Presentations for 2015
3D Printing Europe 2015
3D Printing has Been Turned into True Mass Manufacturing Globally (29 Apr)
3D Technologies for Museums in Berlin (28 Apr)
An additively Manufactured Titanium Implant for Neurocranial Reconstruction (28 Apr)
Analysis of the 3D Printing Industry: Applications, Unmet Needs and Future Markets (28 Apr)
Approach for Integrating Three-Dimensional Conductive Paths in Additively Manufactured Parts. (29 Apr)
Bioinks - Printable Biological Tissue (28 Apr)
From Total Cranial Implant to 3D Bioprinting (28 Apr)
Hybrid Materials Deposition Technology Dedicated to Ceramics Smart 3D Printing (29 Apr)
Micrometer-scale 3D Printing with Aerosol Jet (29 Apr)
Multi-Material 3D Printing (28 Apr)
New 3D Printing System for the Medical Market (28 Apr)
Opportunities for Production Implementation of Additive Manufacturing at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics (28 Apr)
Printed Circuit Boards, a Hacker's Analysis (29 Apr)
Towards High-Resolution Multi-Material AM: Lepus NXT (29 Apr)
WAAM - Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (29 Apr)
What is the Manufacturing Potential of Selective Laser Melting? (28 Apr)
When will the PCB go 3D? (29 Apr)
Which Plastics can be Recycled into 3D Printing Filament? (28 Apr)
3D Printing USA 2015
(19 Nov)
3D Printing - Envisioning the Virtual Factory of the Future (19 Nov)
A Hybrid Approach to Accelerate Adoption of Metal 3D Printing (18 Nov)
A New Approach to Rapid Prototyping (19 Nov)
Advanced Biofabrication Technologies (18 Nov)
Breaking Chains and Shaking Foundations (19 Nov)
Challenges in the 3D Desktop Marketplace (19 Nov)
Designing for Additive and Subtractive - Selecting the Right Prototyping and or Production Technology for your Product (18 Nov)
Digitization of assets: the extent and limitation of what manufacturing companies can learn from the media and entertainment industry (19 Nov)
Direct Digital Manufacturing of PEEK/PAEK Composite Parts (19 Nov)
DSM's Innovative Materials for 3D Printing (19 Nov)
FDM and PolyJet Materials: What's New and What's Next? (18 Nov)
From 2D to 3D Printed Electronics (19 Nov)
How 3D Printing will enable the future of Direct Digital Manufacturing (19 Nov)
Killing Trinkets: 3D Printing of Electronic Devices (19 Nov)
The Quest for3D Printing Killer Apps (18 Nov)
Understanding An Industry (18 Nov)
Update on the 3D Printing Industry: Latest Developments and Future Opportunities (18 Nov)
Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing
Automotive 2025: Industry Without Borders (28 Apr)
Auxiliary Power Units Selection for Range Extended EVs (28 Apr)
Bridging the Future via Hybrid Flight (28 Apr)
Electric Transportation: An Overview Of Road Vehicle, Airplane, Rail And Ship Applications (28 Apr)
Fuel Cell: The Best Range Extender (28 Apr)
Injection-Molded Structural Electronics—Design Opportunities and Adoption Challenges (29 Apr)
Linear Power Systems Technology for Electric Vehicle Applications (28 Apr)
New EV Components and Smart Materials: Market of over $200 Billion in 2025 - What, Where, Why (28 Apr)
New Generation of Ultracapacitors for Automotive (29 Apr)
Optimize EV Infrastructure Utilization and Improve Vehicle-grid Integration with PowerHydrant (28 Apr)
Riding in the Car of the Future (29 Apr)
The WITT - Capturing Energy from Motion (using all six degrees of freedom) for Marine Vessels and Other Energy Harvesting Applications (28 Apr)
Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing. USA 2015
Advanced and Post Lithium-Ion Batteries Technologies and Markets (19 Nov)
Anode-Less Battery - Safe and Ultra-High Energy Density Battery (19 Nov)
Driving on Sunshine (19 Nov)
Electric Vehicles - Research Perspectives of Fraunhofer IZM Focusing on Eco-Reliability Requirements (18 Nov)
Future Motors and Rotating Machines (19 Nov)
