Märkte für E-Textilien und intelligente Kleidung 2023-2033: Technologien, Akteure und Anwendungen

Ein umfassender Überblick über Materialien, Prozesse, Komponenten und Unternehmen des globalen Marktes für E-Textilien. Prognosen für den Umsatz und die verkauften Einheiten von E-Textilprodukten 2023-2033.

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Electronic textiles (e-textiles) involves the integration of electronics with textiles to form "smart" textile products. Research compiled over 10 years and a database of over 200 companies in the sector have been used to inform this report on the e-textiles industry. With coverage of each major product type, primary applications and markets, and forecasts up to 2033 based on several years of historic data, this is a comprehensive study of this technology.
An increasingly digitalized world and greater demands for connectivity has led towards a clear trend of miniaturization of electronic devices - enabling greater integration into our daily lives. This miniaturization has enabled the integration of electronics into textiles and clothing to form e-textiles. E-textiles exist as part of a wider ecosystem of connected wearable devices, which includes smartwatches, activity trackers, and electronic skin patches, to name a few. Yet despite such a diverse set of form factors among such wearable devices, one key trend is common - namely, a demand for increasingly discrete devices. This demand can be particularly well-fulfilled by e-textiles, where the electronics can be integrated with clothing itself - this is potentially one of the most seamless forms of electronics integration for wearable devices.
This report aims to contextualize the narrative around the e-textiles industry; the concept and core features of the e-textiles technology movement has been around for decades, with increasing commercial focus in the last 30 years. Some e-textile products such as heated blankets and heated clothing have developed throughout this time to become significant commercial markets selling millions of products each year. However, the variety of products is extremely broad; from clothing to bed linen and industrial fabrics, new products are appearing throughout a variety of verticals as this technology area is increasingly explored. This report covers the entire e-textiles value chain, from the manufacturing through yarns or conductive inks, to the components such as the sensors used today.
A breakdown of the preferred material choice in e-textile manufacturing across 256 players. Image source: E-Textiles and Smart Clothing Markets 2023-2033: Technologies, Players, and Applications
There remains a gulf in commercial maturity for different products within e-textiles. For example, heated clothing has a mature value chain with established manufacturing practices and products being sold around the world under hundreds of different brands. Other areas such as the integration of biometric monitoring are still being developed. Challenges around reliability, equipment suitability, materials availability and overhead costs have previously been prohibitive to commercial development of many different product types. However, thanks to significant investments and partnerships, some of these barriers are being lowered, with more players able to make more advanced e-textile products at less prohibitive prices. These developments improve the chances that emerging e-textile products have against incumbent options in each of the markets they target - this report goes through such recent developments.
Translating new technologies being developed for e-textiles through to successful commercial products requires targeted development which focuses on the specific needs across different target markets. The report describes efforts across a series of market sectors (such as medical & healthcare, sports & fitness, PPE & other workwear, etc), as well as other specific product types or groups that span different potential application areas (such as animal wearables, automotive interiors, motion capture, haptic suits and assistive clothing). This report covers the use and potential of e-textiles in many such applications in detail.
With continuous parallel research across the emerging technology ecosystem, including reports on conductive inks, stretchable electronics, wearable technology, printed electronics, printed and flexible sensors, the Internet of Things, healthcare & life sciences, and many more, IDTechEx has leveraged a broad network and experience across the team of expert analysts for this research. IDTechEx has also hosted many prominent industry events covering e-textile technology. The result of these efforts enables this report to be a comprehensive characterisation of the e-textiles industry today, and an excellent resource for any player involved in or actively investigating this space.
This report provides the following information.
Technology analysis:
  • Established and emerging manufacturing methods for e-textiles through conductive fibers (weaving, knitting, embroidery) and conductive ink printing.
  • Breakdown of preferred manufacturing methods over more than 200 players, including trends in manufacturing methods observed over the last six years.
  • Discussions on advantages and drawbacks of each manufacturing method, along with challenges in manufacturing faced by the industry
  • Overview of components known to be integrated with e-textiles, including heaters, electrodes, pressure sensors, etc.
