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3D-Druck und additive Fertigung 2023-2033: Technologie und Marktausblick

Achtzig 10-Jahres-Prognoselinien für 17 3DP-Technologien und 10 3DP-Materialtypen. Umfasst Technologieaufschlüsselungen, Marktanalysen, Benchmarking-Studien, Spielerprofile für 3DP-Unternehmen aus Polymer, Metall, Keramik, Verbundwerkstoffen und Bauwesen

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3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: A Dynamic and Innovative Industry
Since the invention of the first 3D printing technologies in the early 1980s, the 3D printing market has experienced a tremendous amount of growth, innovation, and interest. A niche technology until the expiration of a key patent in 2009, the 2010s allowed many startups to emerge offering cheap consumer-level 3D printers. The subsequent media frenzy in the early 2010s thrust 3D printing into the limelight; that frenzy was accompanied by major multinational corporations like Hewlett Packard and General Electric entering the 3D printing space. After years of hype, the industry has moved onto more critical examination of the value-add that effective additive manufacturing adoption brings to businesses and supply chains. Despite the obstacles posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and persistent supply chain disruptions, the additive manufacturing market continues to find new applications and end-users. Understanding the evolution and current technical status of 3D printing is critical to understanding the future of this industry.
IDTechEx's 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 2023-2033 report provides insight into the industry's growth and future through expansive analysis of every corner of the market, from hardware and materials to software and services to applications. Any company in the 3D printing supply chain or looking to enter the industry will find valuable insights in this report, like materials suppliers, printer manufacturers, service providers, end-users, and more. This report breaks down the hardware market into 17 technology segments and the materials market into 12 segments to create 80 forecast lines across 12 different forecasts. The forecasts provide a ten-year outlook for 3D printer installation base, new installations, replacement unit sales, revenue from 3D printer sales, demand for 3D printing materials, and revenue from 3D printing materials sales.
3D Printing Hardware: Technology and Materials Analyses including Impartial Technical Benchmarking
IDTechEx's 3D printing industry report examines the industry from a materials-centric perspective. Each materials category is discussed from a technology and materials standpoint, providing key technical insights into the major additive manufacturing subspecialities:
  • Polymers
  • Metals
  • Ceramics
  • Composites
  • Construction
Across these categories, IDTechEx individually analyzes over 30 printing technologies by their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In addition, information on hardware manufacturers, technology readiness levels, and key industries for each technology are provided to offer a full picture of each printing process from a technical and application perspective. Additionally, IDTechEx has conducted benchmarking studies within each material subspeciality to compare technologies by key parameters: build volume, build speed, resolution, price, and more. These comparisons were constructed through the extensive database of printer models and technical details collected by IDTechEx over the past seven years of 3D printing coverage. Through this impartial benchmarking, IDTechEx will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each technology for its end-users.
3DP master web image
Evolution of Market Shares for 3D Printing Technologies and Materials 2022-2033. Source "3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 2023-2033: Technology and Market Outlook ", which includes 80 10-year forecast lines in the report
To complement expansive technology breakdowns, IDTechEx takes an in-depth look into the established material classes of polymer, metal, and ceramic materials, including photopolymer resins, thermoplastic powders, thermoplastic filaments, metal powders, and ceramic materials. This discussion includes properties, advantages, disadvantages, applications, and suppliers for each of the main material categories.
Rounding out this extensive technology and material breakdown is an in-depth discussion of post-processing, software, scanners, and services in 3D printing, all of which are becoming increasingly important to an industry targeting mass market adoption. The extent of additive manufacturing's penetration in different target industries, such as aerospace, healthcare, and automotive, is explored through selected use cases, key news, important 3D printing players, and relevant OEM end-users in each application area.
Lastly, IDTechEx presents its research conducted since 2014 to offer its perspective on the current status of the 3D printing market. This includes identification of the key 3D printer manufacturers by revenue, rankings of the dominant technology segments by market share, and emerging trends. IDTechEx's detailed industry analysis will also provide further context to the notable amount of movement in this industry with acquisitions, mergers, investments, and public offerings as additive manufacturing players position themselves for expansion.