Graphene Based Supercapacitors : Results and Improvements (19 Nov)
High Efficiency, Fast Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles (18 Nov)
Lithium Sulphur Batteries: Technology Development and Market Penetration Progress (19 Nov)
Optimize EV Infrastructure Utilization and Improve Vehicle-Grid Integration with PowerHydrant (18 Nov)
Printed Functional Systems on Aircraft Structures (19 Nov)
Solar, Storage and EV are Joined at the Hip Now (18 Nov)
The EV Market Land Water Air to 2026 and the EV End Game: Energy Independent Vehicles (18 Nov)
The Future Evolution of Electronics in Vehicles (18 Nov)
The Future of Lithium Batteries (19 Nov)
The Future of Range Extenders (18 Nov)
The Future of Urban Mobility is Electric & Wireless (18 Nov)
The Scalable Witt Motion Energy Harvester Providing Electricity for Autonomous Vessels and Other Vehicles (19 Nov)
Transition Into Zero Emission Bus Transportation System - Challenges and Solutions (18 Nov)
Ultra-lightweight, Thin and Flexible, High Efficiency Solar for Anything that Moves (19 Nov)
What Happens When 3D Printing and Conductive Inks Converge? (18 Nov)
Energy Harvesting & Storage USA 2015
Airborne Wind Energy Technologies Entering Commercial Phase with a Potential Without Comparison (18 Nov)
Bistable Transducer with Self-optimized Extractor for Efficient Broadband Vibrational Energy Harvesting (19 Nov)
Development of a Third Generation Photovoltaic Panel Having Almost 80% of Total Solar Energy Conversion (19 Nov)
Developments in Wireless Powering Devices and Displays (19 Nov)
Energy Harvesting for Wearables to Wireless Sensing and Everything in Between (19 Nov)
Energy Harvesting with Anylight™ Solar (18 Nov)
Energy Harvesting: Applications and Forecasts for the Next Decade (18 Nov)
Energy Management Strategies and Solutions for Wireless Sensors (19 Nov)
High Power Thermoelectric Recovery of Waste Heat in Vehicles and on Land (18 Nov)
How EnOcean Self Powered Battery Free Devices Enable the Internet of Things (19 Nov)
Lighting has changed ... (18 Nov)
Low Power, Reliable Wireless Sensor Networks for the Industrial IoT (18 Nov)
Printed & Fibre Supercapacitors: Research to Enterprise? (18 Nov)
The AirLoom - Wind Capture which Combines the Concepts of Traditional Wind Turbines and Airborne Wind to Achieve 15x Cost Savings (18 Nov)
The Fully Scalable WITT Motion Energy Harvester - Providing electricity at all Power Levels (18 Nov)
The Future of Organic Photovoltaics (OPV): Combining Customisation and Manufacturing at Scale (19 Nov)
Thin-film Battery Manufacturing Technology and Material Development for IoT Applications (18 Nov)
Energy Harvesting and Storage Europe 2015
A Novel Capacitive Energy Harvesting Concept (29 Apr)
A Novel Sensor to Monitor Railway Earthworks - Energy Harvesting Case Study (29 Apr)
Assessment of MEMS Vibration Energy Harvesting for High Temperature Sensing Applications (29 Apr)
Connected Sensing for Productivity Leap with IoT (29 Apr)
Energy Autonomous Wireless Instruments in the Process Industry (28 Apr)
Energy Harvesting and Internet of Things - Some Highlights 2015-2025 (28 Apr)
Energy Harvesting Systems with Optimized Power Management Circuits (28 Apr)
Energy Harvesting: RMT Components, Solutions, Developments (29 Apr)
Flexible Aluminum-Nanoceramic Material for TEG Packaging (29 Apr)
Indoor light Energy Harvester with High Power Output (29 Apr)
Large Area Transparent Thin Film Thermoelectric Devices for Smart Window and Flexible Applications' (29 Apr)
LEDs as Cost Effective Energy Harvesters for IoT Sensor Nodes (29 Apr)
Man vs Machine: Scaling Footfall Harvesting for Smart Cities of the Future (29 Apr)
PowerWeave: Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Fibres, Towards a Self-Powered Fabric (29 Apr)
Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting; Modules and Systems for Various Applications (29 Apr)