  • Analysis of use cases and opportunities for various components.
Market analysis and forecast:
  • Discussions of four key application areas for e-textile: biometric monitoring, heating, lighting, and all others.
  • Case study of smart footwear, including evaluation of the value proposition along with SWOT and Porter's Five Forces analysis of this application.
  • Where relevant, detailed SWOT and Porter's Five Forces analysis to assess potential of e-textiles in specific use cases.
  • Discussions on challenges and opportunities for e-textiles across several use cases and segments including healthcare, wellness, sports, and fitness, among others.
  • 10-year market forecasts for revenue and volume of products sold by application.
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2010 - 2022
CAGRThe global market for e-textiles is expected to reach US$783M in 2033. This represents a CAGR of 3.8% compared to 2023.
Forecast Period2023 - 2033
Forecast UnitsAnnual sales revenue (US$ M), annual sales volumes (millions)
Regions CoveredWorldwide
Segments CoveredBiometric monitoring, textile heating, textile lighting, others
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Further information
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1.1.Executive introduction
1.2.Timeline: Historic context for e-textiles
1.3.Timeline: Commercial beginnings and early growth
1.4.Timeline: A boom in interest, funding and activity
1.5.Timeline: Challenges emerge from the optimism
1.6.Timeline: Present day
1.7.Industry challenges for e-textiles
1.8.E-textile product types
1.9.Materials usage in e-textiles
1.10.The four key application categories of e-textiles
1.11.Example product types for key e-textile application categories
1.12.Commercial progress with e-textile projects
1.13.Commercial progress: Heating
1.14.Commercial progress: Biometric monitoring
1.15.Commercial progress: Lighting
1.16.Commercial progress: Others
1.17.Types of revenue
1.18.Market data and forecast methodology
1.19.Revenue in e-textiles, by market sector
1.20.Revenue from e-textiles products by type
1.21.Summary: Market data and forecasts (2)
1.22.Key report conclusions (1)
1.23.Key report conclusions (2)
2.1.2.E-Textiles: Where textiles meet electronics
2.1.3.Levels of electronic integration in e-textiles
2.1.4.Examples of e-textile products
2.1.5.Context within wearable technology
2.1.6.Key trends in wearable technology
2.1.7.Strategies for creating textile-integrated electronics
2.1.8.Materials usage in e-textiles (I)
2.1.9.Materials usage in e-textiles (II)
2.1.10.Major changes since the previous edition
2.2.E-textile materials and components
2.3.E-textile manufacturing methods
2.3.1.How can e-textiles be made?
2.3.2.Comparing methods of producing e-textiles
2.4.E-textiles through conductive fibres
2.4.1.Introduction to conductive fibers in e-textiles
2.4.2.Integration of electronic components directly into fibers have been demonstrated and commercialised
2.4.3.Yarn types favoured in e-textiles
2.4.4.Methods of adding conductivity to textiles
2.4.5.Manufacturing e-textiles: Knitting
2.4.6.Manufacturing e-textiles: Embroidery
2.4.7.Manufacturing e-textiles: Weaving
2.4.8.Woven e-textiles case study: Project Jacquard (I)
2.4.9.Woven e-textiles case study: Project Jacquard (II)
2.4.10.E-textiles through conventional textile manufacturing machines
2.4.11.Comparing methods of forming e-textiles from conductive fibers
2.4.12.Challenges with conductive fibers in e-textiles
2.4.13.Key takeaways
2.5.Conductive inks for e-textiles
2.5.1.Conductive inks in e-textiles: Introduction
2.5.2.Profiles of companies providing inks suitable for e-textiles
2.5.3.Conductive ink requirements for e-textiles
2.5.4.Stretchable inks are suitable for e-textiles
2.5.5.The role of particle size in stretchable inks
