Real-world uses of EPCglobal from around the world (RFID Europe 2008)

Mr David Lyon, EPCGlobal Business Manager
GS1 UK, United Kingdom
Okt 01, 2008.


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Speaker Biography (David Lyon)

David Lyon joined GS1 UK in 2004 to launch EPCglobal to the UK market. As EPCglobal Business Manager, David has played a key role in driving the adoption of EPCglobal standards and RFID in the UK and was responsible for the creation of the EPCglobal RFID Test Centre and EPC Information Services data exchange pilot.
EPCglobal, a subscriber-driven organisation and part of GS1 is comprised of industry leading organisations and is leading the development of industry-driven standards to support the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in supply chains.
David is a member of the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) group that aims to encourage the safe, responsible and widespread adoption of RFID in the UK. He also sits on the 'RFID MSc' steering committee at University of Leeds and has participated as a judge at the RFID Industry Awards.
David is a regular speaker at RFID and Supply Chain events and is frequently quoted in the media contributing independent views and comments on current RFID/EPC developments.

Company Profile (GS1 UK)

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GS1 UK has driven innovation in the supply chain for over thirty years. It is part of the global GS1 organisation, dedicated to the development and implementation of global data standards and solutions for the supply chain. The GS1 System is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world. GS1 UK helps industry to implement these data standards through the use of bar codes, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Global Data Synchronisation (GDS) and electronic business messaging.
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