1.1. | An introduction to printed and flexible sensors |
1.2. | Key markets for printed/flexible sensors |
1.3. | Industry 4.0 requires printed sensors |
1.4. | Growth opportunities for printed sensors in environmental and agricultural monitoring |
1.5. | Shift to continuous healthcare monitoring creates opportunities for printed/flexible sensors |
1.6. | Meeting application requirements: Incumbent technologies vs printed/flexible sensors |
1.7. | Overall SWOT analysis of printed sensors overall |
1.8. | Porters' five forces analysis for overall printed sensor market |
1.9. | Key takeaways - for printed/flexible sensors overall |
1.10. | Key takeaways - specific printed/flexible sensor types |
1.11. | Reviewing the previous printed/flexible sensor report (2020-2030) |
1.12. | Growth areas for printed piezoresistive sensors |
1.13. | Opportunities for printed temperature sensors |
1.14. | Overview of thin film photodetectors |
1.15. | Opportunities for printed gas sensors |
1.16. | Opportunities for capacitive strain sensors. |
1.17. | Glucose test strips: A large but declining market |
1.18. | Printed wearable electrode sensors: Opportunities in healthcare and fitness monitoring. |
1.19. | Multifunctional printed/flexible sensors are a promising approach. |
1.20. | Printed sensor applications require flexible hybrid electronics (FHE circuits) |
1.21. | SWOT analysis for each printed sensor category |
2.1. | Market forecast methodology |
2.2. | Difficulties of forecasting discontinuous technology adoption |
2.3. | 10-year overall printed / flexible sensor forecast by sensor type (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.4. | 10-year overall printed / flexible sensor forecast by sensor type excluding biosensors (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.5. | 10-year piezoresistive sensor forecast by application (volume, in m2) |
2.6. | 10-year printed piezoresistive sensor forecast by application (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.7. | 10-year printed hybrid (capacitive/piezoresistive) sensor forecast by application (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.8. | 10-year printed piezoelectric sensor forecast by application (volume, in m2) |
2.9. | 10-year printed piezoelectric sensor forecast by application (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.10. | 10-year printed photodetector forecast by application (volume, in m2) |
2.11. | 10-year printed photodetector forecast by application (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.12. | 10-year printed temperature sensor forecast by application (volume, in m2) |
2.13. | 10-year printed temperature sensor forecast by application (revenue, USD millions) |
2.14. | 10-year printed strain sensor forecast by application (volume, in m2) |
2.15. | 10-year printed strain sensor forecast by application (revenue, USD millions) |
2.16. | 10-year printed gas sensors forecasts by technology (volume, in m2) |
2.17. | 10-year printed gas sensor forecasts by technology (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.18. | 10-year printed humidity sensor forecasts (volume, in m2) |
2.19. | 10-year printed humidity forecasts (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.20. | 10-year printed biosensors forecast by technology (volume, in m2) |
2.21. | 10-year printed biosensors forecast by technology (revenue, in USD millions) |
2.22. | 10-year printed wearable electrodes forecast by application (volume, in m2) |
2.23. | 10-year printed wearable electrodes forecast by application (revenue, in USD millions) |
3.1.1. | What is a sensor? |
3.1.2. | Sensor value chain example: Digital camera |
3.1.3. | What defines a 'printed' sensor? |
3.1.4. | Printed vs conventional electronics |
3.1.5. | Key markets for printed/flexible sensors |
3.1.6. | Industry 4.0 requires printed sensors |
3.1.7. | Opportunities for printed sensors: Facilitating computational data analysis |
3.1.8. | Opportunities for printed sensors: Human machine interfaces (HMI) |
3.1.9. | Human machine interface (HMI) technologies |
3.1.10. | Shift to continuous healthcare monitoring creates |
