Mr David Lussey, CTO
Peratech Ltd
United Kingdom
Apr 17, 2013.
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If you already have access, please [Login] Access is available via an IDTechEx Market Intelligence Subscription Presentation SummaryQuantum Tunnelling Composites (QTC) are produced as solids, powders and inks and have unique electrical qualities which form the basis for entirely new types of switches, sensors, controls and touch-screens. QTC can be made to respond to a range of stimuli with up to 16 orders of conductivity change and can carry large current loads if required. A number of the devices and their capabilities will be demonstrated during the presentation. Speaker Biography (David Lussey)David Lussey founded Peratech in 1996 to commercialise the discovery of Quantum Tunnelling Composite (QTC), a unique pressure-sensitive substance with a resistance range of more than one trillion ohms. His background is in theoretical and applied military science. Company Profile (Peratech Ltd)Peratech was started in 1996, to commercialise the development of a new substance called Quantum Tunnelling Composite (QTC); a unique nano-tech, electro-active composite that is extremely sensitive to external stimuli. It uses quantum physics, in a simple way, to respond to various mechanical and electrical inputs. QTC can be put onto and into textiles, films and other surfaces and matrices to make them sensitive to force, human touch and other stimuli. It is now being used increasingly in telephone and computer touch-screens, white boards, robot 'skins' and many other sensing devices in the form of QTC bulk, powders, coatings and inks. |