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Conference Agenda
Tuesday, 03 Nov 2009 | Military and Systems |
10:00 | The Facility | 09:10 | SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego | 09:35 | Robert Bosch LLC | 10:25 | Coffee & Networking Break |
Track 1 | Healthcare |
14:35 | IMEC/Holst Centre | 14:10 | HCA - Hospital Corporation of America |
| Aerospace |
16:20 | Lockheed Martin | 15:55 | NASA | 16:45 | Fisk University | 17:00 | Day 1, Track 1 Ends |
| Track 2 |
Wednesday, 04 Nov 2009Track 1 | Track 2 | WSN & RTLS |
10:40 | Coffee & Networking Break | 11:20 | Axcess International | 09:50 | Traak Systems | 09:00 | GE Global Research | 09:25 | DecaWave | 10:15 | Schneider Electric |
Wednesday November 04, 2009
Batteries, Supercapacitors & Other Storage (12:35 - 16:00)
12:35 - 13:00 "Miniaturizing Wireless Sensors with Thin Film Batteries"- Miniaturization, integration, and cost reduction of wireless sensors using thin film batteries
- Applications of thin film batteries and energy harvesting in wireless sensor networks
- Environmental benefits of using thin film batteries and energy harvesting in wireless sensor networks
13:00 Lunch
14:20 - 14:45 "Using Supercapacitors to Manage Your Power"- Power architectures using supercapacitors to provide peak load power that far exceeds maximum power from an energy harvesting source. Selecting your supercapacitor.
- Tricks and tips using supercapacitors
- Some design examples
14:45 - 15:10 "Progress with Electrochemical Storage"- Applications to energy harvesting devices
- Latest global developments and what comes next
15:10 - 15:35 "Betavoltaics - Continuous Power Generation for Ultra Low Power Electronics"- Betavoltaics 101 - technology basics, key design parameters
- Technology Roadmap - discussion of prototype results and long-term product outlook
- Applications - uses of nuclear batteries in defense and medical applications
15:35 Coffee & Networking Break