Print To Perform: Validated And Deployed Solutions For Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing Europe 2019)

Dr Steven Ribeiro-Ayeh, Senior Additive Manufacturing Consultant
Dassault Systèmes


Europe 2019 (pdf) Presentation - IDTechEx*
Europe 2019 (audio) Presentation - IDTechEx*
Europe 2019 (video) Presentation - IDTechEx*

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Presentation Summary

Today we would not sketch an airplane on a napkin, and then drive up to Toulouse or Seattle and ask an aircraft manufacturer to build that airplane just to see whether it flies. But when talking about additive manufacturing many actually take this approach of testing things just to see whether it works. While it may be ok for home printing, it is time consuming and expensive to develop real world industrial parts and processes in this arcane matter.
In this presentation we will talk about 'Print-to-Perform', the Dassault Systemes solution which allows engineers to create full featured, realistic simulations of various additive manufacturing processes. This means covering the whole digital chain from design development and design optimization to printer and print process definition, advanced print process simulation and life assessment of the printed part. The end-to-end process coverage allows for the optimizing the print process, including vital parameter identification and tools to minimize testing and reduce waste. Advanced virtual design and testing tools enable engineers to test and try part designs, print processes and new inventions in the virtual world.

Speaker Biography (Steven Ribeiro-Ayeh)

Dr Steven Ribeiro-Ayeh has been working with advanced simulations, process optimization and advanced simulations for more than 15 years. As a Senior Strategic Planning Analyst with Dassault Systemes he focusses on the development of additive manufacturing simulation technologies, allowing engineers to create advanced process simulation models for real world printing applications.

Company Profile (Dassault Systemes)

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Dassault Systèmes, the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, has the mission to provide business and people with 3DEXPERIENCE universes to imagine sustainable innovations harmonizing product, nature and life. This purpose has given birth to a unique portfolio of products and Industry Solution Experiences whose key strengths are in their scientific content and deep understanding of industrial processes. The Company's software portfolio spans a wide spectrum of domains from modelling and scientific simulation to production and logistics optimization, and is applicable from Natural Resources to Cities, Transportation, Buildings, Smart Products, Consumer Goods, all the way to biological systems and chemistry.
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