การจัดการระบายความร้อนสำหรับระบบช่วยเหลือผู้ขับขี่ขั้นสูง (ADAS) 2023-2033

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The automotive market is rapidly adopting autonomous features to aid in safety and driving convenience. This requires a suite of sensors (cameras, radars, and LiDARs) and computing platforms. These components are evolving and present thermal management challenges, leading to opportunities for thermal interface materials, die attach, radar radome materials, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding. This report provides a market analysis for thermal materials in ADAS with trends, players, and granular market forecasts.
The automotive market is trending towards greater levels of autonomy, with advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) becoming increasingly adopted to improve the safety of drivers and pedestrians or even just to make driving a more convenient experience. ADAS encompasses a huge variety of functions from automatic emergency braking all the way to fully autonomous driving. Something that all ADAS features have in common is the need for high quality sensors and the associated processing of their data. The quantity of sensors per vehicle also increases rapidly with greater levels of autonomy. These sensors and their evolution provide new markets for thermal management materials within the automotive industry.
IDTechEx's report 'Thermal Management for ADAS 2023-2033' builds on IDTechEx's thermal management portfolio to cover the adoption of autonomy and ADAS features, the trends in ADAS sensors and their thermal management, thermal interface materials, die attach materials, and radar radome materials with an analysis of the requirements, players, and market forecasts for the next ten years.
The adoption of ADAS features requires a sensor suite, each of which has its own thermal material opportunities. Source: Thermal Management for ADAS.
What's changing with ADAS components?
Cameras and radars are already ubiquitous in vehicles, but greater levels of autonomy will require larger sensor suites with greater capabilities in each sensor. IDTechEx is predicting that there will be more than a sixfold increase in the yearly demand for automotive sensors, including cameras, radars, and LiDARs, by 2033. A key factor is integration; to fit more sensors to vehicles in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, the units will require smaller form factors, leading to densification of components and hence thermal management challenges. This is especially true for LiDAR where many autonomous vehicle testbeds use LiDAR systems mounted on top of or separate to the vehicle body, which is not viable for a production passenger vehicle.
ADAS sensors are also often used in non-ideal environments for electronics. In addition to the obvious vibration and shock requirements, sensors may be mounted in locations near a combustion engine where heat can build up. For many sensor locations, active cooling will not be viable and in hot climates the temperatures of sensors could increase significantly whilst the vehicle is stationary.
Another factor to consider is data processing. More sensors and sensors with greater fidelity will generate more data that needs processing by the vehicle. Some parts of this will be done within the sensor units themselves, but a central computer or electronic control unit (ECU) will be required to communicate this information to the relevant vehicle controls. The greater data requirements lead to using more power dense integrated circuits (ICs) and hence a greater thermal management requirement. We have already seen this with Tesla's adoption of a liquid cooling circuit for their computer, highlighting the heat generated.
What are the material trends?
Like any modern electronics component, ADAS sensors and computers require thermal interface materials (TIMs) to help spread heat from the heat-generating element to a heat sink or unit enclosure. Cameras, radars, LiDARs, and ECUs all have their own TIM requirements and as their designs evolve, so too do their TIM needs. Whilst the average ECU now may use a fairly typical TIM with 3-4 W/m·K thermal conductivity, the increased processing power required for autonomous functions could see this rise significantly.
Many of the sensors spread throughout the vehicle will be relatively small and low power, hence not necessarily needing a high performance TIM. However, the rapidly growing market for ADAS features means that the volume demands for TIMs will increase significantly. IDTechEx is forecasting an increase in TIM demand of three times in just the next five years for ADAS sensors. The report details the current and future requirements for TIMs within ADAS sensors and computers in terms of thermal conductivity and other crucial properties.
Another material that is often important when considering thermal reliability is die attach. In electronic packages, the die attach is often the failure point under thermal cycling. Automotive camera image sensors and radar transceiver ICs are typically low power and hence do not require a great deal of emphasis on the die attach, but will still require reliable materials and the rapidly growing market will create new demand for them. LiDAR tends to be higher power and the laser drivers may have to consider this option more carefully. This is especially true given how ubiquitous GaN FETs are in LiDAR and their potential for high power densities. The 'Thermal Management for ADAS 2023-2033' report discusses the die attach requirements for automotive cameras, radars, and LiDARs with a ten-year market forecast in area and tonnage.