Market Forecasts for 3D Printing Hardware and Materials
Using extensive primary and secondary research, IDTechEx has constructed a detailed 10-year market forecast for the 3D printing market, looking at 3D printing hardware and materials through eighty different forecast lines. The hardware forecasts break the market down by install base, technology type, and unit sale type, while the materials forecasts segment the market into materials classes, polymer feedstock type, and metal feedstock type. This analysis reveals how hardware and materials sales will lead the industry to a $41 billion market size in 2033.
IDTechEx conducted exhaustive primary research with companies positioned throughout the entire 3D printing value chain for key insights into the trends impacting growth to 2033. This includes printer manufacturers, materials suppliers, software makers, and service providers. Over 125 company profiles have been included in the report including Stratasys, 3D Systems, EOS, Markforged, Evonik, and Covestro, amongst others. These profiles give insight into the companies leading the industry, their position amongst their competitors, and the opportunities and challenges they face in the future.
Key questions that are answered in this report
  • What are the current and emerging printer technology types within different material specialties?
  • How do metrics such as price, build speed, build volume, and precision vary by printer type and material class?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different 3D printing technologies?
  • Which printers support different material classes?
  • What is the current installed base of 3D printers?
  • Who are the main players?
  • What are the market shares of those active in the market?
  • What are the current and emerging 3D printing materials in 2022?
  • What are the market shares of each material class?
  • What are the key drivers and restraints of market growth?
  • What are the main application areas of additive manufacturing?
  • How does 3D printing hardware and materials relate to post-processing, software, scanners, and services?
  • How will sales of different printer types evolve from 2023 to 2033?
  • What is the projected demand by mass and annual revenue growth for materials from 2023 to 2033?
  • How has COVID-19 positively or negatively impacted the 3D printing industry?
Key aspects
This report provides the following information:
Technology trends, materials trends, & manufacturer analysis
  • Detailed summaries of all 3D printing technologies by material class
  • Comparison studies between polymer 3D printers of different technologies and metal 3D printers of different technologies
  • Analysis for polymer 3D printing materials, broken into three feedstock categories and seventeen individual feedstock types
  • Comprehensive discussion of metal 3D printing materials on the market by different manufacturers
  • Exploration of auxiliary 3D printing categories, like post-processing, software, scanners, and services
  • Overview of additive manufacturing applications in key industries like aviation, healthcare, space, automotive, and more
  • Summaries of emerging printer technologies
  • Primary interviews with key companies.
Market Forecasts & Analysis:
  • 10-year granular market forecasts of hardware by printer technology, material class, unit sales, and install base
  • Eighty forecast lines included across twelve forecasts
  • 10-year granular market forecasts include polymer and metal materials demand and revenue by feedstock type
  • Extensive discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the 3D printing industry, through primary interviews and revenue analysis
Analyst access from IDTechEx
All report purchases include up to 30 minutes telephone time with an expert analyst who will help you link key findings in the report to the business issues you're addressing. This needs to be used within three months of purchasing the report.
Further information
If you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact our report team at or call one of our sales managers:

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Table of Contents
1.1.Why adopt 3D printing?
