Stretchable Solar Cells and Rechargeable and Stretchable Batteries (Printed Electronics Europe 2012)

Dr Martin Kaltenbrunner, Soft Matter Physics (SoMaP)
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Apr 04, 2012.


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Speaker Biography (Martin Kaltenbrunner)

Martin Kaltenbrunner was born in Gmunden, Austria in 1982. He received his Master's and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria at the Soft Matter Physics Department in 2008 and 2012, respectively.
He is also currently with the Someya-Sekitani Lab for Organic Electronics at The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. His current research interests include dielectric elastomers, organic photovoltaics, lightning and thin film transistors, and flexible and stretchable electronics. He received the Wilhelm Macke Award for his Master thesis.

Company Profile (Johannes Kepler University Linz)

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The Soft Matter Physics Department was founded in 2002, head of the department is Prof. Dr. Siegfried Bauer. Currently three university funded senior scientists and twelve externally funded researchers are working in the department. In January 2012 the European Research Council Advanced Investigators Grant "Soft Map: Stretching Soft matter performance: From conformable electronics and soft machines to renewable energy" started. The research in the department focuses on the basic science of soft active materials, with a strong application oriented background in electronics, transducers, information technology and energy harvesting. Dissemination of results are publications in peer reviewed journals and patents, followed by industry transfer, for example to the spin-off company isiQiri.
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