27 Nov 2019

Dr Bryony Core caught up with Sinterit at Formnext 2019. Sinterit are a 3D printer manufacturer who have developed a desktop SLS printer, the Sinterit Lisa Pro.
13 Mar 2019

3D Printing in the Medical Industry: Medicine, Implants, Models, more
One of the key industries to have successfully leveraged the advantages of 3D printing is the medical and dental industry. 3D printing allows for the creation of personalized medical devices to be streamlined, and it has also been used to improve surgical outcomes and deliver personalized medicines. IDTechEx has forecasted that the market for 3D printing of medical devices and living tissues will be worth $8.1 billion by the year 2029.
19 Feb 2019

The IDTechEx Show! presents 3D Printing 2019 in Berlin, 10-11 April
The IDTechEx Show! presents 3D Printing 2019 in Berlin, which offers the opportunity for key innovators and end users across several verticals to share their insights and expertise in the leading edge of additive manufacturing. IDTechEx forecasts the total market value of 3D printers, materials and services will be $22 billion by 2028.
Full profile interview: Competitors
2 Feb 2016

Developing an SLS for <$10000
Full profile interview
29 Sep 2015

Following the expiration of a key SLS patent, Sinterit have a developed a low-cost SLS machine for {#euro}7000 targeting designers and architects, due to start shipping in early 2016.
7 Sep 2015

New 3D Printer using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) from Sinterit
Video interview with Sinterit at 3D Printing Europe.
15 May 2015

Huge success of 3D Printing Europe
The IDTechEx team are all back in the office after an exhausting, but thoroughly enjoyable week, at IDTechEx Show! incorporating 3D Printing Europe. The 11th annual IDTechEx event in Europe was the biggest and best yet!