1.2.Material compatibility across 3D printing technologies
1.3.Drivers and restraints of growth for 3D printing
1.4.Overview of Polymer 3D Printing Technologies
1.5.Breaking down polymer materials for 3D printing
1.6.Overview of Metal 3D Printing Technologies
1.7.Overview of Metal AM Feedstock Options
1.8.3D Printing Ceramics - Technology Overview
1.9.Evaluation of Ceramic 3D Printing Technologies
1.10.Ceramic 3D printing materials on the market
1.11.Overview of post-processing techniques for metal additive manufacturing
1.12.Overview of post-processing techniques for polymer additive manufacturing
1.13.Relationship between 3D printing hardware and software
1.14.3D Scanner Manufacturers - Segmented by Price and Technology
1.15.3D Printing Investment Overview for 2021
1.16.3D Printing Investment Overview for H1 2022
1.17.Hardware Market Share for Printing Processes by Company
1.18.3D Printing Technology Segmentation
1.19.3D Printing Technology Segmentation
1.20.Current market share of materials demand - revenue and mass
1.21.Current AM Technology Market Share
1.22.3D Printing Market Forecast 2023-2033
1.23.3D Printing Hardware Market by Technology 2023-2033
1.24.3D Printing Hardware Market by Technology 2023-2033
1.25.3D Printing Install Base by Technology 2023-2033
1.26.3D Printing Technology Market Share in 2033
1.27.3D Printing Materials Forecast by Material Type - Revenue and Mass
1.28.3D Printing Materials Forecast by Material Type - Discussion
1.30.3D Printing Research at IDTechEx
1.31.Company Profiles - Printer Manufacturers
1.32.Company Profiles - Materials, Software, Services
2.1.Glossary: common acronyms for reference
2.2.Scope of Report
2.3.The different types of 3D printing processes
2.4.Material compatibility across 3D printing technologies
2.5.Why adopt 3D printing?
2.6.History of 3D printing: the rise of the hobbyist
2.7.Timeline of 3D printing metals
2.8.History of ceramic 3D printing companies
2.9.Business models: selling printers vs parts
2.10.Consumer vs prosumer vs professional
2.11.Use patterns and market segmentation
2.12.Drivers and restraints of growth for 3D printing
3.1.Polymer Printing Technologies
3.1.1.Extrusion: Thermoplastic Filament
3.1.2.Extrusion: Thermoplastic Pellet
3.1.3.Powder Bed Fusion: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
3.1.4.Powder Bed Fusion: Multi-Jet Fusion
3.1.5.Vat Photopolymerisation: Stereolithography (SLA)
3.1.6.Vat Photopolymerisation: Digital Light Processing (DLP)
3.1.7.Material Jetting: Photopolymer
3.2.Polymer Printer Benchmarking
3.2.1.Introduction to Polymer 3D Printing Technologies
3.2.2.Benchmarking: Maximum Build Volume
3.2.3.Benchmarking: Build Rate
3.2.4.Benchmarking: Z Resolution
3.2.5.Benchmarking: XY Resolution
3.2.6.Benchmarking: Price vs Build Volume
3.2.7.Benchmarking: Price vs Build Rate
3.2.8.Benchmarking: Price vs Z Resolution
3.2.9.Benchmarking: Build Rate vs Build Volume
3.2.10.Benchmarking: Build Rate vs Z Resolution
3.2.11.Averages of Polymer 3D Printing Technologies
4.1.Breaking down polymer materials for 3D printing
4.2.Photopolymer Resins
4.2.1.Introduction to photopolymer resins
4.2.2.Chemistry of photosensitive resins
4.2.3.Chemistry of photopolymer resins
4.2.4.Resins - advantages and disadvantages
4.2.5.General purpose resins - overview
4.2.6.Engineering resins - overview
4.2.7.Flexible resins - overview
4.2.8.Castable resins - overview
4.2.9.Healthcare resins - overview
4.2.10.Extrusion resins - overview
4.2.11.Viscous photosensitive resins
4.2.12.Photosensitive resin suppliers
4.3.Thermoplastic powders
4.3.1.Introduction to thermoplastic powders
4.3.2.Engineering (nylon) powder - overview
4.3.3.Flexible powder - overview
4.3.4.Composite powder - overview
4.3.5.High temperature powder - overview
4.3.6.Engineering (other) powder - overview
4.3.7.Thermoplastic powders: post-processing
4.3.8.Thermoplastic powder suppliers