3.1.11. | Opportunities for printed sensors: Healthcare |
3.1.12. | Growth opportunities for printed sensors in environmental and agricultural monitoring |
3.1.13. | Printed sensor manufacturing |
3.1.14. | A brief overview of screen, slot-die, gravure and flexographic printing |
3.1.15. | A brief overview of digital printing methods |
3.1.16. | Towards roll to roll (R2R) printing |
3.1.17. | Advantages of roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing |
3.1.18. | What proportion is printed? |
3.1.19. | Printed sensor categories |
3.2. | Impact of COVID-19 on the printed sensor market |
3.2.1. | COVID-19 and printed sensors for smartphones |
3.2.2. | COVID-19 and medical applications of printed sensors |
3.2.3. | COVID-19, the automotive sector and printed sensors |
3.2.4. | COVID-19, wearable technology and printed sensors |
3.2.5. | COVID-19, IoT and printed sensors |
3.2.6. | Impact of COVID-19 on the printed sensor market: Conclusions |
4.1.1. | Printed piezoresistive sensors: An introduction |
4.1.2. | Piezoresistive vs capacitive touch sensors |
4.2. | Printed piezoresistive sensors: Technology |
4.2.1. | What is piezoresistance? |
4.2.2. | Percolation dependent resistance |
4.2.3. | Quantum tunnelling composite |
4.2.4. | Printed piezoresistive sensors: Anatomy |
4.2.5. | Pressure sensing architectures |
4.2.6. | Thru mode sensors |
4.2.7. | Shunt mode sensors |
4.2.8. | Force vs resistance characteristics |
4.2.9. | Importance of actuator area |
4.2.10. | Force sensitive inks |
4.2.11. | Complete material portfolio approach for FSRs |
4.2.12. | Shunt-mode FSR sensors by the roll |
4.2.13. | R2R vs S2S manufacturing for piezoresistive sensors |
4.2.14. | Example FSR circuits |
4.2.15. | Effect of circuit design on sensor output |
4.2.16. | Matrix pressure sensor architecture |
4.2.17. | Printed foldable force sensing solution (Peratech) |
4.2.18. | 3D multi-touch pressure sensors (Tangio) |
4.2.19. | Hybrid FSR/capacitive sensors |
4.2.20. | Hybrid FSR/capacitive sensors (Tangio) |
4.2.21. | Curved sensors with consistent zero (Tacterion) |
4.2.22. | Future technological development of piezoresistive sensors |
4.2.23. | InnovationLab: Mass production of printed sensors |
4.3. | Printed piezoresistive sensors: Applications |
4.3.1. | Applications of piezoresistive sensors |
4.3.2. | Medical applications of printed FSRs (Tekscan) |
4.3.3. | More medical applications of printed FSR sensors (Tekscan) |
4.3.4. | Force sensor examples: Vista Medical |
4.3.5. | Dental occlusion monitoring with printed pressure sensors (Innovation Lab) |
4.3.6. | Large-area pressure sensors for smart flooring and gait analysis. |
4.3.7. | Textile-based applications of printed FSR |
4.3.8. | Pressure sensitive fabric (Vista Medical) |
4.3.9. | Piezoresistive e-textiles for medical applications (Sensing Tex) |
4.3.10. | Flexible pressure-sensitive gloves (Tekscan) |
4.3.11. | Consumer electronic applications of printed FSR |
4.3.12. | Piezoresistive sensors in smartphones |
4.3.13. | A portable MIDI controller - The Morph (Sensel) |
4.3.14. | Automotive occupancy and seat belt alarm sensors |
4.3.15. | Other automotive applications for printed piezoresistive sensors |
4.3.16. | ForcIOT: Integrated stretchable pressure sensors |
4.3.17. | InnovationLab: Spatially resolved flexible pressure sensor |
4.3.18. | Smart carpet to enforce social distancing (due to coronavirus) |
4.3.19. | Printed piezoresistive sensor application assessment |
4.4. | Printed piezoresistive sensors: Summary |
4.4.1. | Summary: Printed piezoresistive sensor applications |
4.4.2. | Business models for printed piezoresistive sensors |
4.4.3. | SWOT analysis of piezoresistive sensors |
4.4.4. | Readiness level snapshot of printed piezoresistive sensors |
4.4.5. | Force sensitive resistor sensor supplier overview |
4.4.6. | Company profiles: Piezoresistive sensors |
5.1. | Printed piezoelectric sensors: Technology |
5.1.1. | Piezoelectricity: An introduction |
5.1.2. | Piezoelectric polymers |
5.1.3. | PVDF-based polymer options for sensing and haptic actuators |
5.1.4. | Low temperature piezoelectric inks (Meggitt) |
5.1.5. | Piezoelectric polymers |
