Self-powered Integrated Systems for Health and Environmental Monitoring (Energy Harvesting and Storage USA 2013)

Dr Jesse Jur, Assistant Professor
North Carolina State University
United States
Nov 21, 2013.


North Carolina State University (Dr Jesse Jur) - Presentation*
North Carolina State University (Dr Jesse Jur) - Audio Presentation*

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Presentation Summary

Advanced in low power electronics and nanotechnology is providing unique opportunities in self-powered systems.
This presentation reviews activity to develop and employ a battery-free, body-powered platform wearable health monitoring systems that is enabled by energy harvesting, energy storage, nanodevices and sensors.
This research is the basis for a National Science Foundation Nano-Engineering Research Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST).

Speaker Biography (Jesse S. Jur)

Dr. Jesse Jur is an Assistant Professor of Textile Engineering, Chemistry & Science at NC State University's College of Textiles. He received his Ph.D .in Materials Science and Engineering from N.C. State and has spent the last 12+ years researching primarily at the nanoscale, including experiences in the semiconductor and opto-electronics industries. His current research focuses on integration of systems electronics into wearable platforms for energy harvesting and monitoring of a person's environmental and physiological state.

Company Profile (ASSIST ERC)

The Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) is a National Science Foundation sponsored Nanosystems Engineering Research Center (NERC). ASSIST develops and employs nanotechnology enabled energy harvesting and storage, ultra-low power electronics, and sensors to create innovative, battery-free, body-powered, and wearable health monitoring systems. Our mission is to use nanotechnology to improve global health by enabling a correlation between personal health and personal environment that empowers individuals and doctors to manage wellness and improve quality of life.
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