2.5.6.Metal gel as a stretchable ink
2.5.7.Permeability of particle-free inks enable direct metallization of fabric to form e-textiles
2.5.8.Operating principle of particle-free inks
2.5.9.Patterning and design may be used to supplement capabilities of printed conductive inks
2.5.10.Comparing conductive inks in e-textiles
2.5.11.Challenges with conductive inks in e-textiles
2.5.12.Key takeaways
3.1.1.Components in e-textiles: Introduction
3.1.2.Sensors used in smart clothing for biometrics
3.1.3.Overview of components in e-textiles
3.1.4.Electronic components are joined by connectors
3.1.5.Connector designs and implementations
3.2.Wearable electrodes
3.2.1.Electrodes in e-textiles: Introduction
3.2.2.Key requirements of wearable electrodes
3.2.3.Electrodes in e-textiles: Players and applications
3.2.4.Wet vs dry electrodes
3.2.5.Dry electrodes: A more durable emerging solution
3.2.6.E-textiles integrate dry electrodes and conductive inks
3.2.7.Opportunities for e-textile ECG
3.2.8.Electrode and sensing functionality woven into textiles
3.2.9.Electrodes in e-textiles: Conclusions
3.3.Inertial measurement units (IMUs)
3.3.1.Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs): Introduction
3.3.2.IMU sensor packages
3.3.3.IMUs for measuring gait and motion
3.3.4.Limitations and common errors with MEMS sensors
3.3.5.The challenge of using IMUs in e-textiles
3.3.6.MEMS IMUs are becoming a commodity
3.3.7.IMUs in e-textiles: Conclusions
3.4.Pressure sensors
3.4.1.Force / pressure sensing in e-textiles: Introduction
3.4.2.Smart insoles are the main application for pressure sensors in e-textiles
3.4.3.Force sensing with piezoresistive materials
3.4.4.Force sensing with piezoelectric materials
3.4.5.Force sensing with capacitive sensors
3.4.6.Comparing pressure sensor mechanisms
3.4.7.Pressure sensors in e-textiles: Conclusions
3.5.Strain sensing
3.5.1.Strain sensing with e-textiles: Introduction
3.5.2.Capacitance versus resistance strain sensing
3.5.3.Capacitive strain sensors
3.5.4.Use of dielectric electroactive polymers (EAPs)
3.5.5.Strain sensitive e-textiles utilized in gloves
3.5.6.Resistive strain sensors
3.5.7.Resistive strain sensor example
3.5.8.Wearable strain sensors based on liquid metal gel
3.5.9.Mapping the wearable strain sensor landscape
3.5.10.Strain sensors for e-textiles: Conclusions
3.6.Temperature sensors
3.6.1.Temperature sensors in e-textiles: Introduction
3.6.2.Incumbent methods for measuring core body temperature are invasive
3.6.3.Localized temperature sensing for detecting ulcer formation
3.6.4.Temperature sensing: Conclusions
3.7.Heaters in e-textiles
3.7.1.Textile heating: Introduction
3.7.2.Textile heating: Applications
3.7.3.Textile heating: Technological progression
3.7.4.Principles of resistive heating
3.7.5.Material choices for heating elements
3.7.6.Technology comparison for e-textile heating technologies
3.7.7.Heaters in e-textiles through conductive ink printing
3.7.8.Conductive ink requirements for printed heaters
3.7.9.Textile heating: Conclusions
3.8.Textile lighting
3.8.1.Textile lighting: Introduction
3.8.2.Methods of implementing lighting in e-textiles
3.8.3.Comparing methods of textile lighting
3.8.4.Textile lighting: Conclusions
4.1.1.The four key application categories of e-textiles
4.1.2.Example product types for key e-textile application categories
4.1.3.Commercial progress with e-textile projects
4.1.4.Types of revenue
4.2.Biometric monitoring: Applications and business models
4.2.1.Biometric monitoring in e-textiles: Introduction
4.2.2.Biometric monitoring through e-textiles for wellness and fitness
4.2.3.Player breakdown by target applications and business model
4.2.4.Biometric parameters to be monitored for healthcare, wellness, sports, and fitness