5.1.6. | Printed piezoelectric sensor |
5.1.7. | Printed piezoelectric sensors: prototypes |
5.1.8. | Pyzoflex |
5.2. | Printed piezoelectric sensors: Applications |
5.2.1. | Applications for printed piezoelectric sensors |
5.2.2. | Piezoelectric actuators in loudspeaker/microphones |
5.2.3. | PiezoPaint for industrial condition monitoring (Meggit) |
5.2.4. | Combining energy harvesting and sensing |
5.2.5. | VTT/Tampere University: Elastronics |
5.2.6. | Attribute importance for piezoelectric sensor applications |
5.3. | Printed piezoelectric sensors: Summary |
5.3.1. | Summary: Piezoelectric sensors |
5.3.2. | SWOT analysis of piezoelectric sensors |
5.3.3. | Readiness level snapshot of printed piezoelectric sensors |
5.3.4. | Piezoelectric sensor supplier overview |
5.3.5. | Company profiles: Piezoelectric sensors |
6.1.1. | Introduction to thin film photodetectors |
6.1.2. | Comparison of photodetector technologies |
6.2. | Printed photodetectors: Technology |
6.2.1. | Photodetector working principles |
6.2.2. | Quantifying photodetector and image sensor performance |
6.2.3. | Organic photodetectors (OPDs) |
6.2.4. | Thin film photodetectors: Advantages and disadvantages |
6.2.5. | Reducing dark current to increase dynamic range |
6.2.6. | Tailoring the detection wavelength to specific applications |
6.2.7. | Extending OPDs to the NIR region: Use of cavities |
6.2.8. | First OPD production line |
6.2.9. | Technical challenges for manufacturing thin film photodetectors from solution |
6.2.10. | Materials for thin film photodetectors |
6.2.11. | Flexible image sensors based on amorphous Si |
6.3. | Printed photodetectors: Applications |
6.3.1. | OPDs for biometric security |
6.3.2. | Spray-coated organic photodiodes for medical imaging |
6.3.3. | 'Fingerprint on display' with OPDs (ISORG) |
6.3.4. | Flexible OPD applications using TFT active matrix (ISORG) |
6.3.5. | Pulse oximetry sensing with OPD (Cambridge Display Technology) |
6.3.6. | Perovskite based image sensors (Holst Center) |
6.3.7. | Academic research: Wearable skin patches with photodetectors |
6.3.8. | Technical requirements for thin film photodetector applications |
6.3.9. | Thin-film OPD and PPD application requirements |
6.3.10. | Application assessment for thin film OPDs and PPDs. |
6.3.11. | Commercial challenges for large-area OPD adoption |
6.4. | Summary: Printed image sensors |
6.4.1. | Summary: Thin film organic and perovskite photodetectors |
6.4.2. | SWOT analysis of large area OPD image sensors |
6.4.3. | Readiness level snapshot of printed photodetectors |
6.4.4. | Supplier overview: Thin film photodetectors |
6.4.5. | Company profiles: Printed image sensors |
7.1.1. | Introduction to printed temperature sensors |
7.1.2. | Types of temperature sensors |
7.1.3. | Comparing resistive temperature sensors and thermistors |
7.2. | Printed temperature sensors: Technology |
7.2.1. | Silicon nanoparticle ink for temperature sensing (PST Sensors) (II) |
7.2.2. | Printed metal RTD sensors: Brewer Science |
7.2.3. | Substrate challenges for printed temperature sensors |
7.2.4. | Temperature sensors based on printed inorganic NTC material |
7.2.5. | Heat and temperature sensor arrays with inkjet printing (INO - National Optics Institute, Canada) |
7.2.6. | Printed miniaturized platinum heater for metal-oxide gas sensors (Fraunhofer IKTS) |
7.2.7. | Printed temperature sensors for smart RFID sensors (CENTI) |
7.2.8. | Academic research: Printed temperature sensor with stabilized PEDOT:PSS |
7.2.9. | Time temperature indicators (TTIs) |
7.2.10. | Chemical TTIs |
7.2.11. | Chemical Time Temperature Indicators |
7.2.12. | Examples of Chemical Time Temperature Indicators (TTIs) |
7.3. | Printed temperature sensors: Applications |
7.3.1. | Applications for printed temperature sensors |
7.3.2. | Battery thermal management: Optimal temperature required |
7.3.3. | Temperature monitoring for electric vehicles batteries gathers pace. |
7.3.4. | Printed temperature sensors and heaters (IEE) |
7.3.5. | Integrated pressure/temperature sensors and heaters for battery cells |
7.3.6. | Proof-of-concept prototype of an integrated printed electronic tag |
