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Conference Agenda
Tuesday, 03 Nov 2009 | Military and Systems |
10:00 | The Facility | 09:10 | SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego | 09:35 | Robert Bosch LLC | 10:25 | Coffee & Networking Break |
Track 1 | Healthcare |
14:35 | IMEC/Holst Centre | 14:10 | HCA - Hospital Corporation of America |
| Aerospace |
16:20 | Lockheed Martin | 15:55 | NASA | 16:45 | Fisk University | 17:00 | Day 1, Track 1 Ends |
| Track 2 |
| Wednesday, 04 Nov 2009Track 1 | Track 2 | WSN & RTLS |
10:40 | Coffee & Networking Break | 11:20 | Axcess International | 09:50 | Traak Systems | 09:00 | GE Global Research | 09:25 | DecaWave | 10:15 | Schneider Electric |
Wednesday November 04, 2009Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters (11:45 - 12:35)11:45 - 12:10 "Synchronized Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring"- A wireless structural health monitoring system using strain, vibration, and solar energy sources for power has been demonstrated.
- Time synchronization of data collected by multiple wireless sensor nodes has been achieved to within +/- 4 microseconds.
- A wireless sensor data aggregator (WSDA(TM)) has been demonstrated to automatically collect wireless sensor data and forward these data to a secure server on the internet.
This presentation reports on a versatile, fully programmable wireless structural health monitoring system, designed to synchronize and record data from a range of wireless sensors, including strain gauges, accelerometers, force, pressure, and torque cells. Data were collected at multiple sampling rates, time stamped, and aggregated within a single scalable database on a base station, termed the wireless sensor data aggregator (WSDA). The WSDA also provided a beacon to synchronize each sensor node's embedded precision timekeeper. High speed wireless sensor nodes were demonstrated to be capable of data logging in bursts (50 K samples/second, 1 second duration, once a minute) while consuming only 16 mW. In this mode, high sample rate nodes can operate perpetually, without batteries, by using miniature vibration energy harvesters, which provided 37 milliwatts of continuous DC power under conditions replicating a helicopter gearbox. Wireless node network initial synchronization in response to a centrally broadcast network command, such as to initiate node sampling, or to synchronize node time keepers, was measured at +/- 4 microseconds. With the time synchronization beacon sent only at the onset of a two hour long test run at temperatures of -40 to +85 deg C, the system's timing accuracy was ~5 milliseconds. The system is capable of remote reporting using mobile phone networks, with satellite communications under development. These capabilities enable critical structural sensor data to be managed remotely and automatically without the need for battery maintenance. 12:10 - 12:35 "Cost-Effective Piezoelectric-based Energy Harvesting Solution for Tire Pressure Monitoring System"- Market Potential, Opportunities of Energy Harvesting Technologies
- Technical Approaches of Energy Harvesting
- Potential EH-related Patents/IPs