1 Oct 2010
Energy harvesting and wireless sensors ready for prime time
Energy harvesting is the conversion of ambient energy into electricity to drive small or mobile electronic and electrical devices. Wireless sensors are particularly in need of energy harvesting because they are increasingly deployed in numbers and locations where hard wiring or battery changing are impracticable. We are at an exciting stage with both because harvesting is becoming better and electronics is demanding less power -so they meet in the middle.
12 Aug 2010
Real Time Locating and Wireless Sensor Networks - Rapid Advances
In the past, too much use of RFID has involved sensing items and conveyances only when they pass very near to the occasional interrogator. Heroic assumptions are then made about what happened in between. Was it destroyed, perhaps by overheating? Is it still there? Is it intact?
5 Aug 2009
Wireless sensor network powered by trees
Voltree Power has announced the successful trial demonstration of its innovative climate sensor network, one that can be powered by energy harvested from living trees.