4.2.5.E-textile players by biometric parameters monitored
4.2.6.Heart rate monitoring for healthcare
4.2.7.Examples of heart rhythm monitoring in e-textiles
4.2.8.SWOT analysis of e-textiles for heart rate monitoring in healthcare
4.2.9.Patient monitoring using e-textiles
4.2.10.Bedsore / pressure ulcer prevention
4.2.11.Urinary incontinence
4.2.12.Wound care and compression therapies
4.2.13.Owlet: A case study (I)
4.2.14.Owlet: A case study (II)
4.2.15.Biometric monitoring via e-textiles in firefighting apparel
4.2.16.Smart beds and mattresses
4.2.17.Porter's five forces analysis of e-textiles in healthcare
4.2.18.Porter's five forces analysis of e-textiles in wellness
4.2.19.Sports & Fitness: Key product characteristics
4.2.20.Efforts from the largest apparel brands
4.2.21.Opportunities in the prosumer market for EMG integrated e-textiles
4.2.22.Porter's five forces analysis of e-textiles in sports and fitness
4.2.23.E-textiles in space
4.3.Application case study: Biometric monitoring in smart footwear
4.3.1.Smart footwear: Introduction
4.3.2.Smart insoles target both fitness and medical applications
4.3.3.Mapping the smart footwear player landscape
4.3.4.Gait monitoring is the primary application for smart footwear
4.3.5.Side-effect management for diabetes
4.3.6.Intervention pathways depend on temperature sensors and RPM integration
4.3.7.Smart footwear through e-textiles: SWOT analysis
4.4.Biometric monitoring: Conclusions
4.4.1.Biometric monitoring through e-textiles: SWOT analysis
4.4.2.The impact of VC funding 2011-2022
4.4.3.Key takeaways
4.5.Textile heating: Applications and business models
4.5.1.Textile heating: Introduction
4.5.2.Main textile heating product types
4.5.3.Textile heating: Players by targeted application
4.5.4.Heated motorcycle jackets
4.5.5.Heated clothing value chain
4.5.6.Heated clothing for sports and outdoor activities
4.5.7.Heated blankets
4.5.8.Heated textiles for workwear and safety PPE
4.5.9.Building-integrated opportunities for textile heaters
4.5.10.E-textiles for space heating in vehicle interiors
4.5.11.Textile heating: SWOT analysis
4.5.12.Key takeaways
4.6.Textile lighting: Applications and business models
4.6.1.Textile lighting: Introduction
4.6.2.Mass market fashion with textile lighting
4.6.3.Safety lighting using e-textiles
4.6.4.Textile lighting in automotive interiors
4.6.5.Textile lighting: SWOT analysis
4.6.6.Key takeaways
4.7.Other e-textile functionalities
4.7.1.Motion capture in animation
4.7.2.Motion capture for AR/VR
4.7.3.Haptic suits using e-textiles
4.7.4.Assistive clothing
4.7.5.Wearable technology for animals
4.8.Other applications of conductive textiles
4.8.1.Conductive (non-electronic) textiles
4.8.2.Electromagnetic shielding
4.8.3.Antistatic protective clothing
4.8.4.Antimicrobial textiles
4.8.5.Thermal regulation in textiles
4.8.6.Protective clothing for impact resistance
5.1.Market data and forecast methodology
5.2.E-textiles historic revenue data, 2010-2022
5.3.E-textiles product revenue forecast, 2023-2033
5.4.E-textiles historic product volume data, 2010-2022
5.5.E-textiles product volume forecast, 2023-2033
5.6.Comparison with previous forecasts (I)
5.7.Comparison with previous forecasts (II)
5.8.Forecasts: Biometric monitoring
5.9.Forecasts: Textile heating
5.10.Forecasts: Textile lighting
6.2.ACI Materials
6.4.Conductive Transfers
6.8.Walk With Path
6.10.Sensing Tex
6.11.Liquid Wire
6.13.Fieldsheer Apparel Technologies
6.14.Noble Biomaterials
6.15.Liquid X
6.18.AI Silk
6.19.AiQ Synertial
6.23.SenQ (Asia Air Survey)

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Die Märkte für intelligente Kleidung und E-Textilien werden voraussichtlich bis 2033 780 Mio. USD überschreiten.

Report Statistics

Slides 222
Companies 27
Forecasts to 2033

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