks: SWOT analysis
3.4.4.Atomic clocks: conclusions and outlook
4.1.1.Quantum magnetic field sensors: Chapter overview
4.1.2.Introduction: Quantifying magnetic fields
4.1.3.Sensitivity is key to the value proposition for quantum magnetic field sensors
4.1.4.High sensitivity applications in healthcare are quantum computing are key market opportunities for quantum magnetic field sensors
4.1.5.Classifying magnetic field sensor hardware
4.2.Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs) - Technology, Applications and Key Players
4.2.1.Applications of SQUIDs
4.2.2.Operating principle of SQUIDs
4.2.3.SQUID fabrication services are offered by specialist foundries
4.2.4.Commercial applications and market opportunities for SQUIDs
4.2.5.Comparing key players with SQUID intellectual property (IP)
4.2.6.SQUIDs: SWOT analysis
4.3.Optically Pumped Magnetometers (OPMs) - Technology, Applications and Key Players
4.3.1.Operating principles of Optically Pumped Magnetometers (OPMs)
4.3.2.Applications of optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) (1)
4.3.3.Applications of optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) (2)
4.3.4.MEMS manufacturing techniques and non-magnetic sensor packages key for miniaturized optically pumped magnetometers
4.3.5.Comparing key players with OPM intellectual property (IP)
4.3.6.Comparing the technology approaches of key players developing miniaturized OPMs for healthcare
4.3.7.OPMs: SWOT analysis
4.4.Tunneling Magneto Resistance Sensors (TMRs) - Technology, Applications and Key Players
4.4.1.Introduction to tunneling magnetoresistance sensors (TMR)
4.4.2.Operating principle and advantages of tunneling magnetoresistance sensors (TMR)
4.4.3.Comparing key players with TMR intellectual property (IP)
4.4.4.Commercial applications and market opportunities for TMRs
4.4.5.TMRs: SWOT analysis
4.5.Nitrogen Vacancy in Diamond (NV Centers) - Technology, Applications and Key Players
4.5.1.Introduction to NV center magnetic field sensors
4.5.2.Operating Principles of NV center magnetic field sensors
4.5.3.A range of potential applications of NV center magnetic field sensors
4.5.4.NV diamond microscopes present novel applications
4.5.5.Advantages of NV diamonds and their applications
4.5.6.Overview of the synthetic diamond value chain in quantum sensing
4.5.7.Quantum grade diamond benchmarked
4.5.8.N-V Center Magnetic Field Sensors: SWOT analysis
4.6.Quantum Magnetic Field Sensors: Sector Summary
4.6.1.Comparing market opportunities for quantum magnetic field sensors
4.6.2.Comparing market opportunities for quantum magnetic field sensors
4.6.3.Assessing the performance of magnetic field sensors
4.6.4.Comparing minimum detectable field and SWaP characteristics
4.6.5.Quantum Magnetometers: Sector Roadmap
4.6.6.Conclusions and Outlook
5.1.Quantum gravimeters: Chapter overview
5.2.Quantum Gravimeters: Technologies, Applications and Key Players
5.2.1.The main application for gravity sensors is for mapping utilities and buried assets
5.2.2.Operating principles of atomic interferometry-based quantum gravimeters
5.2.3.Comparing quantum gravity sensing with incumbent technologies for underground mapping
5.2.4.Comparing key players in quantum gravimeters
5.2.5.Quantum gravimeter development depends on collaboration between laser manufacturers, sensor OEMs and end-users
5.3.Quantum gravimeters: Sector Summary
5.3.1.Quantum Gravimeters: SWOT analysis
5.3.2.Quantum gravimeters: Sector roadmap
5.3.3.Conclusions and outlook
6.1.Inertial Quantum Sensors: Introduction and Applications
6.1.1.Quantum inertial sensors: Chapter overview
6.1.2.Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs): An introduction
6.1.3.IMU packages: MEMs accelerometers
6.1.4.IMU Packages: MEMS Gyroscopes
6.1.5.Key application for inertial quantum sensors in small-satellite constellation navigation systems
6.1.6.Navigation in GNSS denied environments could be a future application for chip-scale inertial quantum sensors
6.2.Quantum Gyroscopes: Technologies, Developments and Key Players
6.2.1.Operating principles of atomic quantum gyroscopes
6.2.2.MEMS manufacturing processes can miniaturize atomic gyroscope technology for higher volume applications
6.2.3.Comparing key players with atomic gyroscope intellectual property (IP)