4.4.Thermoplastic filaments
4.4.1.Introduction to thermoplastic filaments
4.4.2.General purpose filaments - overview
4.4.3.Engineering filaments - overview
4.4.4.Flexible filaments - overview
4.4.5.Reinforced Filaments - overview
4.4.6.High Temperature Filaments - overview
4.4.7.Support Filaments - overview
4.4.8.Fillers for thermoplastic filaments
4.4.9.Thermoplastic filament suppliers
4.4.10.Procurement of thermoplastic filaments
5.1.Established Metal Printing Technologies
5.1.1.Powder Bed Fusion: Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
5.1.2.Powder Bed Fusion: Electron Beam Melting (EBM)
5.1.3.Directed Energy Deposition: Powder
5.1.4.Directed Energy Deposition: Wire
5.1.5.Binder Jetting: Metal Binder Jetting
5.1.6.Binder Jetting: Sand Binder Jetting
5.1.7.Sheet Lamination: Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing (UAM)
5.2.Emerging Metal Printing Technologies
5.2.1.Emerging Printing Processes - overview
5.2.2.Extrusion: Metal-Polymer Filament (MPFE)
5.2.3.Extrusion: Metal-Polymer Pellet
5.2.4.Extrusion: Metal Paste
5.2.5.Vat Photopolymerisation: Digital Light Processing (DLP)
5.2.6.Material Jetting: Nanoparticle Jetting (NPJ)
5.2.7.Material Jetting: Magnetohydrodynamic Deposition
5.2.8.Material Jetting: Electrochemical Deposition
5.2.9.Material Jetting: Cold Spray
5.2.10.Binder Jetting Advancements
5.2.11.Developments in PBF and DED: Energy Sources
5.2.12.Developments in PBF and DED: Low-Cost Printers
5.2.13.Developments in PBF and DED: New Technologies
5.2.14.Processes with a Metal Slurry Feedstock
5.2.15.Alternative Emerging DMLS Variations
5.3.Metal Printers: Comparison and Benchmarking
5.3.1.Metal Additive Manufacturing: Technology Overview
5.3.2.Benchmarking: Maximum Build Volume
5.3.3.Benchmarking: Build Rate
5.3.4.Benchmarking: Z Resolution
5.3.5.Benchmarking: XY Resolution
5.3.6.Benchmarking: Price vs Build Volume
5.3.7.Benchmarking: Price vs Build Rate
5.3.8.Benchmarking: Price vs Z Resolution
5.3.9.Benchmarking: Build Rate vs Build Volume
5.3.10.Benchmarking: Build Rate vs Z Resolution
5.3.11.Overview of Metal 3D Printing Technologies
5.3.12.Maximums & Minimums of Metal 3D Printing Technologies
6.1.Metal powders
6.1.1.Overview of Metal AM Feedstock Options
6.1.2.Powder morphology specification
6.1.3.Water or gas atomization
6.1.4.Plasma atomization
6.1.5.Electrochemical atomization
6.1.6.Powder morphology depends on atomization process
6.1.7.Metal Compatibility with Printing Technologies
6.1.8.Suppliers of metal powders for AM
6.1.9.Titanium powder - overview
6.1.10.Titanium powder - main players
6.1.11.Key material start-ups for metal additive manufacturing
6.1.12.Recycled titanium feedstocks
6.1.13.Metal powder bed fusion post processing
6.1.14.Barriers and limitations to using metal powders
6.2.Other metal feedstocks
6.2.1.Metal wire feedstocks
6.2.2.Metal + polymer filaments
6.2.3.Metal + polymer filaments: BASF Ultrafuse
6.2.4.Metal + photopolymer resin
6.3.Emerging Metal Materials
6.3.1.Expanding the aluminum AM material portfolio printing with copper: huge potential with many challenges
6.3.3.Expanding the copper AM material portfolio
6.3.4.High entropy alloys for AM
6.3.5.Amorphous alloys for AM
6.3.6.Emerging aluminum alloys and MMCs
6.3.7.Multi-metal material solutions
6.3.8.Materials informatics for additive manufacturing materials
6.3.9.Materials informatics for additive manufacturing materials
6.3.10.Tungsten powder and nanoparticles
7.1.Ceramic Printing Technologies Printing Ceramics - Technology Overview
7.1.2.Extrusion: Paste
7.1.3.Extrusion: Ceramic-Polymer Filament
7.1.4.Extrusion: Ceramic-Polymer Pellet
7.1.5.Vat Photopolymerisation: Stereolithography (SLA)
7.1.6.Vat Photopolymerisation: Digital Light Processing (DLP)
7.1.7.Material Jetting: Nanoparticle Jetting (NPJ)
7.1.8.Binder Jetting: Ceramic Binder Jetting
7.1.9.Why are there no commercial SLS ceramic printers?
