Integration of OLEDs in Textiles (Printed Electronics Europe 2013)

Dr Silvia Janietz, Head of Polymers & Electronics
Fraunhofer IAP
Apr 17, 2013.


Fraunhofer IAP (Dr.S.Janietz) - presentation*
Fraunhofer IAP (Dr.S.Janietz) - audio presentation*

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Presentation Summary

  • integration of encapsulted glass OLEDs into textiles like spacer warp knitting
  • discription of the preparation of flexible OLED foil stripes and the incorporation in textiles by using embroidery
  • filamentary OLED

Speaker Biography (Silvia Janietz)

Studied Chemistry at the University in Halle, graduated in 1983, obtained Ph D in 1987. She joined the Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Polymer Research in Potsdam, where she is currently a research scientist.
She finished the postdoctoral lecture qualification at the University in Potsdam in 2003. In 2004 she became head of the department "Polymers and Electronics". Her main research interests are: synthesis of electrical active polymers and their application in electronic and optical devices.

Company Profile (Fraunhofer IAP)

Fraunhofer IAP logo
Fraunhofer IAP develops customer-specific applications in the fields of OLEDs, OPV, OTFT and sensors. The main focus is on synthesis of novel materials with predictable and reproducible properties as well as on device design and manufacture. In a clean room environment several processing techniques are available from spin coating to inkjet printing and high precision slot die coating on a robot controlled S2S manufacturing line with substrate sizes up to 150 x 150 mm². Current issues for the development of OLED, OPV and OTFT go into the design of flexible devices for signage, for security applications and energy harvesting.
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