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3D Printing Composites 2020-2030: Technology and Market Analysis

Current and future technologies, and market forecasts.

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Carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic polymers, or CFRP for short, are already established materials where a high strength to weight ratio is key; the aerospace industry, automotive and transportation, and luxury sporting goods, have all utilised CFRP for this specific property. Although 3D printing composites has been limited to date, this is to an extent a result of the technical challenges associated with printing a material with such a strong directional dependency.
Despite these difficulties, interest in composite 3D printing is at an all time high since the market leader Markforged announced their chopped and continuous carbon fibre printer in 2014. New entrants to the market are increasing the awareness of how the advantages of 3D printing can complement and enhance the properties of a composite material, as well as diversifying the range of printers and compatible materials on offer to customers.
Given these market trends, IDTechEx forecasts that the global market for composite 3D printing will reach a value of $1.7 billion by the year 2030.
Technology and Applications
The composite 3D printing market comprises multiple different printer technologies. This report takes an in-depth look into established printer types such as fibre reinforced thermoplastic filament extrusion, sheet lamination, powder bed fusion and continuous fibre directed energy deposition. Key technological capabilities, applicable markets, SWOT analyses and key manufacturers are discussed for each established process. In addition, nascent printer technologies are introduced, and their technological capabilities discussed.
This report provides a detailed overview of currently supported materials for composite 3D printing, assessing compatibility across different printer types and their potential applications. In addition, novel materials for composite 3D printing are discussed.
Market analysis
This report forecasts the overall composite 3D printing market to 2030, with in depth discussion of currently commercialised and emerging printer technologies. The current state of the printers and materials market is analysed, and long-range forecasts from 2020-2030 for accumulated sales, units sold per year and revenue per year segmented by printer type and material are evaluated.
IDTechEx conducted exhaustive primary research with companies positioned throughout the entire 3D printing value chain for key insights into the trends impacting growth to 2030. This report includes 20 company profiles have been included in the report including Markforged, Stratasys and others.
Key questions that are answered in this report:
  • What are the current and emerging printer technology types?
  • How do metrics such as price, build speed, build volume and precision vary across different printers?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different 3D printing technologies?
  • Which printers support different fibre and matrix classes?
  • What is the current total accumulated sales of 3D printers?
  • What is the price range of 3D composite printers?
  • What are the market shares of those active in the market?
  • What are the key drivers and restraints of market growth?
  • How will sales of different printer types evolve from 2020 to 2030?
Analyst access from IDTechEx
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1.1.The seven different types of 3D printing processes
1.2.Why adopt 3D printing?
1.3.Composite 3D printing technological progression
1.4.Chopped fibre thermoplastic filament extrusion: (extrusion)
1.5.Fibre thermoplastic filament extrusion: 3D printer manufacturers
1.6.Fibre reinforced thermoplastic filaments
1.7.Fibre thermoplastic filament extrusion: material formulators
1.8.Investment capital into 3D printing composites
1.9.Value chain segmentation in 2019
1.10.3D printers providers by process segmentation 2019
1.11.3D printer revenue segmented by process in 2019
1.12.Forecast combined annual revenues from printers, materials and services
1.13.Drivers and restraints of growth
2.1.Scope of report
2.2.The seven different types of 3D printing processes
2.3.Major material-process relationships
2.4.Why adopt 3D printing?
2.5.The desktop 3D printer explosion
2.6.History of 3D printing polymers: the rise of the hobbyist
2.7.Consumer vs prosumer vs professional
2.8.Use patterns and market segmentation
2.9.Business models: securing future revenues
2.10.Drivers and restraints of growth
3.1.What is lightweighting?
3.2.Lightweight material drivers
3.3.Comparison of lightweight materials
3.4.Lightweight Material Candidates
4.1.Introduction to composites
4.2.Introduction to composite materials
4.3.Comparison of relative fibre properties
4.4.Cost adjusted fibre properties
4.5.Supply chain for composite manufacturers
4.6.Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP)
4.7.Glass fibres
4.8.FRP/PMC introduction
4.9.Resins - overview and property comparison
4.10.Thermoplastics for composites - overview
4.11.Thermosetting resins - key resins
4.12.Relevant IDTechEx Research
5.1.3D Printing - overview for the composite industry
5.2.The seven different types of 3D printing processes
5.3.Commercialisation of 3D printing composite innovations
5.4.Composite 3D printing technological progression
5.5.Material extrusion dominates short fibre 3D printing
5.6.Alternatives to material extrusion for short fibre composites
5.7.3D printing aligned short fibre composites
5.8.3D printing continuous fibre thermoplastic composites
5.9.3D printing continuous fibre thermoset composites
5.10.Key process innovations
5.11.Drivers and restraints of growth
6.1.Fibre reinforced thermoplastic filament extrusion
6.2.Market leader snapshot: Markforged
6.3.Chopped fibre thermoplastic filament extrusion (extrusion)
6.4.Continuous fibre thermoplastic filament extrusion
6.5.Large format thermoplastic filament extrusion
6.6.Fibre thermoplastic filament extrusion: 3D printer manufacturers
6.7.Price versus precision; versus speed; versus volume
6.8.Build volume versus precision; versus speed
6.9.Fibre reinforced thermoplastic filaments
6.10.Fibre thermoplastic filament extrusion: material formulators
6.11.Suppliers of fibre reinforced thermoplastic filaments
6.12.Service bureaus using fibre + thermoplastic filament extrusion
6.13.Sheet lamination
6.14.Sheet lamination: key companies
6.15.Market leader snapshot: Impossible Objects
6.16.Powder bed fusion
6.17.Powder bed fusion- Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
6.18.Powder bed fusion: key companies
6.19.Market leader snapshot: EOS
6.20.Continuous fibre directed energy deposition
6.21.Continuous fibre DED: key companies
6.22.Continuous fibre directed energy deposition: Arevo
7.1.Emerging processes
7.2.Vat photopolymerisation: Fortify
7.3.Vat photopolymerisation: Fiberneering
7.4.Arris Composites
7.5.Material developments
7.6.3D printing continuous fibre composites
7.7.3D printing of chopped composite materials
7.8.Emerging applications
7.9.Application hype curve of CFRP
7.10.Emerging applications in 3D printing composites
7.11.Large scale 3D printing composites
7.12.Markforged's Dixon gripper jaws
7.13.3D printing functional and recycled fibres: Continuous Composites and Vartega
8.1.Investment capital into 3D printing composites
8.2.Value chain segmentation in 2019
8.3.Value chain distribution by geography in 2019
8.4.3D printers providers by process segmentation 2019
8.5.3D printer revenue segmented by process in 2019
8.6.Closed or open platform 3D printers in 2019
9.1.Forecast methodology and presentation of findings
9.2.Forecast supply of 3D printer accumulated sales
9.3.Forecast annual 3D printer sales volumes
9.4.Forecast annual 3D printer revenues
9.5.Forecast mass of feedstock materials sold annually
9.6.Forecast revenues from feedstock materials sold annually
9.7.Forecast combined annual revenues from printers, materials and services
10.1.Where next for composite 3D printing?
11.1.Forecast mass of raw material fibres for feedstock 3D printing materials annually
11.2.Forecast revenues from raw material fibres for feedstock 3D printing materials sold annually

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