7.1.10.Why are there no commercial SLM ceramic printers?
7.2.Ceramic Printers: Benchmarking
7.2.1.Ceramic: Build Volumes by Printer Manufacturer
7.2.2.Ceramic: Minimum Z Resolution by Printer Manufacturer
7.2.3.Ceramic Benchmarking: Z Resolution vs Build Volume
7.2.4.Ceramic: Minimum XY Resolution by Printer Manufacturer
7.2.5.Ceramic: Build Speed by Technology Type
7.2.6.Ceramic Benchmarking: Build Volume vs Price
7.2.7.Ceramic Benchmarking: Z Resolution vs Price
7.2.8.Evaluation of Ceramic 3D Printing Technologies
8.1.Introduction to ceramic 3D printing materials
8.2.Classification: by feedstock type
8.3.Classification: by application
8.4.Classification: by chemistry
8.5.Ceramic 3D printing materials on the market
8.7.Mechanical properties of 3DP ceramic materials
8.8.Thermal properties of 3DP ceramic materials
8.9.Average densities of 3DP ceramic materials
8.10.Flexural strength vs density - 3DP ceramic materials
8.11.Alumina comparison - AM vs non AM
8.12.Zirconia comparison - AM vs non AM
8.13.Silicon carbide and nitride comparison
8.14.Ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs)
8.15.Ceramics as reinforcement in 3D printing
8.16.Manufacturers of ceramics for 3D printing
9.1.Polymer Composites - Overview
9.2.Chopped Fibre Thermoplastic Filament Extrusion
9.3.Continuous Fibre Thermoplastic Filament Extrusion
9.4.Continuous Fibre Thermoplastic Tape Extrusion
9.5.Sheet Lamination
9.6.Powder Bed Fusion: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
9.7.Continuous Fiber Thermoset Extrusion
9.8.Composite Vat Photopolymerization
10.1.Composite material feedstock: introduction
10.2.Material assessment: matrix considerations
10.3.Material assessment: mechanical properties
10.4.Material assessment: price and performance benchmarking
10.5.Material assessment: price and performance benchmarking
10.6.Complete material list: short carbon fiber
10.7.Complete material list: short glass fiber
10.8.Complete material list: powder
10.9.Complete material list: continuous fiber
10.10.Benchmarking study by independent research institute
10.11.Key composite 3D printing material news and developments
10.12.Recycled carbon fiber as feedstock material
10.13.Nanocarbon additive: property advantages
10.14.Nanocarbon additive: commercial activity
11.1.A Brief History of Concrete 3D Printing
11.2.The drivers behind 3D printed concrete
11.3.Main categories of concrete AM technology
11.4.Cartesian ("gantry") extrusion
11.5.Robotic extrusion
11.6.Binder jetting
11.7.Materials for concrete 3D printing
11.8.Notable concrete 3D printing projects
11.9.Barriers to adoption of concrete 3D printing
11.10.Outlook for concrete 3D printing
11.11.Concrete 3D printing companies
11.12.Clay 3D printing for construction
11.13.Thermoset 3D printing for construction
12.1.Introduction to post-processing
12.2.Why is post-processing done after 3D printing?
