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Electrically Smart Roads 2018-2028

Off grid electricity from roads, paths, parking automates de-icing, lighting, dynamic EV charging etc.

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The IDTechEx report, "Electrically Smart Roads 2018-2028" is an independent, new technical and market appraisal of electrically smart roads and their allied infrastructure such as electrical road furniture and parking areas. It will be a $100 billion business and here it is comprehensively covered by the PhD level IDTechEx analysts carrying out interviews from the US and Germany to New Zealand and Japan in local languages with confidential database analysis and global conference attendance to provide further input.
The report embraces solar roads driving integral lighting today and the research to add harvesting of heat and movement by roads and electricity from roadside wind turbines powering sensing, structural health monitoring and much more. Bus shelters are already driving their advertising and lighting from their own solar power but the best is yet to come in enhanced safety, speed, saving, earning and air quality. IDTechEx reveals that adoption is rapid and widespread: examples discussed span 55 organisations and 37 technologies in 18 countries in this information-packed 130+ page report replete with new analysis, statistics, graphs and infograms. In 2017, there were at least 110 solar road projects alone.
"Electrically Smart Roads 2018-2028" has a self-sufficient Executive Summary and Conclusions for those in a hurry with ten year forecasts and twenty year roadmaps. There is an Introduction covering the off grid scene and the situation with roads and their next technologies even eliminating vehicle emissions and de-icing poisons. The technology is covered in a chapter on photovoltaics for roads and ancillaries then ones on multifunctionality of road power generation and use, road wind power, electricity from road heat and motion and then integrated uses of the electricity are analysed in chapters on automated, self-powered road de-icing/ snow removal, structural health monitoring within roads and self-powered interactive lighting in roads.
The report has been written because this rapidly emerging activity is addressing increasingly significant needs such as better functionality, safety and security of road systems and vehicles while reducing overall financial and health costs to a community. The report is intended for those developing, making, installing and operating the smart materials, products, infrastructure and systems, the city planners and government, architects and academics seeking opportunities and names not equations.
Because the report embraces similar new technology being trialled and adopted near roads, electricity from roads, paths, parking surfaces and shelters is covered plus incorporation of traffic and structural health monitoring and dynamic EV charging.
Electricity generation from roads, paths and parking areas using photovoltaics, electrodynamics, piezoelectrics and thermal technologies is being progressed. Ideally the structures replace asphalt. Some of the electricity produced could be stored then used to power electric vehicles and automate de-icing and snow removal. Yes, off grid production of electricity by roads and their environs will make new things possible such as consistent, automated de-icing and snow removal and ubiquitous electric vehicle charging. No one gets hurt because no one is involved.
Solar roads of Solar Roadways in the USA already double as integral road surface light emission. IDTechEx suggests that could combine with the new Dutch invention of large hollow road surface blocks made of waste plastic that carry utility pipes and cables and last longer than asphalt. In its usual creative approach, IDTechEx offers many other possibilities too.
Off grid gives better protection from cost increases, terrorism and natural disasters.
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1.1.Purpose of this report
1.2.Why make roads electrically smart? electricity generation is one reason
1.2.1.Where and why
1.2.2.De-icing and snow removal risks disappear with self-powered, automated road heating
1.2.3.Multi-mode roads and other structures
1.2.4.Multifunctional solar roadway by Solar Roadways USA
1.2.5.Gantry vs road surface
1.3.Electricity generating roads: technologies assessed
1.3.1.PV, TE, ED, PZ compared
1.3.2.Best Research-Cell Efficiencies
1.3.3.Projects of TNO SolaRoad
1.4.Integral monitoring, EV charging roads
1.5.Solar roads, parking, paths, barriers compared
1.5.1.Experimental solar barriers use light guiding
1.6.Market size
1.6.1.Forecast 2018-2028
1.6.2.Roadmap of technology and adoption
1.6.3.Road and urban zero emission technology and adoption roadmap 2018-2028: harvesting, lighting
1.6.4.Road and urban zero emission technology and adoption roadmap 2038-2050: harvesting, dynamic charging
1.6.5.Road and urban zero emission technology and adoption roadmap 2018-2028: storage
1.6.6.Road and urban zero emission technology and adoption roadmap 2038-2050: storage
2.1.Market drivers
2.1.1.Electrification alone will save 42% of world power demand
2.1.2.Electric vehicle EV trends
2.1.3.Peak in car sales k - goodbye to many things...
2.1.4.Solar resource and greenhouse gases
2.3.More zero emission electricity produced off grid than on grid by 2040
2.4.Access to electricity by people in 2018: conflicting forces
2.5.Electricity supply trends 2018 and 2050
2.6.More reasons to worry about national grids now
2.7.Smart sensors in smart roads
3.2.Benefits sought
3.3.Basic configurations
3.4.Latest technologies: production readiness
3.5.Conformability helps: SunMan
3.6.Inorganic PV: dominant now, promising future
3.6.1.Si, CdTe, perovskite, GaAs-Ge, in BIPV
3.6.2.Here comes GaAs thin film PV: Hanergy EIV cars have lessons for roads
3.6.3.Hanergy extending GaAs structural PV as demonstrated 2016 on working cars
3.7.Transparent and translucent PV
3.7.1.Highway barriers: Eindhoven University of Technology
3.7.2.Experimental quantum dot vs perovskite
3.8.Solar roads and paths
3.8.1.Pavenergy China
3.8.2.TNO SolaRoad
3.8.3.Bouygues Colas France
3.8.4.Solar Roadways US: paths then roads
3.8.5.Solar Roads Switzerland
3.8.6.Solar road with integral lit markers - Japanese concept
3.9.Roadside solar charging in action
3.9.1.ABB India solar electric charging stations
3.9.2.Envision Solar Malta portable solar chargers
3.9.3.Saudi Aramco solar car park
3.9.4.Solar bus shelters
3.9.5.The City of Prince George Canada
4.1.Wind with solar
4.2.Dynamic charging of electric vehicles
4.3.Solar road with integral lit markers - concept
4.4.Dynamic EV charging
4.4.2.Qualcomm USA
4.4.3.ElectRoad Israel
4.4.4.University of Washington USA
4.4.5.Auckland University New Zealand
4.4.6.Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
4.4.7.Politecnico di Torino
4.4.8.TDK Japan
4.4.9.University of Tokyo Japan
4.4.10.Utah State University USA
5.1.Wind power from passing traffic
5.1.1.Traffic powered turbines: examples
5.1.2.Turbine Light
5.2.Turbine choices
5.3.Options for tapping excellent 200+m wind: particularly strong at night when PV is off
5.4.Small wind turbines
5.4.1.Example of good practice
5.4.2.Vertical axis wind turbines have a place
5.5.Airborne Wind Energy options: trend cloth kite>fixed wing>drone
6.1.University of California, Merced USA: Piezo roads
6.2.Lancaster University UK piezo roads
6.3.GeorgiaTech piezo surfaces
6.4.Google and Pavegen: electrodynamic ED paths
7.1.Goodbye to death and poisoning from clearing road snow and ice
9.1.Actively controlled and interactive light
9.2.Interactive light
9.3.Road crossings illuminate when needed
9.4.Road crossings powered by road surface harvesting would illuminate when needed
9.5.Competitor for electrical road surface lighting

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