14 Oct 2020

Supercapacitors Increasingly Preferred for Wind Power
Large supercapacitors cost thousands of dollars. They save millions of dollars when preventing self-destruction as with pitch control of the blades of a wind turbine in a storm when the electrics fail.
13 Sep 2017

Large companies target energy independent electric vehicles
The IDTechEx report, Energy Independent Electric Vehicles Land, Water, Air 2017-2037 covers markets, technology timelines, energy harvesting and extreme powertrain efficiency involved. Constantly updated, it now reveals backing of many large companies.
9 Aug 2017

Ship energy independence from multimode energy harvesting
It is now becoming clear that the appalling emissions from ships that cause global warming and local injuries can be virtually eliminated.
14 Jul 2017

Energy Independent Electric Vehicles: Big Companies & New Technologies
EIVs are an idea whose time has come.