Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor System for Rotorcraft - Flight Tests (Energy Harvesting & Storage USA 2010)

Mr Steve Arms, President
United States
Nov 16, 2010.


MicroStrain Presentation*
MicroStrain Audio*

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Presentation Summary

  • Flight testing of both strain and vibration energy harvesters used to power smart wireless sensors aboard helicopters.
  • The Wireless Sensor Data Aggregator (WSDA™) which autonomously performs data collection and time synchronization for wired and wireless sensing networks.
  • Latest advances in energy saving methods for sensors in structural loads monitoring applications

Speaker Biography (Steve Arms)

Mr. Arms received his Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Vermont in 1983. He has been awarded 30 US patents, and has over 10 pending. He has contributed to 18 journal publications and 44 abstracts/presentations in the areas of advanced instrumentation, wireless sensing, and energy harvesting. Mr. Arms is founder & CEO of MicroStrain, Inc., a leading manufacturer of displacement , orientation, and wireless sensor systems for remote monitoring of advanced machines and structures.

Company Profile (MicroStrain)

MicroStrain logo
Founded in Williston, Vermont, 1987, MicroStrain is a privately held corporation producing innovative wireless, micro-miniature displacement, orientation and strain sensor networks for the next generation of smart machines and structures. Our patented wireless sensing systems combine advanced, time-synchronized micro-power electronics with miniaturized vibration, strain, and solar energy harvesters. These systems are reliable, easy to install, and eliminate costly wiring and battery replacement.
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