The rapid adoption of ADAS features and autonomy in the automotive market presents great opportunities for thermal management material suppliers with sensor design evolving and a growing market for ADAS components. IDTechEx's report 'Thermal Management for ADAS 2023-2033' uses both primary and secondary research to cover these trends for ADAS sensor and computer evolution with a focus on thermal interface materials and die attach, as well as additional chapters on combined EMI and thermal materials and radar radome materials. Company profiles/interviews are also included along with ten-year market forecasts in terms of material area, tonnage, and market value.
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If you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact our report team at research@IDTechEx.com or call one of our sales managers:

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1.1.Locations for Thermal Management Materials
1.2.The Automation Levels in Detail
1.3.Sensors and Their Purpose
1.4.Car Sales Forecast by SAE Level 2015-2033
1.5.Sensor Unit Sales Forecast 2020-2033
1.6.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS
1.7.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS Cameras
1.8.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS Radars
1.9.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS LiDAR
1.10.Thermal Interface Materials in the ECU
1.11.Liquid-Cooled ECUs Forecast 2019-2033
1.12.ADAS Chip Power Progression
1.13.Summary of Performance for TIM Players
1.14.TIM Requirements for ADAS Components
1.15.TIM Properties by Application
1.16.TIM Requirements for ADAS Components
1.17.TIM Forecast for ADAS (Area) 2020-2033
1.18.TIM Forecast for ADAS (Tonnes) 2020-2033
1.19.TIM Forecast for ADAS ($ Millions) 2020-2033
1.20.EMI is More Challenging at Higher Frequencies
1.21.Multifunctional TIMs as a Solution
1.22.Importance of the Radome
1.23.Radome Materials Forecast (Area) 2015-2033
1.24.How Important is Die Attach for ADAS Sensors?
1.25.Summary of Die Attach for ADAS Sensors
1.26.Die Attach Forecast for Key Components Within ADAS Sensors (Area) 2020-2033
1.27.Die Attach Forecast for Key Components Within ADAS Sensors (Tonnes) 2020-2033
1.28.Company Profiles
2.1.1.The Automation Levels in Detail
2.1.2.Functions of Autonomous Driving at Different Levels
2.1.3.The Components of Autonomy
2.1.4.Typical Sensor Suite for Autonomous Cars
2.1.5.The Sensor Trifactor
2.1.6.Sensors and Their Purpose
2.1.7.Autonomy is Changing the Automotive Supply Chain
2.1.8.Car Sales Forecast by SAE Level 2015-2033
2.1.9.Sensor Suite Metadata
2.1.10.MaaS Sensor Analysis
2.1.11.MaaS Sensor Suite Analysis
2.1.12.Sensor Unit Sales Forecast 2020-2033
2.1.13.Autonomous Vehicle Markets
2.2.Thermal Management in ADAS Sensors
2.2.1.Locations for Thermal Management Materials
2.2.2.What are the Challenges?