7.3.7. | Novel applications for flexible temperature sensors |
7.3.8. | CNT temperature sensors (Brewer Science) |
7.3.9. | Wearable temperature monitors |
7.3.10. | Attribute importance for temperature sensor applications |
7.4. | Printed temperature sensors: Summary |
7.4.1. | Summary: Printed temperature sensors |
7.4.2. | SWOT analysis of printed temperature sensors |
7.4.3. | Technology readiness level snapshot of printed temperature sensors |
7.4.4. | Printed temperature sensor supplier overview |
7.4.5. | Company profiles: Printed temperature sensors |
8.1. | Printed strain sensors: Technology |
8.1.1. | Capacitive strain sensors |
8.1.2. | Use of dielectric electroactive polymers (EAPs) |
8.1.3. | Resistive strain sensors |
8.1.4. | 3D printed soft electronics (Karlsruher Institute for Technology) |
8.1.5. | Skin-inspired electronics (Zhenan Bao - Stanford University) |
8.2. | Printed strain sensors: Applications |
8.2.1. | Strain sensor applications |
8.2.2. | Motion capture with capacitive strain sensor (Parker Hannifin) |
8.2.3. | Strain sensitive e-textiles (Stretchsense) |
8.2.4. | Strain sensitive e-textiles (Bando Chemical) |
8.2.5. | Strain sensor e-textiles (Yamaha and Kureha) |
8.2.6. | Industrial displacement sensors (LEAP Technology) |
8.2.7. | Resistive strain sensor example (BeBop Sensors) |
8.2.8. | Resistive strain sensor for gloves (Polymatech) |
8.3. | Printed strain sensors: Summary |
8.3.1. | Summary: Strain sensors |
8.3.2. | SWOT analysis of flexible strain sensors |
8.3.3. | Technology readiness level snapshot of capacitive strain sensors |
8.3.4. | Printed high-strain sensor supplier overview |
8.3.5. | Company profiles: Strain sensors |
9.1.1. | Printed gas sensors: An introduction |
9.1.2. | The gas sensor value chain |
9.2. | Printed gas sensors: Technology |
9.2.1. | Gas sensor industry |
9.2.2. | History of chemical sensors |
9.2.3. | Transition to miniaturised gas sensors |
9.2.4. | Comparison between classic and miniaturised sensors |
9.2.5. | Concentrations of detectable atmospheric pollutants |
9.2.6. | Five common detection principles for gas sensors |
9.2.7. | Sensitivity for main available gas sensors |
9.2.8. | Comparison of miniaturised sensor technologies |
9.2.9. | Pellistor gas sensors |
9.2.10. | Metal oxide semiconductors (MOS) gas sensors |
9.2.11. | Printing MOS sensors |
9.2.12. | Screen printed MOS sensors (Figaro) |
9.2.13. | MOS gas sensors with printed electrodes (FIS) |
9.2.14. | Screen printed MOS sensors (Renesas Electronics) |
9.2.15. | Electrochemical (EC) gas sensors |
9.2.16. | Printed components of electrochemical gas sensor |
9.2.17. | Printed traditional EC gas sensor |
9.2.18. | Screen printed miniaturised EC gas sensor |
9.2.19. | Infrared gas sensors |
9.2.20. | Electronic nose (e-Nose) |
9.2.21. | Integrating an 'electronic nose' with a flexible IC |
9.2.22. | Printed carbon nanotube based gas sensors |
9.2.23. | CNT-based electronic nose for gas fingerprinting (PARC) |
9.2.24. | Printed humidity sensors for smart RFID sensors (CENTI) |
9.2.25. | Printed humidity/moisture sensor (Brewer Science) |
9.2.26. | Humidity sensors based on organic electronics (Invisense) |
9.2.27. | Printed miniaturized platinum heater for metal-oxide gas sensors (Fraunhofer IKTS) |
9.2.28. | CO2 sensing via heat of adsorption |
9.2.29. | Academic research: Low-cost biodegradable sensors |
9.2.30. | Academic research: Carbon nanotubes and catalyst sense vegetable spoilage |
9.3. | Printed gas sensors: Applications |
9.3.1. | Gas sensors will find use in various IoT segments |
9.3.2. | Gas sensors in automotive industry |
9.3.3. | Printed gas sensors for air quality monitoring |
9.3.4. | Emerging market: Personal devices |
9.3.5. | Gas sensors for mobile devices |
9.3.6. | Mobile phones with air quality sensors |
9.3.7. | H2S professional gas detector watch |
9.3.8. | Air quality monitoring for smart cities |
9.3.9. | Home And Office Monitoring: A Connected Environment |
9.4. | Printed gas sensors: Summary |
9.4.1. | Summary: Gas sensors |
9.4.2. | Future challenges for gas sensor manufacturers |
9.4.3. | Technology readiness level snapshot of gas sensors |
