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เลนส์สำหรับความเป็นจริงเสมือนเสริมและผสม 2024-2034: เทคโนโลยี ผู้เล่น และตลาด 

This report characterizes the optics for virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR, AR and MR) devices, analyzing markets, technologies and players. It provides in-depth coverage of 13 individual optics technologies and forecasts their uptake in spatial computing from 2024 to 2034, alongside 10-year forecasts for the entire VR, AR and MR headset market. It outlines growing opportunity, with the VR, AR and MR optics market forecast to grow to US$5.1bn by 2034.
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การแสดงผลสำหรับความเป็นจริงเสมือนจริง เติมและผสม 2024-2034: การคาดการณ์ เทคโนโลยี การตลาด 

This report characterizes the display industry for virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) devices, analyzing markets, technologies and players. It provides in-depth coverage of seven individual display technologies and forecasts their uptake in spatial computing from 2024 to 2034, alongside ten-year forecasts and historic data from 2010 onwards for the entire VR/AR/MR headset market. It outlines growing opportunity, with the VR/AR/MR display market forecast to grow to US$4.6B by 2034.
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ความเป็นจริงเสมือน เพิ่มขึ้น และผสม 2023-2033: เทคโนโลยี ผู้เล่น และตลาด 

Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality devices promise to revolutionize the way we interact, acting as key gateways to the metaverse. This report builds a picture of these technologies today, quantitively examining development trends to date and outlining both future directions and technical challenges. The changing role of computing and connectivity is discussed, with component technologies including optics, displays, sensing, and haptics analyzed.
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