Vacuum Technology Enabling the IoT World (29 Apr)
Wireless Power over Distance: From milliwatts to Kilowatts (29 Apr)
Graphene Europe 2015
Advances in Technology Development for the Production and Applications of Graphene Materials (29 Apr)
Carbon Nanomembranes - the Other Carbon-Based 2D-Material (29 Apr)
Deep Ultraviolet LEDs: A killer Application for Graphene? (28 Apr)
Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Existing and Future Markets (28 Apr)
Graphene based Coatings on Steel for Energy Storage and Conversion (28 Apr)
Graphene Based Protective Coatings : Keeping Rust at Bay (28 Apr)
Graphene Growth Towards Commercialisation (29 Apr)
Graphene Oxide Application in Nanomedicine: Future Perspectives and Challenges. (28 Apr)
High Strength Metallurgical Graphene (HSMG) - Industrially Scaled Product and its Properties. (28 Apr)
Removing the Volume and Cost Barriers to Economic Graphene Commercialisation (28 Apr)
The Liquid Exfoliation Route to Graphene (29 Apr)
Vittoria Tires & Wheels powered by Directa Graphene Plus (28 Apr)
Graphene USA 2015
5 Reasons to do Graphene Transfer in Your Own Lab Using Semi-Automated System for Electrochemical Delamination (19 Nov)
Advances Toward Roll to Roll CVD Graphene Production and Graphene Sensor Applications (19 Nov)
Challenges in Dispersing and Compounding Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene into Thermoplastic Polymers (19 Nov)
Commercialization of Graphene Applications Through Malaysia's National Graphene Action Plan 2020 (19 Nov)
Commercialization of Graphene in China (18 Nov)
Continuous Microwave Exfoliation Reactor for Graphene Manufacture (19 Nov)
Delivering Affordable Few-Layer Graphene Oxide for High-Volume Applications (18 Nov)
Engineering Sustainable Carbon-Based Nano Materials from Kraft Lignin for Energy Storage, Renewable Fuel Production, and Environmental Processes (19 Nov)
Establishing a Tailored Graphene Supply Chain (18 Nov)
G2O Graphene Water Membranes (19 Nov)
Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Existing and Future Markets (18 Nov)
Graphene Based Supercapacitors : Results and Improvements (18 Nov)
Graphene by the Tonne (18 Nov)
Inherently Sensing Textiles (19 Nov)
NanoXplore - Unleashing A New Generation of Graphene-Polymer Composites (19 Nov)
Realising Commercial Value from Graphene (19 Nov)
Removing the Volume and Cost Barriers to Economic Graphene Commercialisation (18 Nov)
Solution Processing of Graphene, Related 2D Crystals and Hybrid Structures for Energy Applications (18 Nov)
The road to commercialization of Graphene nanomaterials (19 Nov)
Thermal Applications of xGnP Graphene Nanoplatelets (19 Nov)
IDTechEx Sensors USA 2015
Challenges and Opportunities for the Sensor Industry (18 Nov)
Creating Viable Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes With Off The Shelf Technology (19 Nov)
Dielectric Electroactive Polymer Sensors - hyper-elastic printed capacitors (18 Nov)
Environmental for IoT: New Trends and Use Cases (19 Nov)
Flexible Hybrid Sensor Systems (19 Nov)
From MEMS to NEMS - How Miniaturization Creates New Opportunities in Both Inertial and Biochemical Sensors (19 Nov)
High Sensitivity Nanotube and Graphene-Enabled Sensor Technologies (18 Nov)
Indoor Air Quality: Empowering the Consumer (19 Nov)
Innovative Applications of Gas Sensing in the Internet of Things (19 Nov)
QuantumFilm Sensors for Enchanted Devices (18 Nov)
Sensors: A Vision from Honeywell (18 Nov)
Smart Connectivity as the Enabler of IoT (18 Nov)
Temperature Sensing and More (18 Nov)
Tiny Printed Environmental Sensors for Low-Cost, Ultra-Low-Power Embedded Measurements (19 Nov)
IDTechEx Wearable USA 2015
Connecting the Dots Between Mobile Fitness and Mobile Health (19 Nov)
Cooperative Sensors: A Disruptive Approach for Wearable Medical Devices (19 Nov)