2.3.1.RGB/Visible Light Camera SWOT
2.3.2.CMOS Image Sensors vs CCD Cameras
2.3.3.Segmenting the Electromagnetic Spectrum
2.3.4.IR Cameras SWOT
2.3.5.Camera Anatomy
2.3.6.Camera Board Temperature Sensors
2.4.1.Radar SWOT
2.4.2.Radar — Radio Detection And Ranging
2.4.3.Front Radar Applications
2.4.4.Side Radars
2.4.5.Radar Anatomy
2.4.6.Radar Key Components
2.4.7.Primary Radar Components — The Antenna
2.4.8.Primary Radar Components — The RF Transceiver
2.4.9.Primary Radar Components — MCU
2.4.10.Board Trends
2.4.11.Radars are Getting Smaller
2.4.12.LANXESS Concept Radar
2.4.13.Automotive Radar Markets
2.5.1.Automotive LiDAR: SWOT Analysis
2.5.2.Automotive LiDAR: Operating Process and Requirements
2.5.3.Temperature and LiDAR
2.5.4.LiDAR Thermal Considerations
2.5.5.Thermal for LiDAR
2.5.6.Thermal Design for LiDAR Units
2.5.7.GaN in Automotive LiDAR
2.5.8.EPC — GaN in Automotive LiDAR
2.5.9.Laser Components — GaN in Automotive LiDAR
2.5.10.SABIC — LiDAR Materials
2.5.11.LiDAR Markets
2.6.1.Computers and ECUs in ADAS
2.6.2.Thermal Management Integration Concepts in ECUs
2.6.3.Lack of TIMs in Previous ECU Designs
2.6.4.Audi zFAS Computer
2.6.5.Tesla's Computer Generations
2.6.6.Tesla's Liquid-Cooled MCU/ECU
2.6.7.Liquid-Cooled ECUs Forecast 2019-2033
3.1.Thermoelectric Cooling
3.2.Laird Thermoelectric Coolers
3.3.Phononic Thermoelectric Coolers
3.4.Ferrotec Thermoelectric Coolers
4.1.EMI is More Challenging at Higher Frequencies
4.2.Antenna De-sense
4.3.Heatsink Assembly for EMI
4.4.Multifunctional TIMs as a Solution
4.5.EMI Gaskets
4.6.Henkel — TIM and EMI
4.7.Kitagawa — TIM and EMI
4.8.Laird — TIM and EMI
4.9.Parker — Form-in-place EMI Gasket
4.10.Schlegel — TIM and EMI
4.11.Current State and Future Developments
5.1.Importance of the Radome
5.2.Thermal and Dielectric Considerations
5.3.Ideal Radome Properties
5.4.Polymer Housing Materials
5.5.Avient — Polymer Enclosure Materials
5.6.DuPont — PBT Radome and Housing Materials
5.7.DSM — PPS Radar Materials
5.8.SABIC — Enclosure Materials
5.10.DuPont — Crastin & Laird (a DuPont Company)
5.11.Materials for Radar Forecast Method
5.12.Radome Materials Forecast (Area) 2015-2033
6.1.1.Introduction to Thermal Interface Materials (TIM)
6.1.2.Introduction (2)
6.1.3.Key Factors in System Level Performance
6.1.4.Thermal Conductivity vs Thermal Resistance
6.1.5.Bill of Materials and the Importance of Longevity
6.1.6.TIM Considerations
6.1.7.Eight Types of Thermal Interface Material
6.1.8.Properties of Thermal Interface Materials
6.2.TIMs for ADAS
6.2.1.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS
6.2.2.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS Sensors
6.3.TIMs for ADAS Cameras
6.3.1.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS Cameras
6.3.2.Bosch ADAS Camera
6.3.3.Tesla's Triple Lens Camera
6.3.4.ZF S-Cam4 Triple and Single Lens Cameras
6.3.5.Thermal Conductivity of TIMs for ADAS Cameras
6.3.6.Operating Temperature of TIMs for Cameras
6.3.7.Density and Thermal Conductivity of TIMs for Cameras
6.3.8.TIMs for ADAS Cameras Forecast 2020-2033
6.4.TIMs for ADAS Radar
6.4.1.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS Radars
6.4.2.Bosch 77 GHz Radar
6.4.3.Bosch Mid-Range Radar
6.4.4.MANDO Long-Range Radar
6.4.5.DENSO DNMWR006 Radar
6.4.6.DENSO DNMWR010 Radar
6.4.7.GM Adaptive Cruise Control Radar
6.4.8.Thermal Conductivity of TIMs for Radar
6.4.9.Operating Temperature of TIMs for Radar