12.3.Overview of post-processing techniques for metal additive manufacturing
12.4.Overview of post-processing techniques for polymer additive manufacturing
12.5.Material removal
12.6.Process-inherent treatments
12.7.Surface finishing techniques
12.8.Other post-processing treatments
12.9.AM post-processing companies
12.10.Pain points for post-processing in AM
13.1.Software for 3D Printing
13.1.1.Overview of 3D Printing Software Segments
13.1.2.Relationship between 3D printing hardware and software
13.1.3.Hobbyist 3D printing software usage
13.1.4.Professional 3D printing software usage Scanning Software
13.1.6.Computer Aided Design (CAD)
13.1.7..STL files
13.1.8.Computer Aided Engineering (CAE): Topology
13.1.9.Computer Aided Engineering (CAE): Process simulation
13.1.10.Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM): Build preparation
13.1.11.Integrated CAD/CAE/CAM Suites
13.1.12.Workflow Management Solutions
13.1.13.Pain points in 3D printing software
13.1.14.Developers of 3D Printing Software
13.1.15.Developers of 3D Printing Software
13.2.3D Scanning
13.2.1.Introduction to 3D Scanning
13.2.2.Laser Triangulation
13.2.3.Structured Light Computed Tomography
13.2.5.Price Segmentation of 3D Scanners Scanner Manufacturers - Segmented by Price and Technology Scanners in Additive Manufacturing
13.2.8.Industries using 3D Scanners with 3D Printing
13.3.Production services for 3D printing
13.3.1.What are 3D Printing Service Bureaus?
13.3.2.What Does a Service Bureau Do?
13.3.3.Value Proposition Behind Service Bureaus
13.3.4.Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)
13.3.5.Notable Service Bureaus
13.3.6.Service Bureau Performance During the Pandemic
13.3.7.Challenges Facing Service Bureaus
13.3.8.Outlook for 3D Printing Service Bureaus
13.3.9.List of Selected 3D Printing Service Bureaus
14.1.3D Printing for Healthcare
14.1.1.Most Popular 3D Printing Technologies in Healthcare
14.1.2.Polymers Used in Medical 3D Printing
14.1.3.Medical Applications of Polymer 3D Printing
14.1.4.Medical Applications of 3D Printing by Polymer Type Printing as a Surgical Tool
14.1.6.Using models to improve patient care, standards and efficiency Printing Custom Plates, Implants, Valves and Stents Printing Custom Plates, Implants, Valves and Stents
14.1.9.Case Study: Hip Replacement Revision Surgery
14.1.10.Case Study: Canine Cranial Plate in Titanium
14.1.11.Case Study: Implantable Dental Devices and Prostheses
14.1.12.Case Study: Mandibular Reconstructive Surgery Printing External Medical Devices
14.1.14.Case Study: Hearing Aids
14.1.15.Case Study: Orthotic Insoles
14.1.16.High temperature thermoplastic filaments and powders
14.1.17.Photosensitive Resins
14.1.18.Titanium Alloy Powders
14.1.19.Bioactive Ceramic Filaments and Resins During the COVID-19 Pandemic
14.1.21.Case Study: Parts for Ventilators Printing in Pharmaceuticals Printed Pharma: Novel Dissolution Profiles Printed Pharma: Personalized Medication Printed Pharma: Novel Drugs and Drug Testing Printed Pharma: Commercial Status and Regulatory Overview
14.2.3D Printing in Aviation, Space, and Defense
14.2.1.GE Aviation: LEAP Fuel Nozzles
14.2.2.GE Aviation: Next-Gen RISE Engine
14.2.3.GE Aviation: Bleed Air Parts and Turboprop Engines
14.2.4.GE Aviation and Boeing 777X: GE9X Engines
14.2.5.Boeing 787 Dreamliner: Ti-6Al-4V Structures
14.2.6.Boeing: Gearboxes for Chinook Helicopters
14.2.7.Boeing and Maxar Technologies: Satellites
14.2.8.Airbus and Eutelsat: Satellites
14.2.9.Autodesk and Airbus: Optimised Partition Wall
14.2.10.Airbus: Bracket
14.2.11.RUAG Space and Altair: Antenna Mount
14.2.12.Hofmann: Oxygen Supply Tube
14.2.13.Relativity Space: Rockets
14.2.14.Composite 3D Printing: UAVs and Satellites
