2 Mar 2017
CVD Graphene: an ongoing technology development with high potential
IDTechEx has invited a series of industrial players and leader active in graphene commercialization to contribute their opinions about the state of the technology and markets.
Full profile interview
27 Jan 2014
CrayoNano AS
CrayoNano is an early-stage spin-off from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). They work on commercialising III-V nanowires grown using molecular beam epitaxy (and recently MOCVD) on graphene.
Included are:
17 Sep 2012
NTNU researchers commercialize semiconductors grown on graphene
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) researchers have patented and are commercializing GaAs nanowires grown on graphene, a hybrid material with competitive properties.
13 Sep 2012
Semiconductors grown on graphene
Semiconductors grown on graphene could become the basis for new types of device systems, and could transform the semiconductor industry by introducing graphene as a preferred substrate for many applications.