6.2.4.Comparing quantum gyroscopes with MEMs gyroscopes and optical gyroscopes
6.2.5.Quantum gyroscope development depends on collaboration between laser manufacturers, sensor OEMs and end-users
6.2.6.Comparing key players in quantum gyroscopes
6.2.7.Quantum Gyroscopes: SWOT analysis
6.3.Quantum Accelerometers: Technologies, Developments and Key Players
6.3.1.Operating principles of quantum accelerometers
6.3.2.Grating MOTs enable the miniaturization of cold atom quantum sensors
6.3.3.Comparing key players in quantum accelerometers
6.3.4.Quantum Accelerometers: SWOT Analysis
6.4.Inertial Quantum Sensors: Sector Summary
6.4.1.Inertial Quantum Sensors: Sector roadmap
6.4.2.Conclusions and outlook
7.1.1.Quantum RF sensors overcome fundamental challenges of their classical counterparts
7.1.2.Value proposition of quantum RF sensors
7.1.3.Commercial use cases for quantum RF sensors
7.1.4.Quantum RF sensors: size and cost development trends
7.1.5.Overview of types of quantum RF sensors
7.2.Rydberg Atom Based Electric Field Sensors and Radio Receivers
7.2.1.Principles of Rydberg atoms: enabling electric field sensing
7.2.2.Principles of Rydberg RF sensing: EIT spectroscopy
7.2.3.Rydberg RF receivers offer additional benefits including SI-traceability
7.2.4.Rydberg RF to enable next-gen 5G communications
7.2.5.Commercial Rydberg Radio: Infleqtion, Rydberg Technologies and TZH Quantum Tech
7.2.6.Metrology and over-the-air testing offers a near term commercial use for Rydberg RF
7.2.7.Top patent holders on Rydberg RF sensors/receivers
7.2.8.Research institutes & China leading patents
7.2.9.SWOT analysis: Rydberg RF field sensors
7.3.Nitrogen-Vacancy Centre Diamond Electric Field Sensors and Radio Receivers
7.3.1.Principles of NV centre RF receivers
7.3.2.NV diamonds as radio frequency analysers
7.3.3.Advantages translate into potential applications
7.3.4.EU-backed AMADEUS project leading commercial NV sensor development
7.3.5.Current challenges for NV centre electric field sensors
7.3.6.Quantum grade diamond benchmarked
7.3.7.SWOT analysis: NV diamond electric field sensors and radio receivers
7.4.Quantum RF Sensors: Sector Summary
7.4.1.Summary of the current market landscape for quantum RF sensors
7.4.2.Comparison of RF receivers/sensors is non-trivial and application dependent
7.4.3.Quantum RF sensors: Sector roadmap
7.4.4.Conclusions and Outlook: Quantum Radio Frequency Field Sensors
8.1.1.Section overview: single photon detectors and quantum imaging
8.1.2.Section overview: contents
8.1.3.Single photon imaging and quantum imaging - 3 key trends
8.2.Single Photon Detectors
8.2.1.Introduction to single photon detectors
8.2.2.Classification of single photon detectors in this report
8.3.Semiconductor Single Photon Detectors
8.3.1.Background and Context
8.4.Next generation SPADs
8.4.1.Innovation in the next generation of SPADs
8.4.2.Key players and innovators in the next generation of SPADs
8.4.3.Applications of SPADs formed in a trade-off of resolution and timing performance
8.4.4.Development trends for groups of key SPAD players
8.4.5.Advanced semiconductor packaging techniques enabling higher pixel counts and timing functionality for SPAD arrays
8.4.6.Case Study: Camera giants Canon and Sony developing high-res SPAD arrays for low-light imaging & LiDAR
8.4.7.Alternative semiconductor SPADs unlock infrared wavelengths beyond the range of silicon (1)
8.4.8.Alternative semiconductor SPADs unlock infrared wavelengths beyond the range of silicon (2)
8.4.9.Use of SPADs with TCSPC enables picosecond precision bioimaging and single photon LiDAR
8.4.10.High-performance timing resolution with SWIR SPAD arrays enables greenhouse gas LiDAR
8.4.11.TCSPC SPAD LiDAR in underwater imaging
8.4.12.Bioimaging applications of SPADs
8.4.13.Competition or cooperation for SPADs and SNSPDs in quantum communications and computing?
8.4.14.Emerging SPADs: SWOT analysis
8.5.Superconducting single photon detectors
8.5.1.Superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD)
8.6.Kinetic inductance detector (KID) and transition edge sensor (TES)
8.6.1.Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs)
8.6.2.Transition edge sensors (TES)
8.6.3.How have SNSPDs gained traction while KIDs and TESs remain in research?