14.2.15.OEM AM Strategy - GE
14.2.16.OEM AM Strategy - Airbus
14.2.17.OEM AM Strategy - Boeing
14.2.18.OEM AM Strategy - Rolls-Royce
14.3.Other Industries Using Additive Manufacturing
14.3.4.Oil and Gas
14.3.5.Power Generation
14.3.6.Manufacturing Plants
14.3.7.Consumer Goods
14.3.8.Art and Design
15.1.Impact of COVID-19: Summary of Company Perspectives
15.2.Fiscal Year 2021 Results: Legacy 3D Printer Manufacturers
15.3.Fiscal Year 2021 Results: Emerging Printer Manufacturers
15.4.Fiscal Year 2021 Results: Metal Printer Manufacturers
15.5.Fiscal Year 2021 Results: Service Providers
15.6.3D Printing Investment Overview for 2021
15.7.Notable Acquisitions in 2021
15.8.Acquisition Spotlight: Desktop Metal
15.9.Companies That Went Public in 2021: Summary
15.10.Companies Going Public in 2021 by Company Type
15.11.Printer Companies Going Public in 2021 by Material
15.12.Companies Going Public in 2021: SPAC vs IPO
15.13.Companies Going Public in 2021 by Country
15.14.3D Printing Private Funding in 2021 by Company Type
15.15.3D Printing Private Funding in 2021 by Region
15.16.3D Printing Private Funding in 2021 by Country
15.17.Top 10 Fundraising Rounds in 2021
15.18.3D Printing Investment Overview for H1 2022
15.19.Notable Acquisitions/Mergers in H1 2022
15.20.Companies Going Public in H1 2022
15.21.3D Printing Investment in H1 2022
15.22.3D Printing Hardware Historic Revenue Growth
15.23.Evolution of Market Shares for 7 Printing Processes
15.24.Hardware Market Share by Company
15.25.Hardware Market Share for Printing Processes by Company
15.26.3D Printing Hardware Revenue by Manufacturer Region
15.27.Technology Segmentation
15.28.Technology Segmentation
15.29.Current Technology Market Share
15.30.Current market share of materials demand - revenue and mass
16.1.3D Printing Market Forecast 2023-2033
16.2.3D Printing Hardware Forecasts
16.2.1.Forecast Methodology and Presentation of Findings Printing Hardware Market Forecast Printing Hardware Market by Technology Printing Hardware Market by Process Printing Hardware Market by Material Class Printing Hardware Market by Unit Sale Type Printing Hardware Unit Sales by Technology Printing Install Base by Technology Printing Technology Market Share in 2033
16.3.3D Printing Material Forecasts
16.3.1.Forecast methodology and presentation of findings Printing Materials Forecast by Material Type - Revenue and Mass Printing Materials Forecast by Material Type - Discussion
16.3.4.Polymer AM Materials Forecast by Feedstock - Revenue and Mass
16.3.5.Polymer Materials Forecast by Feedstock - Discussion
16.3.6.Metal AM Materials Forecast by Feedstock - Revenue and Mass
16.3.7.Metal AM Materials Forecast by Feedstock - Discussion
17.1.Key Trends for 3D Printing Materials
17.2.Key Trends in Metal Additive Manufacturing
17.3.Key Trends in Metal Additive Manufacturing
17.5.Company Profiles - Printer Manufacturers
17.6.Company Profiles - Materials, Software, Services
17.7.3D Printing Research at IDTechEx
18.1.3D Printing Market Forecast 2023-2033
18.2.3D Printing Hardware Market by Technology
18.3.3D Printing Hardware Market by Material Class
18.4.3D Printing Hardware Market by Unit Sale Type
18.5.3D Printing Hardware Unit Sales by Technology
18.6.3D Printing Install Base by Technology
18.7.3D Printing Materials Forecast by Material Type - Mass
18.8.3D Printing Materials Forecast by Material Type - Revenue
18.9.Polymer AM Materials Forecast by Feedstock - Revenue
18.10.Polymer AM Materials Forecast by Feedstock - Mass
18.11.Metal AM Materials Forecast by Feedstock - Mass
18.12.Metal AM Materials Forecast by Feedstock - Revenue

Report Statistics

Slides 459
Forecasts to 2033
ISBN 9781915514110

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