9.4.4. | SWOT analysis of gas sensors |
9.4.5. | Supplier overview: Printed gas sensors |
9.4.6. | Company profiles: Gas sensors |
10.1. | Printed capacitive sensors: Technology |
10.1.1. | Capacitive sensors: Working principle |
10.1.2. | Hybrid capacitive / piezoresistive sensors |
10.1.3. | Metallization and materials for capacitive sensing within 3D electronics |
10.1.4. | In-mold electronics vs film insert molding |
10.1.5. | In-mold electronics for automotive capacitive sensing |
10.1.6. | Integrated capacitive sensing (TG0) |
10.1.7. | Emerging current mode sensor readout: Principles |
10.1.8. | Benefits of current-mode capacitive sensor readout |
10.1.9. | Academic research: Epidermal electronics with a nanomesh pressure sensor |
10.2. | Printed capacitive sensors: Transparent conductive materials |
10.2.1. | Conductive materials for transparent capacitive sensors |
10.2.2. | Quantitative benchmarking of different TCF technologies |
10.2.3. | Sheet resistance vs thickness for transparent conductive films |
10.2.4. | Indium tin oxide: The incumbent transparent conductive film |
10.2.5. | ITO film shortcomings |
10.2.6. | Silver nanowires: An introduction |
10.2.7. | Ag haze: Demonstrating impact of NW aspect ratio |
10.2.8. | Prospects for Ag NW adoption |
10.2.9. | Metal mesh: Photolithography followed by etching |
10.2.10. | Direct printed metal mesh transparent conductive films: performance |
10.2.11. | Direct printed metal mesh transparent conductive films: major shortcomings |
10.2.12. | Toppan Printing's copper mesh transparent conductive films |
10.2.13. | Eastman Kodak: Transparent ultra low-resistivity RF antenna using printed Cu metal mesh technology |
10.2.14. | Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) |
10.2.15. | Carbon nanotube transparent conductive films: performance |
10.2.16. | Carbon nanotube transparent conductive films: performance of commercial films on the market |
10.2.17. | Carbon nanotube transparent conductive films: Matched index |
10.2.18. | Combining AgNW and CNTs for a TCF material (Chasm) |
10.2.19. | Introduction to PEDOT:PSS |
10.2.20. | Performance of PEDOT:PSS has drastically improved |
10.2.21. | PEDOT:PSS performance improves to match ITO-on-PET |
10.2.22. | Polythiophene-based conductive films for flexible devices (Heraeus) |
10.2.23. | Technology comparison |
10.3. | Printed capacitive sensors: Applications |
10.3.1. | Rotary dial on a capacitive touch screen (Ford) |
10.3.2. | Use case examples of PEDOT:PSS for capacitive touch sensors |
10.3.3. | Emerging current-mode sensor readout enables large area touch screens |
10.3.4. | Foldable displays incorporating C3 Nano's AgNWs |
10.4. | Printed capacitive sensors: Summary |
10.4.1. | Summary: Capacitive touch sensors |
10.4.2. | Summary: Transparent conductive materials |
10.4.3. | Readiness level of capacitive touch sensors materials and technologies |
10.4.4. | SWOT analysis of capacitive touch sensors |
10.4.5. | SWOT analysis of transparent conductors for capacitive touch sensors |
10.4.6. | TCF material supplier overview |
10.4.7. | Capacitive touch sensor companies (excluding materials suppliers) |
10.4.8. | Company profiles: Capacitive sensors |
11.1.1. | Electrochemical biosensors present a simple sensing mechanism |
11.2. | Printed biosensors: Technology |
11.2.1. | Electrochemical biosensor mechanisms |
11.2.2. | Enzymes used in PoC electrochemical biosensors |
11.2.3. | Electrode deposition: screen printing vs sputtering |
11.2.4. | Anatomy of a glucose test strip |
11.2.5. | Challenges for printing electrochemical test strips |
11.2.6. | Printed pH sensors for biological fluids |
11.3. | Printed biosensors: Applications |
11.3.1. | Glucose test strip monitoring through an associated reader |
11.3.2. | Sensors for diabetes management roadmap |
11.3.3. | Summary: Printed biosensors |
11.3.4. | Introduction to printed biosensors for diabetes management |
11.3.5. | CGM begins to replace test strips (Abbott) |
11.3.6. | Comparing test strip costs with CGM |
11.3.7. | Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is causing glucose test strip use to decline. |