8.7.Single photon detectors: summary
8.7.1.Comparison of single photon detector technology
8.7.2.Single photon detector roadmap
8.7.3.Three key takeaways for single photon detectors
8.8.Quantum Imaging
8.8.1.Introduction to quantum imaging
8.8.2.Quantum entanglement: enabling quantum radar and ghost imaging
8.8.3.Introduction to ghost imaging
8.8.4.EU FastGhost project leads commercial development of ghost imaging
8.8.5.Nonlinear interferometry (quantum holography)
8.8.6.QUANCER project developing quantum holography for cancer detection
8.8.7.Digistain developing mid-IR nonlinear interferometry for cancer detection
8.8.8.A niche form of quantum imaging for glucose monitoring is in the early stages of commercialization
8.8.9.Quantum radar
8.8.10.General advantages of quantum imaging
8.8.11.Quantum particle sensors could probe more information using superposition states of light
8.8.12.SWOT analysis: quantum imaging
8.8.13.Three key takeaways for quantum imaging
9.1.Section overview: components for quantum sensing
9.2.Specialized components for atomic and diamond-based quantum sensing
9.3.Key players in components for quantum sensing technologies
9.4.Vapor cells: background and context
9.5.Innovation in commercial manufacture of vapor cells in quantum sensing
9.6.Alkali azides used to overcome high-vacuum fabrication requirements of vapor cells for quantum sensing
9.7.Comparing key players in chip-scale vapor cell development
9.8.SWOT analysis: miniaturized vapor cells
9.9.VCSELs: background and context
9.10.VCSELs enable miniaturization of quantum sensors and components
9.11.Comparing key players in VCSELs for quantum sensing
9.12.SWOT analysis: VCSELs
9.13.Specialized control electronics and optics packages needed to enable the high performance of quantum sensors
9.14.Integrated photonic and semiconductor products for quantum are developing but not yet unlocking the mass market
9.15.Hardware challenges for quantum to integrate into established photonics
9.16.Roadmap for components in quantum sensing
9.17.Roadmap for quantum sensing components and their applications
9.18.Key conclusions for quantum sensing components
10.1.1.Forecasting chapter overview
10.1.2.Forecasting methodology overview
10.1.3.Comparing the scale of long-term markets (in volume) for key quantum sensing technologies
10.1.4.Quantum sensor market - Key forecasting results (1)
10.1.5.Quantum sensor market - Key forecasting results (2)
10.1.6.Quantum sensor market - Key forecasting results (2)
10.1.7.Identifying medium term opportunities in the quantum sensor market: Market size vs CAGR (2025-2035)
10.1.8.Identifying long term opportunities in the quantum sensor market: Market size vs CAGR (2035-2045)
10.1.9.Total quantum sensor market - granular breakdown 2025-2045
10.1.10.Total quantum sensor market - granular breakdown 2025-2045 (excluding TMR)
10.2.Atomic Clocks
10.2.1.Overview of atomic clock market trends
10.2.2.Bench/rack-scale atomic clocks, annual sales volume forecast (2025-2045)
10.2.3.Chip-scale atomic clocks, annual sales volume forecast (2025-2035)
10.2.4.Chip-scale atomic clocks, annual sales volume forecast (2025-2045)
10.2.5.Summary of market forecasts for atomic clock technology
10.3.Quantum Magnetic Field Sensors
10.3.1.Overview of quantum magnetic field sensor market trends
10.3.2.Global car sales trends to impact the quantum sensor market long-term
10.3.3.TMR sensors, annual sales volume forecast (2025-2045)
10.3.4.TMR sensors, annual revenue forecast (2025-2045)
10.3.5.SQUIDs, OPMs and NVMs - Annual sales volume forecast (2025-2045)
10.3.6.SQUIDs, OPMs and NVMs - Annual sales volume forecast (2025-2045)
10.3.7.Summary of market forecasts for quantum magnetic field sensor technology
10.4.Inertial Quantum Sensors (Gyroscopes and Accelerometers)
10.4.1.Overview of inertial quantum sensor market trends
10.4.2.Quantum gyroscopes, annual sales volume forecast (2025-2045)
10.4.3.Key conclusions for quantum gyroscope technology forecasts
10.5.Quantum Gravimeters
10.5.1.Overview of quantum gravimeter market trends
10.5.2.Quantum gravimeters, annual sales volume forecast (2025-2045)
10.5.3.Summary of key conclusions for quantum gravimeter technology forecasts
10.6.Quantum RF Sensors
10.6.1.Overview of quantum RF sensor market trends
10.6.2.Annual sales forecast for quantum RF sensors (2025-2045)
10.7.Single Photon Detectors
10.7.1.Overview of single photon detector market trends
10.7.2.Annual sales volume forecast for single photon detectors (2025-2045)
10.7.3.Analysis of single photon detector forecasts: photonic quantum computing
11.1.Full profiles
11.1.3.Cerca Magnetics
11.1.5.CPI Electron Device Business
11.1.7.Menlo Systems
11.1.9.Polariton Technologies
11.1.10.Powerlase Ltd
11.1.13.Quantum Computing Inc.
11.1.14.Quantum Technologies
11.1.15.Quantum Valley Ideas Lab
11.1.16.QuiX Quantum
11.1.20.Single Quantum
11.2.1.Beyond Blood Diagnostics
11.2.3.CEA Leti
11.2.4.Crocus Technologies
11.2.6.Element Six
11.2.7.Fraunhofer CAP
11.2.8.ID Quantique
11.2.10.NIQS Technology Ltd
11.2.11.Ordnance Survey
11.2.12.Qingyuan Tianzhiheng Sensing Technology Co., Ltd
11.2.13.QLM Technology
11.2.15.Rydberg Technologies
11.2.17.Senko Advance Components Ltd
11.2.19.TU Darmstadt
11.2.20.VTT Manufacturing

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Report Statistics

Slides 295
Companies Over 40
Forecasts to 2045
Published Jan 2025

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ISBN: 9781835700907

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