6.4.10.Density and Thermal Conductivity of TIMs for Radar
6.4.11.TIM with Radar Board Trends
6.4.12.TIMs for ADAS Radars Forecast 2020-2033
6.5.TIMs for ADAS LiDAR
6.5.1.Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS LiDAR Delta3
6.5.3.Continental Short-Range LiDAR
6.5.4.Ouster OS1-64 LiDAR
6.5.5.Valeo Scala LiDAR
6.5.6.Possible New TIM Locations: Laser Driver Dies
6.5.7.Thermal Conductivity of TIMs for LiDAR
6.5.8.Operating Temperature of TIMs for LiDAR
6.5.9.Density and Thermal Conductivity of TIMs for LiDAR
6.5.10.TIM for ADAS LiDAR Forecast 2020-2033
6.6.TIMs for ADAS Computers and ECUs
6.6.1.Thermal Interface Materials in the ECU
6.6.2.ADAS Chip Power Progression — TIM and EMI for ECUs
6.6.4.Henkel — ECU Case Study
6.6.5.Audi zFAS
6.6.6.Tesla HW 2.5
6.6.7.Tesla HW 3.0
6.6.8.Thermal Conductivity of TIMs in ECUs/Computers
6.6.9.Operating Temperature of TIMs for ECUs
6.6.10.Density and Thermal Conductivity of TIMs for ECUs
6.6.11.TIM Forecast for ECUs/ADAS Computers 2020-2033
6.7.TIM Players in ADAS
6.7.5.Henkel — TIM for Cameras
6.7.6.Henkel — TIM for Radars
6.7.7.Laird — ADAS TIMs
6.7.9.Parker — TIMs for Cameras
6.7.11.Shin Etsu
6.7.12.Summary of Performance for TIM Players
6.8.TIM Requirements and Total Forecasts for ADAS Sensors
6.8.1.TIM Requirements for ADAS Components
6.8.2.TIM Properties by Application
6.8.3.TIM Requirements for ADAS Components
6.8.4.TIM: Price Analysis
6.8.5.TIM: Price Analysis (2)
6.8.6.TIM Forecast for ADAS (Area) 2020-2033
6.8.7.TIM Forecast for ADAS (Tonnes) 2020-2033
6.8.8.TIM: Price Analysis (3)
6.8.9.TIM Forecast for ADAS ($ Millions) 2020-2033
7.1.Die Attach for Image Sensors
7.2.OmniVision Image Sensors
7.3.Radar IC Packages
7.4.GaN LiDAR Laser Drivers
7.5.How Important is Die Attach for ADAS Sensors?
7.6.Solder Options and Current Die Attach
7.7.Metal Sintering vs Soldering
7.8.Challenges with Ag Sintering
7.9.Simplifications to the Manufacturing Process
7.10.Nano Particle Ag Sinter
7.11.Why Metal Sintering?
7.12.ESI Automotive — Die Attach for Radar
7.13.Henkel — Die Attach for ADAS
7.14.Heraeus — ECU Materials
7.15.Gamechanger? Threats to Ag — Cu Sintering Pastes
7.16.Cu Sinter Materials
7.17.Cu Sintering: Characteristics
7.18.Reliability of Cu-Sintered Joints
7.19.Summary of Die Attach for ADAS Sensors
7.20.Die Attach Forecast for Key Components Within ADAS Sensors (Area) 2020-2033
7.21.Die Attach Forecast for Key Components Within ADAS Sensors (Tonnes) 2020-2033
8.1.Methodology for Forecasting Car Sales
8.2.Forecasting Adoption of Level 3 and Level 4 Technology
8.3.Sensor Forecast Method and Assumptions
8.4.Forecast Methodology for TIM and Die Attach
8.5.Car Sales Forecast by SAE Level 2015-2033
8.6.Sensor Unit Sales Forecast 2020-2033
8.7.Liquid-Cooled ECUs Forecast 2019-2033
8.8.Radome Materials Forecast (Area) 2015-2033
8.9.TIM for ADAS Cameras Forecast 2020-2033
8.10.TIM for ADAS Radars Forecast 2020-2033
8.11.TIM for ADAS LiDAR Forecast 2020-2033
8.12.TIM Forecast for ECUs/ADAS Computers 2020-2033
8.13.TIM Forecast for ADAS (Area) 2020-2033
8.14.TIM Forecast for ADAS (Tonnes) 2020-2033
8.15.TIM: Price Analysis
8.16.TIM Forecast for ADAS ($ Millions) 2020-2033
8.17.Die Attach Forecast for Key Components Within ADAS Sensors (Area) 2020-2033
8.18.Die Attach Forecast for Key Components Within ADAS Sensors (Tonnes) 2020-2033

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