11.3.8. | Electrochemical sensors are a more accurate method of ketone monitoring |
11.3.9. | Lactic acid monitoring for athletes with printed sensors |
11.3.10. | Printed point of care cholesterol tests? |
11.4. | Printed biosensors: Summary |
11.4.1. | The future of electrochemical PoC biosensors |
11.4.2. | SWOT analysis of printed biosensors |
11.4.3. | Readiness level of printed biosensors |
11.4.4. | Supplier overview: Biosensors |
11.4.5. | Biosensors: Company profiles |
12.1. | Printed wearable electrodes: Skin patches |
12.1.1. | Introduction to printed wearable electrodes and skin patches |
12.1.2. | The case for skin patches: Improving device form factor |
12.1.3. | Applications for electrodes and skin patches |
12.1.4. | Using electrodes to measure biopotential |
12.1.5. | Disposable metal snap electrodes - the current electrode technology |
12.1.6. | Market for metal snap Ag/AgCl electrodes |
12.1.7. | Skin patches with integrated electrodes - an opportunity for printed electrodes. |
12.1.8. | Smart patch with printed silver ink (Quad Industries) |
12.1.9. | QT Medical develop printed electrodes and interconnects |
12.1.10. | Printed electrodes and interconnects for pregnancy monitoring (Monica Healthcare) |
12.1.11. | Flexible and stretchable electrode (ScreenTec OY) |
12.1.12. | GE Research: Manufacturing of disposable wearable vital signs monitoring devices |
12.1.13. | Printed wireless wearable electrodes (Dupont) |
12.1.14. | Printable dry ECG electrodes (Henkel) |
12.1.15. | New printed electrode materials form Henkel |
12.1.16. | Comparing printed and metal snap electrode performance |
12.1.17. | Advantages of printed dry electrode adhesives |
12.1.18. | Grid printed electrodes (Nissha GSI) |
12.1.19. | Alternative printed electrode materials |
12.1.20. | Prof. John Rodgers (Northwestern University): Epidermal electronics |
12.1.21. | Printed wearable electrodes: E-textiles |
12.2. | E-Textiles: Where textiles meet electronics |
12.2.1. | Biometric monitoring in apparel |
12.2.2. | Integrating heart rate monitoring into clothing |
12.2.3. | Sensors used in smart clothing for biometrics |
12.2.4. | Companies with biometric monitoring apparel products |
12.2.5. | Textile electrodes |
12.2.6. | E-textile material use over time |
12.2.7. | Printed electrodes on clothing (Toyobo) |
12.2.8. | Monitoring racehorse health with printed electrodes (Toyobo) |
12.2.9. | Stretchable conductive printed electrodes (Nanoleq) |
12.2.10. | Sensing functionality woven into textiles (Myant) |
12.3. | Printed wearable electrodes: Summary |
12.3.1. | Summary: Flexible wearable electrodes |
12.3.2. | SWOT analysis of printed flexible wearable electrodes |
12.3.3. | Readiness level of printed wearable electrodes |
12.3.4. | Supplier overview: Printed electrodes for skin patches and e-textiles |
12.3.5. | Company profiles: Flexible wearable electrodes |
13.1. | Multifunctional printed/flexible sensors: Motivation and possible architectures |
13.2. | Holst Center: Flexible electronics for human-centric healthcare |
13.3. | Condition monitoring multimodal sensor array |
13.4. | PARC: Multi-sensor wireless asset tracking system |
13.5. | 'Sensor-less' sensing of temperature and movement |
14.1. | Printed sensor applications require flexible hybrid electronics (FHE circuits) |
14.2. | Defining flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) |
14.3. | FHE Examples: Combing conventional components with flexible/printed electronics on flexible substrates |
14.4. | FHE: The best of both worlds? |
14.5. | What counts as FHE? |
14.6. | Overcoming the flexibility/functionality compromise |
14.7. | Integrating sensors in FHE circuits |
14.8. | ITN Energy: Ultra-thin self-powered sensor platform |
14.9. | Wine temperature sensing label |
14.10. | Wearable ECG sensor from VTT |
14.11. | An electronic nose with FHE (PlasticArm project - ARM, PragmatIC) |
14.12. | FHE and printed sensors for smart packaging. |
14.13. | SWOT analysis of printed sensors in FHE circuits |
14.14. | Supplier overview: Printed sensors in FHE circuits |
14.15. | Company profiles: Flexible hybrid electronics |