Creating Textile Integrated Wearables (18 Nov)
CrowdOptic - Middleware for IoT Wearables (19 Nov)
Dressing Room or War Room; In apparel, winning or losing your customer begins in the dressing room (18 Nov)
Future of Smart Eyewear in a Post-Google Glass World (19 Nov)
Haptics for Wearable, it is all about Low Frequency (19 Nov)
HealthKit, HomeKit: Do we really need two (or more) frameworks connecting our lives? (19 Nov)
How the Internet of Things Will Cure Alzheimer's (19 Nov)
Loopd - A Wearable Smart Conference Badge & Enterprise Solution (19 Nov)
Opportunities for Silicones in Wearable Electronic Devices (19 Nov)
Powering Small, Flexible IoT Devices in the Real World: What We've Learned From 10M Shipped Units (18 Nov)
Sisyphus to the Startup: You want me to wear what? The Challenges and Opportunities of Smart Textiles (19 Nov)
Smart Fabric, The New Silicon (19 Nov)
Taking Wearables from Start-up Concept to Volume Manufactured and Fulfilled Product (19 Nov)
Technical Challenges with Touch Technology in Wearables Today (19 Nov)
Technology That Touches Lives (19 Nov)
TempTraq: A Commercial Evolution of Printed and Flexible Electronics (19 Nov)
The New Supply Chain: How Wearable Technology is Disrupting the Apparel Industry (18 Nov)
Transferring Wearables From Fitness to Personalized Healthcare Through Individual Breast Cancer Screening (19 Nov)
Wearable Technology: Markets, Trends and Opportunities 2015-2025 (18 Nov)
When Fashion and Technology Collide (18 Nov)
Wireless Power: Enabling the Next-Generation of Wearable Devices (19 Nov)
Internet of Things Applications Europe 2015
Announcing BeanIoT™ - Defining Form, Fit and Function of IoT Leaf-Nodes (29 Apr)
Business Models for Building Successful IoT Start-Ups (29 Apr)
Challenges from the Identities of Things (28 Apr)
DASH7 Transforms Things into a Distributed Database (29 Apr)
Economics of Data in IoT: How to Sell/Buy Data? (28 Apr)
Internet of Things Drives New Vertical Markets Ranging from Wearables, to the Connected Car, Healthcare and More (28 Apr)
Made to Order (29 Apr)
Micro-Location - The value of Answering to the "Where" Question (29 Apr)
Retail RFID Implementation Best Practices (29 Apr)
Security for Future Smart-Home IoT Networks - Easy to use (29 Apr)
Smart Connectivity as the Building Block for Internet of Things (28 Apr)
Smart ESLs: IoT Enablers to Connected Store (29 Apr)
The IoT and Street Lighting: 200k Nodes and Counting (28 Apr)
The Open Platforms as Key Enabler for Developing IoT Applications (29 Apr)
Transforming Store Stock Management through RFID Technology (29 Apr)
Internet of Things Applications USA 2015
(19 Nov)
Fujitsu Solutions for RFID-Enabled Part Marking and Traceability (19 Nov)
How BLE 4.2 Enables a Practical IoT (18 Nov)
How Electric Utilities are Leveraging Big Data and the Internet of Things (19 Nov)
Identifying the Things (19 Nov)
Internet of Secure Things (IOST): Utility/Industry Grade Security of Network Connected Devices (19 Nov)
Item Visibility For The Internet of Things (19 Nov)
New Customer & Business Opportunities Leveraging Connected Cars (18 Nov)
PZT MEMS Based Energy Harvesting for Miniaturized Smart Systems (19 Nov)
Securing Assets with Intelligent Devices (18 Nov)
Securing the Internet of Things (19 Nov)
Sensor-Based IoT Architecture (19 Nov)
The Magic of I2c Sensors in the Internet of Things (19 Nov)
The Next New Thing: Trends in IoT From the World of Venture Capital and Startups (18 Nov)
Using RAIN to Improve the Customer Experience in the OR Waiting Room (19 Nov)
Printed Electronics Europe 2015
A Truly Flexible Touch Sensor and its Applications (29 Apr)
Advanced Materials Deposition Digital Solutions: Latest State of the Art R&D Tools and High Throughput Initial Industrial Solutions (29 Apr)
Advances in Thin, Printable Conductors (29 Apr)
Applications of Photonic Curing, and Enabled Materials (29 Apr)
Automotive Applications for Printed Electronics at Jaguar Land Rover (28 Apr)
Barrier Films for Technical Applications (29 Apr)
Cadmium-Free Quantum Dots for Enhanced Color Displays (29 Apr)
Capacitive Fingerprint Sensors: Tiny Touchscreens (29 Apr)
Characterization of Glass Like Barrier Coating with a Differential Pressure Method: Use in Research, Product Development, Fabrication and Measurement Based on Standard (29 Apr)
Construction of the World's First Mass Production Line and Technological Advancements for Plastic Substrate Flexible OLED Lighting Panels (28 Apr)
Continuous Monitoring of Manufacturing Processes Dedicated to Printed Electronics (29 Apr)
Cost-Efficient Barrier Films for Flexible OLED Applications (29 Apr)
Creating Value-Added Products Using Surface Electronics (28 Apr)
Development of High-Performing Semiconducting Polymers for Transistors and Solar Cells (29 Apr)
Efficient Organic Multijunction Solar Films Prepared by Vacuum Roll-to-Roll Production (28 Apr)
Emerging PV Technologies in Maturing Markets: Entry Conditions for Sustainability (29 Apr)
EXEGER - Powering Things: How a PV Company will Change Consumer Electronics (28 Apr)
Films For The Flexible And 3D Touch Revolutions (28 Apr)
Fully Inkjet-Printed Flexible Wheatstone Bridge Temperature Sensors (28 Apr)
Functional Conductive Film for Flexible Display and R2R Coating Process (29 Apr)
High Performance Nano Silver Conductor Development Through Open Innovation (29 Apr)
High Resolution Printing Technology for R2R PE Process (29 Apr)
How can China Play a Big Role in the Rising Era of PE Industry? (29 Apr)
Integrating PV into a Textile Architecture to Power Facade Lighting (29 Apr)
Internet of Packages (28 Apr)
Large Volume Continuous Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticle Dispersions for Conductive inks (29 Apr)
Nanoparticle High Conductivity Silver Ink (29 Apr)
New Printed Electrochemical Gas Sensors on Planar Polymer Technology (28 Apr)
Non-Display Applications for Plastic Displays (29 Apr)
Pilot Production of Nanosilver Powder and R2R Inkjet Printing of RFID Antenna with the Nanosilver Based Conductive Ink (29 Apr)
Polyester Films for the Next Generation of Flexible Electronics (29 Apr)
Polymer Nanostructures Fabrication and use in Sensing Applications (28 Apr)
Printable Electronics - Growing a Thriving Ecosystem in Canada (29 Apr)
Printed Electronics, Available Technologies, Possible Functions, Respective Costs (29 Apr)
Printed Hybrid Logic Circuits (29 Apr)
Printed Optical Sensors and Image Sensors on Plastic for Medical, Internet-of-things, Industry 4.0 and Wearable Devices (28 Apr)
Process Management of Printing Electronic Features (29 Apr)
Solid State Optoelectronics for Ultrahigh Resolution Displays Using Nanometer Phase Change Materials (29 Apr)
State of the Market (28 Apr)
The Largest Commercial use of Inkjet Printing so far - Technology Lessons, What's Next? (29 Apr)
The Power of Touch - Exploring the Real World Web (28 Apr)
The Smarter Way to Build the Internet of Everything (28 Apr)
Transparent Conductive Films of Metal Grids made via Coaxial Electrospinning (29 Apr)
Welcome and Introduction (28 Apr)
Printed Electronics USA 2015
(18 Nov)
A Large-Area, Real-Time Pressure Sensor Matrix with Organic TFTs (19 Nov)
Advances in High Conductivity Inks for Flexible Electronics (19 Nov)
Advances in Thin, Printable Conductors (19 Nov)
Advancing Resolution Capabilities of Screen Printed Ag Circuitry in Large Format Production (19 Nov)
Development of High Resolution Roller Mold Fabrication Technology for R2R Printing Process (19 Nov)
Development of Low-Cost Copper Nanoparticle Ink and its Sintering Mechanism for Flash Light Sintering (19 Nov)
Development of R2R Cylindrical Bed Screen Printing System with Damped Motorizing Accumulator and Virtual Key-Key Align Control Algorithm (19 Nov)
Direct Write of Multifunctional Materials and Devices in UTC Products (18 Nov)
Enabling the Internet of Things for the Real World (19 Nov)
Evolving Low Power Consumption LCD "WhiteMagic(TM)" (19 Nov)
FHE Integration and Manufacturing for Killer Apps (18 Nov)
Flexible, Roll-to-Roll eWriter Displays and Applications (18 Nov)
High Biocompatible and Flexible PEDOT ink for Wearable Devices (18 Nov)
Highly Stable Inks Based on Silver Nanowires and Nanocelluloses for Transparent Conductive Layers Applications (19 Nov)
Inkjet Technology for RGB OLED Mass-Production (18 Nov)
Innovative Applications of Fully Printed, Flexible Sensors: Energy Harvesting and Smart Interfaces (18 Nov)
International Standards Development as a Path to Commercialization (19 Nov)
Latest Update of Komura-Tech's PE Printing Technology (18 Nov)
Optical Sensors in Organic and Plastic Electronics for Industry 4.0, Internet-Of-Things, Connected Object and Smart Lighting (18 Nov)
Our Smart Packaging Journey (18 Nov)
Perovskite Solar Modules: Towards Industrially Stand-Alone and Mechanically Stacked Applications (19 Nov)
Printable OLED and Flexible LCD Progress (19 Nov)
Printed Electronics of Ricoh : Technology, Application and Business (19 Nov)
Printed Electronics: Expanding Standards to Meet Shrinking Technology (19 Nov)
Printed Electronics: Successes, Trends and Money (18 Nov)
Printed Functional Systems on Aircraft Structures (18 Nov)
Quality Control of Ultra High Barrier Films by Comparison of the Barrier Improvement Factor Between Gases (19 Nov)
Quantum Dots for Printed Electronics Applications (19 Nov)
Recent Developments in OLED Lighting (18 Nov)
Recent Progress in Flexible OLED Lighting Panels (18 Nov)
Revolutionary Nanoparticle inkjet Technology Boosts Printed Electronics Performance (19 Nov)
Roll-to-Roll Printed Photonic Sintered Copper for Enabling High Density Interconnect Technology (19 Nov)
Status and Opportunities for Phosphorescent OLED Lighting (18 Nov)
Surface Electronics for Value-Added Products (18 Nov)
The Smarter Way to Build the Internet of Everything, Using Printed Electronics to Create a Truly Connected World (18 Nov)
Thin Film & Crystalline PV Capacity, Production, Shipments and Competitiveness: 2005 - 2015 (19 Nov)
Thin is In: Photonic Curing for Display Applications (19 Nov)
Ultra-Stretchable Printed Conductors for Electronic Textile Applications (18 Nov)
Welcome and Introduction (18 Nov)
What Happens When 3D Printing and Conductive Inks Converge? (19 Nov)
Wearable Technology Europe 2015
Advanced Optical solutions for New visualization Applications (29 Apr)
Can Fashion Bridge The Technology Gap? (28 Apr)
Connected, Continuous & Coordinated: How mHealth Improves Standards of Care and Enables Connected Therapies in Order to Improve Therapies and Outcomes (28 Apr)
Creating Textile Integrated Wearables (28 Apr)
Customers' Voice in Product Development and How You Process Feedback and Data (29 Apr)
Dispenser Printed Electronic Devices Directly on to Fabric for Smart Textile Applications (29 Apr)
Energy Solutions for Wearable Technologies (29 Apr)
Fitness Wearables: Standing out from the Crowd (28 Apr)
Next Generation of Wearables for Sport Application (28 Apr)
Printed Smart Textile Interactive Touch Sensors (29 Apr)
Smart Materials for Future Wearable Technology 2015-2025 (29 Apr)
Solar: Pulling the Plug on Next-Gen Wearables (29 Apr)
Stretchable Electrically-conductive Pastes for Wearable Device Packaging (29 Apr)
Wearable Technologies: The Design & Manufacturing Challenges (28 Apr)
Wearable Technology: Markets, Trends and Opportunities 2015-2025 (28 Apr)
You can do more than you can do - Activate your body potential through muscle stimulating textiles ( (28 Apr)